I'll update on a few things first!
AK slept through on Thursday night, no dreams! It was great to have her crawling into bed with me around 630am knowing we'd both had a wonderful night's sleep. She was quite happy to go off to daycare yesterday. The classroom was going to have a visit from a parrot on Friday, I believe. Should be interesting to hear about that.
Yesterday was the last day of the 40 day challenge. We finished it up with a wonderful class last night, and there is a potluck this afternoon that should be really fun.
So after all this yoga, I got to wondering what my cardio health was like, and my friend wants me to do a 5K run on St. Patrick's Day, so I wandered over to her place to run on the treadmill. Only a couple of obstacles - I went to another friend's first and her treadmill was in awful condition - and I forgot I was supposed to wear RUNNING SHOES to run in. Ha. So I went barefoot, not something I'll do going forward but it wasn't too bad for me.
Anyway... I can run. What a shocker. The last time I ran, I must have been newly pregnant with AK as I remember a guy hopping on the treadmill next to me and I had to leave as the smell of either his clothing or his sweat made me feel ill. I never went back to that gym again. So we're talking late 2007 as the last time I ran. I don't hate running anymore, can't say I like it but I certainly dislike it a lot less than I used to! My breathing was way easier and I pretty much picked up exactly where I left off years ago - running 9 mins, walking 1 min to recover.
Gotta get moving and get ready for this potluck!!! xo
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dragging my butt!
Another night, another nightmare!!!
I hope this is a phase that passes quickly!!!
Anyway... being tired sure made for a long day. AK and I went to hang out with Hunter after daycare today as Jess needed a babysitter. Both kids kept me hopping - they are such copycats. What one does, the other does... what one wants, the other wants too! Neither one wanted the supper I put together, but they did keep going into the fridge for what they did want. Oh well, that happens sometimes! Both seemed a bit tired too which made for a few tussles.
Work was so busy today too... the biggest audit I am working on is being done out of Arizona. There is a couple of hours difference between Cayman and AZ, so by the time the auditors get going in the morning, I am off for lunch, by the time I get back, they are gone for lunch, by the time they get their thoughts together in the afternoon, I am off for the day... so frustrating to have to leave the office when I know they want to have a phone call with me. Unfortunately it was not to be. Hopefully everything will get sorted out tomorrow and this stress will go away.
Tomorrow night is the last class of my yoga challenge :) yay me!!
I hope this is a phase that passes quickly!!!
Anyway... being tired sure made for a long day. AK and I went to hang out with Hunter after daycare today as Jess needed a babysitter. Both kids kept me hopping - they are such copycats. What one does, the other does... what one wants, the other wants too! Neither one wanted the supper I put together, but they did keep going into the fridge for what they did want. Oh well, that happens sometimes! Both seemed a bit tired too which made for a few tussles.
Work was so busy today too... the biggest audit I am working on is being done out of Arizona. There is a couple of hours difference between Cayman and AZ, so by the time the auditors get going in the morning, I am off for lunch, by the time I get back, they are gone for lunch, by the time they get their thoughts together in the afternoon, I am off for the day... so frustrating to have to leave the office when I know they want to have a phone call with me. Unfortunately it was not to be. Hopefully everything will get sorted out tomorrow and this stress will go away.
Tomorrow night is the last class of my yoga challenge :) yay me!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
W(h)ine-Down Wednesdays
AK got a haircut today, it looks great. It was the usual great haircut - a video, a train to sit in and a lollipop to keep AK still!!!

There's a restaurant with a play area here that offers $5 glasses of wine and $5 appetizers on Wednesdays and a play area for the kids to use. Why not??? Jess and I met after work for a drink and to let the kids burn off some steam. How do they have so much energy after a day at school? The only whining was when it was time to go home... it could be midnight and pitch-dark and these kids would still not want to go home.
I yawned in the car on the way back from AK's haircut and said "I'm tired!". AK said "Me too!".
We had a great time at the Mosers last night. AK always plays shy when she first sees them but was giggling and cuddling by the end of it all.
