I was feeling rather grateful for nature the other day... there was a beautiful rainbow on the way to school as I went to pick up AK and Hunter. I love the afternoons where it's rained but it's stopped and the sun has come out... there is a full beautiful rainbow in the same spot every time. On our way home later on that night, the moon was absolutely gorgeous. It was just a couple of days after the start of a New Moon, and the sliver that was apparent looked like it was just gracefully hanging out in the sky. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road!
Thumbs down goes to the following bits of nature: the ants in AK's pants while she got her hair cut the other day and the mega huge cockroach that decided to die on my walk in front of my door. Thankfully AK hasn't seen it yet and I'm hoping someone disposes of it before she comes here tomorrow.
AK and Hunter were playing the other night and Ben explained to me how they had just been pulling each other around on a flannel blanket. I asked AK if she would show me how she pulls Hunter around and she flung her arms out in exasparation and said "I CAN'T, he's too BIG for me to pull him!". You had to be there, I guess! And please be comforted that this crazy play is only allowed with adult supervision!
Later I was tousling Hunter's hair and noticed that he has a dent on his head. I asked Hunter "Did someone drop you on your hear when you were a baby?" and Hunter replied with a huge emphatic "YEAH!". Jess and I just about killed ourselves laughing.
I had a birthday dinner for a friend last night and it was a really neat experience. The two girls that organized it planned a tasting menu for us. Platters of several items on the menu were passed around family-style and we had a lot of good things to taste. There was sushi rolls and nigiri, pad thai, white and fried rices, duck, cod, salmon, beef, vegetable salad, spring rolls and a hazelnut cake. Yum! It was a relaxing evening visiting with friends.
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