AK's eyes lit up when she saw the gifts in front of the tree, and she was very full of awe as she whispered "Mommy, Santa came!". I pointed out that he had drank his milk and eaten most of his cookies, and she gobbled up the last little bit of cookie that he had left on his plate! That's my girl - not wasting a thing!
Oohing over her new ballet slipper Christmas tree ornament

"Washing her hands" in the dollhouse bathroom

Little Pony (Princess Celestia) was a huge hit!

Gifts from Santa and Grandma / Grandpa - the princess costume storage unit and a dollhouse!

Big squishy Tinkerbell pillow from Charmain
AK seems to love all her gifts. I was careful this year to purchase three bigger, quality gifts, and then just a few smaller gifts. I went overboard last year and bought her a lot of little gifts that she just wasn't interested in. I think she got just the right amount of gifts this year - still spoiled nothing gone to waste!
Gift opening was a s l o w process... AK would open something, play with it for a while and then I'd have to remind her that there were more gifts to open! For someone who really wanted to open gifts leading up to Christmas, she seemed quite content to just open one thing and play with it for a while.
We got dressed quickly and headed over for breakfast at Mike and Julie's. It was a perfect Christmas morning meal, and I'm grateful they had us over. We weren't here for long as we headed to the beach right after, which is another post in itself :) I've gotten lots of pictures from others from the beach, so want to go through those and pick the best ones for a great post!
All is well here otherwise... back to work and daycare yesterday seemed to be pretty painless... but now I'm feeling stressed and not looking forward to the next few months. Boo!!!
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