I did a bit of volunteer work today for the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman. They had a booth at a high school career fair and needed people to man the booth. It was mostly boring as I only had one rush of kids for about 30 mins. They were really cute and polite though - lots of ma'am-ing! It was funny to see the looks of horror on some of the kids' faces when I said "accounting" and "math". I don't think some of them will be applying for a job at my workplace any time soon :) One of the girls who is leading the 40-day challenge is a teacher at that high school, which I didn't know, so it was nice to run into her outside of the studio.
That glass of wine I had is sure making me sleepy - and AK asked me to have a bath with her tonight so I'm already cleaned up and now very relaxed!

There's a restaurant with a play area here that offers $5 glasses of wine and $5 appetizers on Wednesdays and a play area for the kids to use. Why not??? Jess and I met after work for a drink and to let the kids burn off some steam. How do they have so much energy after a day at school? The only whining was when it was time to go home... it could be midnight and pitch-dark and these kids would still not want to go home.
I yawned in the car on the way back from AK's haircut and said "I'm tired!". AK said "Me too!".
We had a great time at the Mosers last night. AK always plays shy when she first sees them but was giggling and cuddling by the end of it all.
I did a bit of volunteer work today for the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman. They had a booth at a high school career fair and needed people to man the booth. It was mostly boring as I only had one rush of kids for about 30 mins. They were really cute and polite though - lots of ma'am-ing! It was funny to see the looks of horror on some of the kids' faces when I said "accounting" and "math". I don't think some of them will be applying for a job at my workplace any time soon :) One of the girls who is leading the 40-day challenge is a teacher at that high school, which I didn't know, so it was nice to run into her outside of the studio.
That glass of wine I had is sure making me sleepy - and AK asked me to have a bath with her tonight so I'm already cleaned up and now very relaxed!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Where's the coffee???
What a way to start the day!!!
AK crawled into bed with me about 430am. She fidgeted, kicked and basically made a pain of herself!!! I finally got up to get her some milk as she said she was thirsty and we finally fell back asleep as there was NO way we were getting up for good at that time. I didn't wake up til 730am though, and AK was in no rush to wake up, so it was a bit of a mad rush to get out of the door once she did start to open her eyes!
I bought some socks for AK on the weekend, so now she wants to wear her sneakers every single day, so that she can wear the socks. She also made a fuss about wearing her Ariel mermaid panties today too. Speaking of, AK is pretty much day-time potty trained, we'll work on the sleepy-time training in the future sometime...
We are heading over to the Mosers for supper tonight. Fingers crossed that AK enjoys her time with Mack, Bubba and Baby Johnny!
AK crawled into bed with me about 430am. She fidgeted, kicked and basically made a pain of herself!!! I finally got up to get her some milk as she said she was thirsty and we finally fell back asleep as there was NO way we were getting up for good at that time. I didn't wake up til 730am though, and AK was in no rush to wake up, so it was a bit of a mad rush to get out of the door once she did start to open her eyes!
I bought some socks for AK on the weekend, so now she wants to wear her sneakers every single day, so that she can wear the socks. She also made a fuss about wearing her Ariel mermaid panties today too. Speaking of, AK is pretty much day-time potty trained, we'll work on the sleepy-time training in the future sometime...
We are heading over to the Mosers for supper tonight. Fingers crossed that AK enjoys her time with Mack, Bubba and Baby Johnny!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday's Mumblings
- AK and I had to run to the movie store to return our movies before they were overdue. When she climbed into the truck, she saw the birthday presents for Katie and Chaz and asked if they were Matthew's presents. I explained that they were for Katie and Chaz. After we dropped the movies off, AK told me she wanted to go to Matthew's birthday party. I told her that it was in five sleeps and she got quite upset, and told me that we were not going home, that we were going to Matthew's party! It was fun to reason with a 2yo that it was too dark for a party and that Matthew was going to be sleeping right away if we went to his house.
