Check out how long her hair is getting!

Showing off the identical hairstyles

I picked up AK from daycare early yesterday - and she was sitting at one of the tables, working on a coloring project. It was a picture of an alligator and she was very carefully and diligently working hard to color it all in while keeping the crayon within the lines. The teacher was chatting with her about the picture and mentioned that it was an alligator and alligator starts with the letter A. She asked AK what else starts with the letter A, and AK threw her arms up into the air and shouted "ME!". Super cute!
AK seems like a well-liked little girl at school. Her teachers absolutely dote on her and all of her classmates really seem to enjoy her company as well. The classroom AK is in is a really lovely bunch of children and they seem so happy to see each other every day.
When I was buckling AK into her car seat, she looked over at me, and said "Mommy, I like your skirt. It's very nice!". I said thank you and then she grabbed my shirt in two fingers to rub it and said "And I like your shirt too!". It was pretty funny. It's not like this was a new outfit or anything!
We had some lovely evening adventures which I've put into the next post! xo
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