Posing with the big guy himself

Christmas scene

My favorite tree!

Check it out in all its glory!

This was a time-out for Matthew. AK joined him and they said "cheese". Some time-out!

AK and I also headed out to the Crighton house in Prospect to check out the lights there too. AK was particularly taken with the train set there. We were out looking at lights for over an hour and a half!
A few other stories:
- AK and I were singing carols in the car the other day, I think "Mary's Boy Child" which starts off "Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day". AK paused and said "but Mommy, Jesus is grown up now!".
- AK is very much enjoying her Advent calendar. Every day she looks for the right number and we open it up. It's a paper calendar that just opens up to a picture behind the door, no candy, but that's better for her teeth anyway!
- Nancy gave AK a beautiful Christmas book and AK especially loves the Nutcracker story. We read "The 12 days of Christmas" tonight though.
- Poor AK is confused as Santa already came to Daddy's house on the weekend... she can't understand why she can't open her gifts at my house yet. I have to remind her several times a day that Santa hasn't come to Mommy's house yet.
1.5 more days of work... can't wait for a few days off... I've got some running around to do at lunch tomorrow (making the last payment on my car - it will be great to have that paid off! and dropping off some goodies with some favorite people). Oh, and I have to mail my Christmas cards. Sorry... they'll be VERY late this year. I've found it so hard to make it to the post office this week so far.
Time for me to hit the hay... visions of sugarplums tonight, perhaps? xo
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