I managed to borrow AK's daddy's truck so that was a bit confusing as soon as we left daycare. She did ask "Mommy's car broken?" so she obviously remembers last week and me driving someone else's vehicle. Apparently I only need a new battery so I can pick my truck up tomorrow and Jeremy can have the truck back.
AK was really happy to see me, likewise I was thrilled to see her. There were some pretty good hugs and kisses. We ran to Cost U Less quickly to exchange something and then headed home for supper. AK ate a GREAT supper tonight of roast chicken, green beans, brown rice and cheese. She also had some goldfish crackers and blueberries as snacks. I haven't seen her eat that much in a long time.
She got into her makeup and got made up!!! She loves playing with it all... we even cut and painted AK's fingernails and toenails tonight. The picture below shows the beauty (?) of it all.
Other exciting news today - AK HAD NO ACCIDENTS TODAY, INCLUDING AT SCHOOL! The ladies at school have mentioned that AK is prone to one or two accidents a day, but none at all today! No accidents at home either - as you can see below!
I just finished putting together a few things for supper tomorrow night. Christie is bringing her family, including her mom who is visiting, over for supper. I am excited for AK to meet Baby Johnny.
Today's yoga class was a wonderful heart-opening, back-bending class. I wish I had better words to describe how I felt after. It was a HARD class, I felt weak and dizzy at times, but I kept with it and stayed in the moment. I didn't back down like I would normally. I am getting close to halfway done the challenge and already think I will miss it when it's done.
Time to meditate and hit the hay. xo
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