DUCKS! This is after we fed them two pieces of bread. Note to self: two pieces of bread was not enough. A loaf of bread is more like what is necessary!
A turkey! Ha ha, no, it's really AK! She enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing through her hair. She was busy quacking and pointing out the activity going on around us.
See the turtles in the water? They also eat the bread.
We followed this couple around for a while. The white one (male?) quacked and quacked and quacked. I think he wanted us to leave them alone. When we left, they were grooming each other. Uh huh.
This iguana is HUGE! There was another one there too but I wasn't close enough to get a good picture. They were both much larger than George, the iguana who hung out on my dock in Snug Harbour. This guy seemed a bit aggressive and didn't like it when we came too close to him so we stayed away.
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