We had Hunter over for a sleepover on Friday. I think I got less sleep that night than I did when AK was a newborn!!! LOL! I was so tired that when I made myself a cup of coffee, I forgot to put a cup under the dispenser. Thank goodness the coffee machine has a reservoir that caught the coffee for me as that would have been some mess! I'm happy we had Hunter over though, it was good for him, and we enjoyed the company! It was very hectic but lots of fun. Hunter went to play with Molly and Jake while I took AK to ballet, and then we all went for a swim after. Cindy and I were saying that it feels like forever since we've been swimming with the kids... the weather was the pits for so long.
As both kids had been up so much during the night, they both went down for a nap like nobody's business. I had an hour and a half of peace... got things tidied up a bit and then parked my butt on the couch to relax. Ahhh... quiet!
One of the reasons why AK was up (rather I got her up) is that she's decided she doesn't need to wear a diaper at night anymore. As she hasn't really grasped the concept of waking up to go pee, I've now been trained rather nicely to bolt out of bed in the middle of the night to put her on the toilet and hope that she's not wet her bed yet. We've had much success since Friday, only one accident which happened early in the evening, so that's great news. But like I said, I feel like I've been trained and not AK... she just doesn't wake to pee so she's not made that connection yet. I think she needs a little time yet but until she does, I guess I'll have broken sleep and a sleepy little girl on the toilet!
Anyway... I left Hunter and AK with Jess and Ben for a swim date while I went for a run! The run was a nice easy one, the first in a week and a half and it was awesome! All the work the physiotherapist has done has worked wonders, and running with a friend really made the time fly. I am so glad I went to get help when the pain first started rather than trying to work through it as we all know how well that works, right?
Sunday morning dawned bright and early (or so I thought) as the clock said 540am when AK crawled into bed with me. Little did I know that the clock had thoughtfully fallen back during the night even though the time doesn't change here. Took me about an hour and a cup of coffee to figure that out, as the clock on my blackberry changed too!
Sunday morning we had to vacate so that the cleaning lady could do her thing without us underfoot. We headed over to the Brickhouse for a nice Sunday breakfast. AK had a great breakfast of fruit and toast. Aunty Connie would be proud of AK's talent with an orange :) I'm pretty sure I learned this from her!

We headed off to church and AK went into her childcare room without a peep. She was pretty excited to put her church dress and her cross necklace on. She knows the routine! AK then went to hang out with the Huys while I went to a baby shower. Kevin and Jenni took AK swimming... I'm thinking she might be waterlogged by now... but it sounds like she and Matthew had a great time playing together. She ate well there, Jenni told me she ate some peppers, which she had never eaten for me before!
AK's definitely pushing back her bedtime lately too... I think she is nearly ready to give up her nap... I'm not sure I'm ready though! I've hit upon a quasi-solution though - I still get her to bed at 8pm but she can "read" books until 830pm. She quite likes that, I think she feels like a big girl!
And of course Murphy's Law would dictate that AK's latest wake-up time all weekend would be yesterday morning when I had somewhere to be at 8am... I ended up waking her around 715am so we could get out the door on time. Even today we didn't have a lot of time to waste before we were on our way out the door.
Yesterday, I taught my first Junior Achievement class... man, those 9th graders are tough nuts to crack! The teacher said I managed them well, and he stepped in when necessary to help me get things back on track or explain the assignments. I was nervous but I think it can only get better from here! Next week is a week off due to the holiday Monday but I will be ready to face these kids again in two weeks' time!
Lots of giggles and stories from AK these days. She has SO much to say and I just can't wrap my head around all that she understands and talks about. It's amazing. She'll stop in the middle of doing something, screw her eyes closed, and spontaneously pray, thanking God for everything. It is cute the things she thanks Him for sometimes! It's really sweet to see it.
Gotta run... work's calling! xo
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