From near the top, looking out - almost an infinity pool sort of feeling

Beautiful profile picture of Karen

This was a unique spot in the springs - cold water came from the left and hot water from the right, where Martin is. The hot water was so close to the source that you couldn't comfortably put your hand in it for long. It was also really neat here to feel the cold and hot waters swirling together. If we'd climbed a little bit higher, we would have been able to see where the hot water springs started, and the water is so hot there that it bubbles. Alas, we were too lazy and relaxed at that point!

Large frond

Looking down from the top

My beauty treatment drying!

This Honduran lady mixed up red clay with water and made a mud mask treatment. It was quite orange and washed off quite nicely, leaving my skin feeling very smooth and soft. Bonus! See that plate of fruit off to the right? We got to snack on fresh pineapple, watermelon and I think guava? Amazing.

The pool where we spent most of our time

My fellow hot springers - Karen, Sharon and Martin. This was the start of a good friendship - we all ended up in a raft together the next day!

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