- AK crawled into my lap with her nail polish so I painted her nails again today. She didn't want to take her socks off (in fact, she wore them to bed) so just her fingers got painted. Some of it was peeling off yesterday, and she held her hand out and said in horror - "Mommy, my finger is coming off!". Ha
- She got up again after going to bed, asking for medicine. She said her legs were itchy again. Poor munchkin. I just gave her half a dose as I think she's partly looking for the novelty of the "medicine".
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Finishing up with Sunday!
Angella and Alex looked after AK and Hunter last night while I hosted a surprise birthday party for Jess. All went well and Jess was surprised!!! I guess AK was so tired when she woke up this morning, Jess and Ben encouraged her to go back to bed and she did - til 10am!!! So we all were late for church but that's okay!
AK still napped for a while this afternoon but she did have a hard time settling down to sleep tonight. She got up about half hour after I put her to bed, and we watched a Dora video together. She then asked for a snack and gobbled up some cheese, crackers and cucumber (her request - and she demanded to brush her teeth again! Smart girl.). She started crying when I put her back to bed again and I finally figured out that her poor scratched-up legs were itchy :( so she got some Benadryl and more cream on her legs. She's quiet now so hopefully that was all that was needed for her.
Jess, Ben and Hunter came back for supper tonight. AK did a great job eating supper - she ate her green beans so fast I thought she'd inhaled them! She only had one bite of potato - still not a fan - and a bit of chicken. Of course neither kid was far when we cut some ice cream cake for dessert... I gave AK her own little slice in a bowl. Of course she devoured that, and asked for more. I said "no" and told her to lick her bowl if she still wanted to more. Ha. See what followed:

If there is one thing I can say about AK that gives me the greatest joy, it is her happiness and her laugh. It is SO easy to make her smile, it is SO easy to get her to giggle. She laughs from the bottom of her belly with absolute glee. She loves people... she loves to talk, to tease, to play, to share. She loves to imitate and copy - I was busy in the kitchen this afternoon so when AK got bored of watching and helping me cook, she went to play in her own kitchen. She tells me that she's not a kid, she's a "girl" and that she's a "good girl" and a "big girl", not a "little girl" or a "bad girl". She is so empathetic - Hunter was upset for a while last night and AK and I talked it out while he cried. She knew that "Hunter sad" and she wanted to give him a hug to make him feel better.
AK and I spoke on the phone to Grandma tonight. I asked AK if she wanted to go to the Ukrainian Festival with Grandma and she said "yes" and then "you (mommy) stay HERE!". I guess I'm not invited to go the Festival with AK! We also talked about Grandma planting green beans in her garden so that AK could eat them when we come home this summer.
I'm out of stories and up past my bedtime so I must go now! xo
AK still napped for a while this afternoon but she did have a hard time settling down to sleep tonight. She got up about half hour after I put her to bed, and we watched a Dora video together. She then asked for a snack and gobbled up some cheese, crackers and cucumber (her request - and she demanded to brush her teeth again! Smart girl.). She started crying when I put her back to bed again and I finally figured out that her poor scratched-up legs were itchy :( so she got some Benadryl and more cream on her legs. She's quiet now so hopefully that was all that was needed for her.
Jess, Ben and Hunter came back for supper tonight. AK did a great job eating supper - she ate her green beans so fast I thought she'd inhaled them! She only had one bite of potato - still not a fan - and a bit of chicken. Of course neither kid was far when we cut some ice cream cake for dessert... I gave AK her own little slice in a bowl. Of course she devoured that, and asked for more. I said "no" and told her to lick her bowl if she still wanted to more. Ha. See what followed:

If there is one thing I can say about AK that gives me the greatest joy, it is her happiness and her laugh. It is SO easy to make her smile, it is SO easy to get her to giggle. She laughs from the bottom of her belly with absolute glee. She loves people... she loves to talk, to tease, to play, to share. She loves to imitate and copy - I was busy in the kitchen this afternoon so when AK got bored of watching and helping me cook, she went to play in her own kitchen. She tells me that she's not a kid, she's a "girl" and that she's a "good girl" and a "big girl", not a "little girl" or a "bad girl". She is so empathetic - Hunter was upset for a while last night and AK and I talked it out while he cried. She knew that "Hunter sad" and she wanted to give him a hug to make him feel better.
