Friday night, we had supper with the Mosers. The supper the cleaning lady made was WONDERFUL. Rice and beans, and BBQ chicken. Christie and I took AK out for frozen yogurt after supper... it was a riot. I picked a rainbow hard serve for her, and she was so concerned with it dripping on her hands. She kept wiping her hands off with the napkins but little did she know that she had it all over her face!!! It was a nice treat for her and she was so tired when we got home that all I was able to do was wipe her face clean before she fell right into bed.
Saturday morning, AK woke me with her usual, putting my glasses in my hand. We then headed straight into the bathroom so she could wash her hands and brush her teeth. She is such a clean kid!
We spent most of the day with the Mosers... hanging out by the pool on a beautiful sunny day. We had a good BBQ steak supper that night. While we were there, hanging out in the pool, AK counted to ten!!! What a surprise! I'm so glad Christie was there to hear it as I would have wondered if I'd imagined it otherwise! She did it again the next day so I know it wasn't a fluke :) I also noticed that she sings along with her ABC songs now.
We were up bright and early on Sunday morning... 545am! Crazy kid. Anna and Sofia came over for breakfast and play time. Sofia really enjoyed AK's big girl bed... we had two little monkeys jumping on the bed! We also took a short walk down to the duck pond.
We went to a housewarming party on Sunday night for friends who have moved in just around the corner from us. It was great fun :) one girl brought her puppy along and at one point, AK was chasing the puppy, then the puppy was chasing AK! It was pretty funny to see that. The kids had a great time playing together like they always do, and AK even ate half of a hot dog. Pretty good for a kid who usually turns her nose up at hot dogs.
AK let me sleep in until 7am on Monday... bliss... it was nice after all the playing and sun the past two days. It was rainy and dreary yesterday so we spent most of the morning just hanging out at home, then met Christie and Mack for lunch at Eats. After that we headed out to West Bay to have a visit with Priscilla and Luke. We don't know them very well and it was a lot of fun to get to know them better.
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