After weeks and weeks of secret preparations, it was finally time for AK's first ballet exam last Saturday!
Of course the day dawned gloomy and rainy... we both slept in a little bit, which was great for me, because as soon as I woke up, I started to stress about how to get a little girl dressed in light pink tights to the studio while keeping her in pristine condition!!!
Good thing AK had a princess raincoat to keep her dry and a strong Mommy to carry her everywhere! I was not taking any chances with her getting even a splash of rainwater on her!
Immediately after the exam... doesn't she look happy?

Showing off the pink ribbon in her hair. Notice the half-can of hairspray keeping those bangs down!!!
One last photo... hair ribbon is already out and you can see the magic of the hairspray is starting to wear off.
We will get the results of the exam in about 3-4 weeks time... they must be shipping them over from the UK by boat, ha!
AK really loves her ballet lessons. If you ask her nicely, she'll show off a move or two. The next session starts this weekend, just 10 more weeks til summer break. Fun times! xo
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