AK and I spoke on the phone to Grandma tonight. I asked AK if she wanted to go to the Ukrainian Festival with Grandma and she said "yes" and then "you (mommy) stay HERE!". I guess I'm not invited to go the Festival with AK! We also talked about Grandma planting green beans in her garden so that AK could eat them when we come home this summer.
I'm out of stories and up past my bedtime so I must go now! xo
Wee Care Sports Day!
Once a year, Wee Care has a Sports Day where the kiddies gather together to play and run races. As I told my dad on the phone today, AK is a good runner, not very fast, but that's how it goes when you have short legs!!! AK had a great time playing with all her friends and it was fun to hang out with their parents too. It is really sweet how all the little girls in AK's classroom get excited to see each other. There were a lot of hugs and squealing going on!

Chilling out before the activities start

Do the hula hoop!!!
Having fun!
Getting ready for the Scoop and Run race with her little friend Marley
Staying hydrated is very important!
Backing up to Friday night...
Friday was a pretty low-key night. I picked up AK from daycare and we hit up the grocery store, the movie store and the party store. This photo is of AK eating her "treat" (a donut) while watching Toy Story 3. She did not eat the donut, rather, she picked off every single sprinkle and ate that. She got most of the icing in the process but none of the actual donut. Oddball.

We were both in bed pretty early, might as well start off the weekend well-rested! xo
We were both in bed pretty early, might as well start off the weekend well-rested! xo
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I'm still here...
Tired and busy but still here.
The family yoga class on Sunday was a bit of a bust for AK but we still had a great time. She seemed shy and hesitant to participate, even if it was a pose with just her and I. She did enjoy watching everyone, and pointed and giggled when she saw something she thought was silly or funny. We did a resting pose near the end, cuddled up to each other, and the instructor came around and got the kids to rub lotion on their parents' feet. I had to help AK but she thought that was pretty cool. I can't wait for AK to be old enough to enjoy the class more - the teacher was very creative and the class's theme was a trip through space.
AK and I did Valentines for her classmates and her friends. I got this email from Cindy last night:
"Thanks so much everyone for the Valentines! Molly really likes them. She keeps saying how nice they are and 'I love my valentine's mommy'. Soo cute!!"
How awesome that the Valentines brought smiles and happiness!
I am feeling really tired this week. It is said that the best breakthroughs in yoga come when you're tired though :) so I am optimistic that is true. Just a week and a half to go. xo
The family yoga class on Sunday was a bit of a bust for AK but we still had a great time. She seemed shy and hesitant to participate, even if it was a pose with just her and I. She did enjoy watching everyone, and pointed and giggled when she saw something she thought was silly or funny. We did a resting pose near the end, cuddled up to each other, and the instructor came around and got the kids to rub lotion on their parents' feet. I had to help AK but she thought that was pretty cool. I can't wait for AK to be old enough to enjoy the class more - the teacher was very creative and the class's theme was a trip through space.
AK and I did Valentines for her classmates and her friends. I got this email from Cindy last night:
"Thanks so much everyone for the Valentines! Molly really likes them. She keeps saying how nice they are and 'I love my valentine's mommy'. Soo cute!!"
How awesome that the Valentines brought smiles and happiness!
I am feeling really tired this week. It is said that the best breakthroughs in yoga come when you're tired though :) so I am optimistic that is true. Just a week and a half to go. xo
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Time is flying!
The days and evenings are just flying right now. I guess I'm so busy with the yoga challenge stuff that there's not much time for everything else. I am looking forward to taking it easy for a bit this weekend.
My yoga studio is holding a family class on Sunday... I plan to take AK to see what she thinks. I think it will be a very light-hearted, loving, fun class. I'll report back after!
AK has been eating so well. Bribes work :) if I tell her she has to eat all her XXX before she can have a treat, she gobbles it up.
AK is starting to "read" books to herself more. She'll flip through the pages and say some of the dialogue. She is also saying some of the dialogue out loud as I read it. She's got a good memory... and we read some stories over and over!!!
