Liam was a fantastic shopper... he started to get fussy near the end but I was done by then and he did quite well. Anna and I both scored some great deals on the clearance racks. I loved being at the mall with all the stores and variety and selection! I was loaded down with bags by the time we left. I'm glad I had a list for shopping as that made it much easier to be selective with which stores I looked in.
When we got back, John was about to head out with the girls to a playground but the sky looked rather dark so he decided to come back in with the girls. Good thing - the skies opened up just a minute after we got back into the apartment! We pulled out some bubble guns that we had picked up at Target the night before... amazing entertainment for the girls!
We had an easy supper of rotisserie chicken and salad for supper and the girls played and played and played. They got along so well - both Anna and I expected a few more scraps between the girls, especially over what was "MINE" but they shared quite well. Props especially to Sofia for sharing all her toys with AK!
Anna and I left the girls with John reading them a bedtime story...
We had wanted to go see a movie but it was sold out when we got there. We ended up walking over to a hotel and having a drink there before heading back home. Anna (especially) and I loved the opportunity to sit and chat, to talk about everything. Anna asked a lot of questions about the kids around Sofia's age, wondering if they were doing the same sorts of things as Sofia. I think it was very reassuring for Anna to hear that all the kids seem so similar and are all acting up in the same ways :) I was able to bring Anna up to date on a lot of people that we both know in Cayman.
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