Christmas Eve was a lot of fun. We put cookies out for Santa...

AK insisting "I'm not tired, Mommy"
We headed off to church with the Huys and the Yacyshyns. AK didn't nap in the afternoon so, surprise, she conked out in the car on the way to church. She got about 20 mins of shut-eye before the Huys piled into my little clown car and woke her up. AK and Matthew were FABULOUS in church... but I must say it took a lot of energy to keep them occupied during a 2-hour service! We headed back to the Huys after church for some snacks and visiting. It was a great night. AK and Matthew each got to open one gift from Karen and they got their Christmas PJs on. We didn't leave until 10pm and then Babbs asked us to stop by, so we visited with them for a bit. They sure spoiled both of us - that was a huge surprise for me!!!
Seeing we didn't get home until 11pm, it was easy peasy to transfer AK from the car to the bed. Santa waited a few minutes to make sure AK was fully asleep before getting down to work!!!
Santa finished up just before midnight and was in dreamland shortly after.

Sorry for the absolute storm of posts tonight, I finally had AK in bed at a decent time tonight and some time to myself! Tomorrow I'll start up again with Christmas morning! xo
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