AK helped me at the grocery store today. She reminded me that we needed "one bag of cheese" for the "pizza party!". She helped me carry the bananas and the cheese until her arms got tired :) We went over to the party store to find some Valentine's treats - I treated AK to a little thing of bubbles and a new cup with a straw. AK was pretty happy with those things.
I have client meetings tomorrow afternoon and a dinner at night. We'll also meet Friday morning so the next few days will be quite busy for me.
ps - Happy first Birthday to Baby Jake! I can't believe he's a year old already. Cindy had a picnic for him at Camana Bay today, I managed to get out there just as they were wrapping up. I got to give Jake a wee cuddle though - nothing better than a birthday hug! Guess I can't call him
Baby Jake anymore.
AK and I brush our teeth together. She copies me as I move my toothbrush around as I target different teeth. She is doing really well with the flossing too. I am pretty happy with how well she's adapted to that. She also enjoys laying down to wet her hair for the shampoo, and will also lay down so I can rinse her hair out. She likes her peppermint soap that smells like "candy cane".
It will be a quiet weekend without her here! xo
My yoga studio is holding a family class on Sunday... I plan to take AK to see what she thinks. I think it will be a very light-hearted, loving, fun class. I'll report back after!
AK has been eating so well. Bribes work :) if I tell her she has to eat all her XXX before she can have a treat, she gobbles it up.
AK is starting to "read" books to herself more. She'll flip through the pages and say some of the dialogue. She is also saying some of the dialogue out loud as I read it. She's got a good memory... and we read some stories over and over!!!
AK helped me at the grocery store today. She reminded me that we needed "one bag of cheese" for the "pizza party!". She helped me carry the bananas and the cheese until her arms got tired :) We went over to the party store to find some Valentine's treats - I treated AK to a little thing of bubbles and a new cup with a straw. AK was pretty happy with those things.
I have client meetings tomorrow afternoon and a dinner at night. We'll also meet Friday morning so the next few days will be quite busy for me.
ps - Happy first Birthday to Baby Jake! I can't believe he's a year old already. Cindy had a picnic for him at Camana Bay today, I managed to get out there just as they were wrapping up. I got to give Jake a wee cuddle though - nothing better than a birthday hug! Guess I can't call him
Baby Jake anymore.
AK and I brush our teeth together. She copies me as I move my toothbrush around as I target different teeth. She is doing really well with the flossing too. I am pretty happy with how well she's adapted to that. She also enjoys laying down to wet her hair for the shampoo, and will also lay down so I can rinse her hair out. She likes her peppermint soap that smells like "candy cane".
It will be a quiet weekend without her here! xo
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Quick update
AK was really fun last night - she let me know that she needed to "poop, mommy!" and did a great job on the potty. I think she needs a stool under her feet when she's sitting on the big toilet to make it comfortable for her. I'm hoping that if I leave the stool there, she'll be more comfortable using the big toilet and then I can stop cleaning out the little potty every single time she goes...
She hopped right into the bath and we started singing. We like this song:
Fish are swimming, fish are swimming,
In the sea, in the sea,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look and see, look and see.
But I've adapted it as so:
Annabelle's swimming, Annabelle's swimming,
In the tub, in the tub,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look and see, look and see.
Then AK adapted it as so:
Annabelle's swimming, Annabelle's swimming,
In the tub, in the tub,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look at ME, look at ME.
What a smarty-pants. I tried to catch it on video but she switched over to singing her ABCs as soon as she saw the camera. I'll try again tonight, maybe.
AK is having a pizza day at school on Thursday. We've volunteered to bring cheese. The kids will help make mini-english-muffin pizzas and then have them for lunch. I hope AK likes it - she's not a huge fan of pizza. I'll send extra snacks just in case.
She hopped right into the bath and we started singing. We like this song:
Fish are swimming, fish are swimming,
In the sea, in the sea,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look and see, look and see.
But I've adapted it as so:
Annabelle's swimming, Annabelle's swimming,
In the tub, in the tub,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look and see, look and see.
