Hunter and AK waiting to board the sailboat. See how they are holding their passes in their hands?

AK and Jess - Jess got lots of cuddles that night!

Hunter with his Nanny and Papa (who were the best babysitters AK could have wanted last week!)

This is the life!

Hunter and AK loved the boat. AK spent most of her time sitting on the mesh that you see in the picture above. She snacked on goldfish and chips, and drank water. She loved watching the sail go up and talked about how the wind was pushing us. She also talked about how slow or fast the boat was moving. She watched the pirate ship go by and braced herself for it shooting its cannon - which it never did. AK only dropped one thing through the mesh... a ring with lipgloss in it. I kind of gave it to her knowing we may never see it again... that didn't stop AK from ordering Ben to dive in and find it for her! Ha. That didn't happen.
Hunter wasn't so impressed with the flashes going off on people's cameras... he thought it was lightening and was quite frightened. Apparently he's not doing so well with lightening lately and we've sure had more than our fair share of it. Poor guy.
As soon as we got off the boat and into the car, I showed AK her outfit and shoes for ballet the next day, which Gill so kindly lent us. AK wanted to put the slippers on straightaway and she loved them so much that she didn't even take them off to sleep that night! She was so excited about the lesson, and poor girl had to tag along with me to the bank and to do some baby gift shopping before we could (finally!) go to ballet! It was well worth the wait... as I said yesterday, AK is completely in love with Miss Anita, the teacher. She's got a lovely foreign accent and is so very prim and proper... she runs a tight ship and I am really looking forward to seeing how AK manages with the lessons. The moms were allowed in the class with the kids yesterday but going forward, we are to watch from the observation windows and not participate. AK (and I!) enjoyed taking part in 4 different dances and listening to a story about Melody Bear, who is a bear taking ballet lessons.
I spent part of the weekend with my friend Jenni and her children... Kevin is away for work right now so I went over to give her a hand. We had a good visit last night after the kids went to bed (can you believe her kids eat chicken curry?) and then I went back this morning to go to church with them. It was a full, fun weekend.
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