Milanna turned 3 - and we all know what that means - the birthday party of the year!
The theme this year was Hello Kitty and the party was held at the Grand Caymanian Resort, which looks out onto the North Sound. It was a great location for the party.
As usual, Angie and Francois went all out and no detail was missed. I really think that she should consider a career in party planning!!!
We walked past the bouncy castle, and under some Hello Kitty lantern decorations. There was a huge shady area with all sorts of tables and treats, and we had the whole pool area as well.
Here's some pictures of the tables:
Snack table!
Hello Kitty party favors for all the girls - we took one of each! Candy, makeup, toys, a flashing light saber (which AK calls her "cat wand")
Cupcakes, marshmallow candies and what I believe was probably Milanna's "smash cake"
The birthday cake!
AK spent most of her time swimming in the pool, and I spent most of my time floating with a noodle, trying to keep up with her! It was a very deep pool and I spent most of my time in water over my head! Thank goodness for AK's water wings.
AK was a bit on the shy side though... she refused to take her turn whacking at the pinata. Some of the kids were quite strong! They were all so good about letting each other take turns. We did help pull open the pinata and AK scrambled for candy along with all the other kids.
There was food to eat, but AK wasn't very interested in it. Her appetite's been bird-sized again lately. Doesn't even seem like she's overly thirsty either. Strange kid. I'm not worried, just bugged :)
I was quite worried that it would be hard to get AK to sleep after she was on such a sugar high... but she crawled into bed quite nicely at 8pm and fell right to sleep. That gave me time to sort through all her LOOT!!!
Check it out - she got less candy at Halloween!!!
Few random stories:
- AK will tell you over and over again "I like pink and I like purple. I like pink and purple!". She will point out pink and purple things to you. She is very good with all her colors now.
- When I tucked AK in tonight, I said "I love you, baby girl" and AK said "I'm not a baby!" so we discussed it and settled on her being a "big girl". She will almost always say she's a "good girl" before talking about being a "little girl" or a "big girl".
- She has realized that the name "Paula" and the word "pullup" are somewhat similar and was calling her pull-up Paula earlier. We had quite the animated discussion about a diaper named the same thing as Mommy!
- AK's got quite a good imagination and a good sense of words rhyming. I can't think of any examples right now but she's, on a couple of occassions, come up with rhyming words, or words that mean the same thing, etc.
- She now knows the difference between a puppy and a dog and will often correct me as I'm in such a habit now of calling all dogs "puppies".
- I think she is pretty excited to get on a plane on Thursday to go away on a holiday! It is going to be a great time! xo
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