Then AK adapted it as so:
Annabelle's swimming, Annabelle's swimming,
In the tub, in the tub,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look at ME, look at ME.
What a smarty-pants. I tried to catch it on video but she switched over to singing her ABCs as soon as she saw the camera. I'll try again tonight, maybe.
AK is having a pizza day at school on Thursday. We've volunteered to bring cheese. The kids will help make mini-english-muffin pizzas and then have them for lunch. I hope AK likes it - she's not a huge fan of pizza. I'll send extra snacks just in case.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Weekend edition - late run!
It was such a busy weekend, I had no time to post!!!
When I picked AK up from daycare on Friday, I asked her what she had seen at school that day (I got an email newsletter earlier in the day explaining that some firemen with their truck had been visiting the daycare that day). Here's the conversation:
Me: What did you see at school today?
AK: Firetrucks!
Me: What color were they?
AK: Red!
Me: How big were they?
AK: THIS BIG (holding her hand above her head)
Me: And did they make a noise?
AK: (nodding head)
Me: What did they sound like?
AK: Wee oo wee oo wee ooo!!!!!
Friday night, we had the Mosers over for supper - Christie, Chris, Mack, Baby Johnny and Grandma! It was a great time and I cooked a pretty good supper, if I do say so myself! AK finally got to meet Baby Johnny. She wasn't too interested in him at first but did finally warm up to him after a while.

We cracked up after supper when AK very busily brushed all the crumbs she had left at her place into her hand and dropped them on her plate. What a neat freak!!!
We also laughed when she used the remote control to turn off the TV and placed both that remote and the other one in the drawer to put them away. She's much more organized than I am! When we got up on Saturday morning, AK made a beeline for the side table and pulled out the remote to turn on the TV. She's much too smart!
On Saturday morning, AK put on one of her new dresses from "yoga" (that's a fair answer, as I go to yoga far more than I go to Cuba!) and we hit up the Farmer's Market. AK sampled some baked goods and like them so I bought her a little square - I think it was cranberry cinnamon something-or-other? We also bought some tomatos, starfruit and papayas. AK charmed everyone as she is known to.
Later that day, when AK was napping, I decided to have lunch, have a bath and meditate, in that order. Should have done it the other way around. I ate, hopped into the tub with a good book... and before I knew it, I had a curious toddler coming into the bathroom too! She napped for no more than 30mins. So she came into the tub with me, she needed a bath anyway and I didn't get around to the meditation! We headed out after AK's lunch to run some more errands. We went to the grocery store (found some Valentines for AK to give her classmates) and to the book store to get some presents. AK found herself a nice Thomas book there. We stopped in to see Karen as we were right by her place, and funny enough, her TV had Strawberry Shortcake on!!!
We then headed over to Hunter's house for supper and playtime. AK was sleeping over that night so I could easily go to my yoga this morning. She was so tired, probably from not napping much, that she insisted on going to bed when she was ready. She slept right until 7am today.
After the yoga meeting and class this morning, I headed to Hunter's house and then we all went out for breakfast at the Doghouse. AK is such a lucky little girl - she now has her own Radio Flyer scooter, thanks to Jess and Ben. She and Hunter were whizzing around on their scooters, and all the kids had a great breakfast. I guess after I left (I had a nutrition workshop today) AK wanted her water wings on? Ha!
However, when we went swimming at Matthew's later, she didn't want them on. Bet she was wishing she had them when she stepped off the ledge and went in right over her head! Karen was the hero and got AK out within seconds. She didn't cry, but clung to Karen, and when she came to me, she said "I was scared!".
AK was quite the pee-er tonight... it felt like she wanted to go potty every half hour. She did go pee every time so she definitely wasn't faking! I guess she's just well-hydrated, or she swallowed half the swimming pool!!!
So... after a weekend like that... I'm exhausted! Going to make a couple of phone calls, meditate and head to bed! xo
When I picked AK up from daycare on Friday, I asked her what she had seen at school that day (I got an email newsletter earlier in the day explaining that some firemen with their truck had been visiting the daycare that day). Here's the conversation:
Me: What did you see at school today?
