When I picked AK up from daycare on Friday, I asked her what she had seen at school that day (I got an email newsletter earlier in the day explaining that some firemen with their truck had been visiting the daycare that day). Here's the conversation:
Me: What did you see at school today?
AK: Firetrucks!
Me: What color were they?
AK: Red!
Me: How big were they?
AK: THIS BIG (holding her hand above her head)
Me: And did they make a noise?
AK: (nodding head)
Me: What did they sound like?
AK: Wee oo wee oo wee ooo!!!!!
Friday night, we had the Mosers over for supper - Christie, Chris, Mack, Baby Johnny and Grandma! It was a great time and I cooked a pretty good supper, if I do say so myself! AK finally got to meet Baby Johnny. She wasn't too interested in him at first but did finally warm up to him after a while.
We also laughed when she used the remote control to turn off the TV and placed both that remote and the other one in the drawer to put them away. She's much more organized than I am! When we got up on Saturday morning, AK made a beeline for the side table and pulled out the remote to turn on the TV. She's much too smart!
On Saturday morning, AK put on one of her new dresses from "yoga" (that's a fair answer, as I go to yoga far more than I go to Cuba!) and we hit up the Farmer's Market. AK sampled some baked goods and like them so I bought her a little square - I think it was cranberry cinnamon something-or-other? We also bought some tomatos, starfruit and papayas. AK charmed everyone as she is known to.
Later that day, when AK was napping, I decided to have lunch, have a bath and meditate, in that order. Should have done it the other way around. I ate, hopped into the tub with a good book... and before I knew it, I had a curious toddler coming into the bathroom too! She napped for no more than 30mins. So she came into the tub with me, she needed a bath anyway and I didn't get around to the meditation! We headed out after AK's lunch to run some more errands. We went to the grocery store (found some Valentines for AK to give her classmates) and to the book store to get some presents. AK found herself a nice Thomas book there. We stopped in to see Karen as we were right by her place, and funny enough, her TV had Strawberry Shortcake on!!!
We then headed over to Hunter's house for supper and playtime. AK was sleeping over that night so I could easily go to my yoga this morning. She was so tired, probably from not napping much, that she insisted on going to bed when she was ready. She slept right until 7am today.
After the yoga meeting and class this morning, I headed to Hunter's house and then we all went out for breakfast at the Doghouse. AK is such a lucky little girl - she now has her own Radio Flyer scooter, thanks to Jess and Ben. She and Hunter were whizzing around on their scooters, and all the kids had a great breakfast. I guess after I left (I had a nutrition workshop today) AK wanted her water wings on? Ha!
However, when we went swimming at Matthew's later, she didn't want them on. Bet she was wishing she had them when she stepped off the ledge and went in right over her head! Karen was the hero and got AK out within seconds. She didn't cry, but clung to Karen, and when she came to me, she said "I was scared!".
AK was quite the pee-er tonight... it felt like she wanted to go potty every half hour. She did go pee every time so she definitely wasn't faking! I guess she's just well-hydrated, or she swallowed half the swimming pool!!!
So... after a weekend like that... I'm exhausted! Going to make a couple of phone calls, meditate and head to bed! xo
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