There's a restaurant with a play area here that offers $5 glasses of wine and $5 appetizers on Wednesdays and a play area for the kids to use. Why not??? Jess and I met after work for a drink and to let the kids burn off some steam. How do they have so much energy after a day at school? The only whining was when it was time to go home... it could be midnight and pitch-dark and these kids would still not want to go home.
I yawned in the car on the way back from AK's haircut and said "I'm tired!". AK said "Me too!".
We had a great time at the Mosers last night. AK always plays shy when she first sees them but was giggling and cuddling by the end of it all.
I did a bit of volunteer work today for the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman. They had a booth at a high school career fair and needed people to man the booth. It was mostly boring as I only had one rush of kids for about 30 mins. They were really cute and polite though - lots of ma'am-ing! It was funny to see the looks of horror on some of the kids' faces when I said "accounting" and "math". I don't think some of them will be applying for a job at my workplace any time soon :) One of the girls who is leading the 40-day challenge is a teacher at that high school, which I didn't know, so it was nice to run into her outside of the studio.
That glass of wine I had is sure making me sleepy - and AK asked me to have a bath with her tonight so I'm already cleaned up and now very relaxed!
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