AK still napped for a while this afternoon but she did have a hard time settling down to sleep tonight. She got up about half hour after I put her to bed, and we watched a Dora video together. She then asked for a snack and gobbled up some cheese, crackers and cucumber (her request - and she demanded to brush her teeth again! Smart girl.). She started crying when I put her back to bed again and I finally figured out that her poor scratched-up legs were itchy :( so she got some Benadryl and more cream on her legs. She's quiet now so hopefully that was all that was needed for her.
Jess, Ben and Hunter came back for supper tonight. AK did a great job eating supper - she ate her green beans so fast I thought she'd inhaled them! She only had one bite of potato - still not a fan - and a bit of chicken. Of course neither kid was far when we cut some ice cream cake for dessert... I gave AK her own little slice in a bowl. Of course she devoured that, and asked for more. I said "no" and told her to lick her bowl if she still wanted to more. Ha. See what followed:

If there is one thing I can say about AK that gives me the greatest joy, it is her happiness and her laugh. It is SO easy to make her smile, it is SO easy to get her to giggle. She laughs from the bottom of her belly with absolute glee. She loves people... she loves to talk, to tease, to play, to share. She loves to imitate and copy - I was busy in the kitchen this afternoon so when AK got bored of watching and helping me cook, she went to play in her own kitchen. She tells me that she's not a kid, she's a "girl" and that she's a "good girl" and a "big girl", not a "little girl" or a "bad girl". She is so empathetic - Hunter was upset for a while last night and AK and I talked it out while he cried. She knew that "Hunter sad" and she wanted to give him a hug to make him feel better.
AK and I spoke on the phone to Grandma tonight. I asked AK if she wanted to go to the Ukrainian Festival with Grandma and she said "yes" and then "you (mommy) stay HERE!". I guess I'm not invited to go the Festival with AK! We also talked about Grandma planting green beans in her garden so that AK could eat them when we come home this summer.
I'm out of stories and up past my bedtime so I must go now! xo
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