AK: Firetrucks!
Me: What color were they?
AK: Red!
Me: How big were they?
AK: THIS BIG (holding her hand above her head)
Me: And did they make a noise?
AK: (nodding head)
Me: What did they sound like?
AK: Wee oo wee oo wee ooo!!!!!
Friday night, we had the Mosers over for supper - Christie, Chris, Mack, Baby Johnny and Grandma! It was a great time and I cooked a pretty good supper, if I do say so myself! AK finally got to meet Baby Johnny. She wasn't too interested in him at first but did finally warm up to him after a while.
We also laughed when she used the remote control to turn off the TV and placed both that remote and the other one in the drawer to put them away. She's much more organized than I am! When we got up on Saturday morning, AK made a beeline for the side table and pulled out the remote to turn on the TV. She's much too smart!
On Saturday morning, AK put on one of her new dresses from "yoga" (that's a fair answer, as I go to yoga far more than I go to Cuba!) and we hit up the Farmer's Market. AK sampled some baked goods and like them so I bought her a little square - I think it was cranberry cinnamon something-or-other? We also bought some tomatos, starfruit and papayas. AK charmed everyone as she is known to.
Later that day, when AK was napping, I decided to have lunch, have a bath and meditate, in that order. Should have done it the other way around. I ate, hopped into the tub with a good book... and before I knew it, I had a curious toddler coming into the bathroom too! She napped for no more than 30mins. So she came into the tub with me, she needed a bath anyway and I didn't get around to the meditation! We headed out after AK's lunch to run some more errands. We went to the grocery store (found some Valentines for AK to give her classmates) and to the book store to get some presents. AK found herself a nice Thomas book there. We stopped in to see Karen as we were right by her place, and funny enough, her TV had Strawberry Shortcake on!!!
We then headed over to Hunter's house for supper and playtime. AK was sleeping over that night so I could easily go to my yoga this morning. She was so tired, probably from not napping much, that she insisted on going to bed when she was ready. She slept right until 7am today.
After the yoga meeting and class this morning, I headed to Hunter's house and then we all went out for breakfast at the Doghouse. AK is such a lucky little girl - she now has her own Radio Flyer scooter, thanks to Jess and Ben. She and Hunter were whizzing around on their scooters, and all the kids had a great breakfast. I guess after I left (I had a nutrition workshop today) AK wanted her water wings on? Ha!
However, when we went swimming at Matthew's later, she didn't want them on. Bet she was wishing she had them when she stepped off the ledge and went in right over her head! Karen was the hero and got AK out within seconds. She didn't cry, but clung to Karen, and when she came to me, she said "I was scared!".
AK was quite the pee-er tonight... it felt like she wanted to go potty every half hour. She did go pee every time so she definitely wasn't faking! I guess she's just well-hydrated, or she swallowed half the swimming pool!!!
So... after a weekend like that... I'm exhausted! Going to make a couple of phone calls, meditate and head to bed! xo
Friday, February 4, 2011
Little monkey
Two little monkey stories:
- Earlier this week, AK was jumping on my bed, shouting "one little monkey jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped her head (falling down), Mama called the doctor, the doctor said NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!!!"
- AK can open and close her window in Jeremy's truck using her foot. What a gas.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February already???
What a day... I had my dad's ICD implantation on my mind (I heard from my brother earlier that my dad was done the procedure and doing well), work is busy, and my truck broke down AGAIN!!!
I managed to borrow AK's daddy's truck so that was a bit confusing as soon as we left daycare. She did ask "Mommy's car broken?" so she obviously remembers last week and me driving someone else's vehicle. Apparently I only need a new battery so I can pick my truck up tomorrow and Jeremy can have the truck back.
AK was really happy to see me, likewise I was thrilled to see her. There were some pretty good hugs and kisses. We ran to Cost U Less quickly to exchange something and then headed home for supper. AK ate a GREAT supper tonight of roast chicken, green beans, brown rice and cheese. She also had some goldfish crackers and blueberries as snacks. I haven't seen her eat that much in a long time.
