We got through immigration and customs just fine and rechecked the suitcase. The Charlotte airport is not that large and we had plenty of time to go through security again and AK even had some time to sit and have supper before we boarded the next plane. Boarding went as expected then we sat on the plane for about an hour while the pilots tried to contact the grounds crew to find the airplane log book to figure out what maintenance was being done so that we could find out when we'd take off! Painful... we killed the time by going to the washroom twice and having even more snacks.
Luckily I had put a pull-up on AK for this flight, just in case, as she pooped upon landing. Nice... Our first order of business at the Raleigh airport was to find a bathroom and fix that mess! When AK saw Anna waiting, she ran right into her arms :) I don't think there was any doubt in our minds that AK remembered her! I thought AK may be a wee bit shy... but nope! We hung out for a bit when we got to Anna's house, AK was a bit more shy with John and she wasn't really interested in Baby Liam when Anna brought him out of the bedroom for his nighttime feed. AK settled into bed quite easily, she must have been pooped as it was 10pm our time when she got settled in after some milk and cheese for a snack.
Here's a sneak peek at what we woke up to on Friday morning!!!
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