I'm sorry that I've been such an unfaithful blogger lately! It has been busy around these parts lately. I had a busy week last week - saw Footloose with my friend Julie, gave Jenni a hand with the kids, and babysat Hunter. Since then, AK and I have been up to our usual antics as you can see from the pictures below!
Friday night we decided to hang out with our old friends, the Cowans. I'll do a separate post about that night as I have a few sweet pics of the girls together. We had a great visit, even though it seemed like everything else went wrong that night!
AK put her jammies on when we got home... bwa ha ha ha ha!

Saturday morning, we got out of the house early as Miss Shernett showed up just past 7am to clean! We went out for breakfast and then had our usual ballet class, which was loads of fun as always. Afterwards, we headed out to the "punkin" patch with Hunter and Jess. AK picked out a little "punkin" for herself and a bigger one for me. I think we have enough pumpkins now! There was a bouncy castle that interested AK for about two minutes, then we went looking through the store to see what was in there. AK was quite enthralled with the Halloween decorations, and of course we couldn't pass up some face art! Check out the beautiful fairy. I know the picture is out of focus but it's the best one I got. I may go back later this week to try to take some pics of AK amongst the pumpkins. I think she was just too overwhelmed and distracted to let me take any pics on Saturday.

Once we got home and had some lunch, a nap was in order. Guess Teddy was having a hard time falling asleep as there was light in his eyes? This kid cracks me up.

We ended up going over to the Forsyths for games night on Saturday. I almost decided against going as I was feeling a bit tired but I got my second wind and it was a lot of fun for both kiddies and adults! The kiddies had a popcorn party and watched Dora - they partied hard, I think they were up til about 1030pm! Mind you, the adult party didn't break up until about 1am either... thank goodness AK slept in a bit on Sunday morning! It has been so rainy here lately and it rained most of the weekend, so we took advantage of the weather on Sunday to just chill out at home. We didn't even make it to church, we were so lazy. The sun peeked out for a bit in the morning, and we ran outside to blow some bubbles.
On Friday, when I picked up AK from daycare, I was wearing her cross. I like to wear it sometimes when she's not with me as I feel like I'm keeping her close to my heart in a tangible way. When she saw me wearing it, she asked me to take it off, as she didn't want me wearing it. What she didn't realize was that I was happy to take it off... but I wasn't going to put it on her! I want her to wear it only for special occassions and as we were going out to meet the Cowans, the risks of the chain breaking and the pendant being lost were too great for my comfort. AK threw quite the fit... and when she stopped crying, she made a point of telling me so, thinking I'd give her the pendant then. When I told her that I was still not giving it to her, she threw another fit. Goodness! Thankfully two fits were enough to get over it. I explained to her that she would be able to wear the cross to church on Sunday, and she accepted that.
Well, because we didn't go to church on Sunday, that plan fell through. AK asked me at one point when we were going to church as she wanted the cross. When I explained to her that we'd already missed it, she started to get upset, so I told her that she could wear it when we went out for supper with Sofia that night. That satisfied her and we were both happy. I had to wake AK from her nap to go for supper... as soon as she opened her eyes, she asked "I get to wear my cross now?". Smart kid... she's got her eye on the prize! She wore the cross with pride that night!
Look at this crazy outfit AK put together one day. I think she looks like the toddler version of the crazy lady from West Bay. A too-big dress, shoes and socks that don't match the dress and beautifully gaudy jewelry. She insisted on wearing the earrings to school just to show her friends, and happily took them off and gave them to me for safekeeping as soon as we walked in the classroom door. The dress stretched so much as the day went on that AK's teachers put a shirt on her to keep her decent.

AK came home on Friday with a special award... she got the classroom award for listening to direction and following rules! How special! I am very proud of her! We had to take it back this morning, as I guess there are several awards that are given out for special behavior each week. We also took our compost offerings... I've never seen ladies so happy to receive fruit and vegetable peels!
I spent some time tonight preparing for a new venture that I'm particpating in next week... I'm going to be a volunteer for Junior Achievement and will be teaching a course to some elementary school kids starting next Monday! I hope I have what it takes! I'm not nervous yet but I'm sure I will be as I get closer to the first class. As for the running, I'm not getting out there as much as I had planned but I am seeing progress and that's all that matters right now! My body is starting to complain a bit already as I increase the length of the runs but I'll just balance the running with yoga to stretch everything out and keep it all balanced.
Well, it's taken me a while to write this up! Time for bed. I'll do a post about our time with the Cowans tomorrow.