She got into her makeup and got made up!!! She loves playing with it all... we even cut and painted AK's fingernails and toenails tonight. The picture below shows the beauty (?) of it all.

Other exciting news today - AK HAD NO ACCIDENTS TODAY, INCLUDING AT SCHOOL! The ladies at school have mentioned that AK is prone to one or two accidents a day, but none at all today! No accidents at home either - as you can see below!

I just finished putting together a few things for supper tomorrow night. Christie is bringing her family, including her mom who is visiting, over for supper. I am excited for AK to meet Baby Johnny.
Today's yoga class was a wonderful heart-opening, back-bending class. I wish I had better words to describe how I felt after. It was a HARD class, I felt weak and dizzy at times, but I kept with it and stayed in the moment. I didn't back down like I would normally. I am getting close to halfway done the challenge and already think I will miss it when it's done.
Time to meditate and hit the hay. xo
I managed to borrow AK's daddy's truck so that was a bit confusing as soon as we left daycare. She did ask "Mommy's car broken?" so she obviously remembers last week and me driving someone else's vehicle. Apparently I only need a new battery so I can pick my truck up tomorrow and Jeremy can have the truck back.
AK was really happy to see me, likewise I was thrilled to see her. There were some pretty good hugs and kisses. We ran to Cost U Less quickly to exchange something and then headed home for supper. AK ate a GREAT supper tonight of roast chicken, green beans, brown rice and cheese. She also had some goldfish crackers and blueberries as snacks. I haven't seen her eat that much in a long time.
She got into her makeup and got made up!!! She loves playing with it all... we even cut and painted AK's fingernails and toenails tonight. The picture below shows the beauty (?) of it all.
Other exciting news today - AK HAD NO ACCIDENTS TODAY, INCLUDING AT SCHOOL! The ladies at school have mentioned that AK is prone to one or two accidents a day, but none at all today! No accidents at home either - as you can see below!
I just finished putting together a few things for supper tomorrow night. Christie is bringing her family, including her mom who is visiting, over for supper. I am excited for AK to meet Baby Johnny.
Today's yoga class was a wonderful heart-opening, back-bending class. I wish I had better words to describe how I felt after. It was a HARD class, I felt weak and dizzy at times, but I kept with it and stayed in the moment. I didn't back down like I would normally. I am getting close to halfway done the challenge and already think I will miss it when it's done.
Time to meditate and hit the hay. xo
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday smiles!
It's only 9am but it's already been a wonderful day full of smiles!!!
- I slept til nearly 730am - I needed that - I was tired.
- I had a very good 15min meditation that had only a moment or two of fidgeting. This week's goal is to be STILL, and not fidget or scratch that itch or change position because something's uncomfortable. And I only opened my eyes once as well. I have a hard time not peeking at the timer.
- The neighbor upstairs is washing his car right now and quickly rinsed mine off as well to get most of the dust off - what an awesome surprise and badly needed for the truck!
- A perfect cup of coffee - morning bliss.
- A happy email from a friend who is starting a new job today. I am so excited for her!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
What can I say? What a perfect weekend away.
Click the link above for photos. I'll write some stories later as it's already getting late! xo
Click the link above for photos. I'll write some stories later as it's already getting late! xo
General updates!
- It does not appear that AK ever had hand-foot-mouth disease. Thanks to those who emailed to send their wishes. It sounds like AK's cold maybe progressed a bit worse but she is definitely on the mend now.
- AK is also definitely testing limits!!! How fun and developmentally appropriate :)
- I read an article today that Westjet will fly to Cayman year-round. The summer schedule will be similar to Air Canada's in that there will be a plane once a week on Sundays.
- Work is busy busy busy. But I'm getting lots done.
- I have to remember to download some photos off my Blackberry of AK blowing bubbles. I know, I know, more bubbles? But she is truly so priceless in how much concentration she puts into it!
- Mom emailed today to say that Dad's been called in for the pacemaker / defibrillator implant on Thursday... please send happy thoughts his way that day. xo
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