I left work a bit early today to take AK to get her haircut. She remembered and started asking me about it as soon as she saw me. The whole drive there, we talked about Liz the hairdresser and how much we like Liz! We got there a bit early so I decided to pop into a store next door to look around and AK kept asking me "When do I get my hair cut? Where do I get my hair cut?". We ended up going over to the salon early and Liz was free so she started with AK right away. Those two are two peas in a pod... AK would wibble wobble one way, Liz would follow, then they'd both giggle and wibble wobble the other way! Getting AK to sit still today was a challenge but a lollipop sure helped. AK loved it when Liz held up the mirror at the end to show AK how her hair looked at the back... she started giggling and wobbling all over the place again! I think pretty much every stylist in the salon was charmed by AK by the time we left. One of my fellow yogis works there and it was nice to catch up with her. She's planning to host a potluck on Sunday so I'm really looking forward to that.
We picked up some Chicken Chicken and headed over to Jodi and Mike's to meet Baby Siena... she's a month old already and I can't believe I hadn't had a chance to meet her yet, especially as she's moving to Canada next weekend :( it is sad to see friends go but it is comforting to reflect on the memories we've made and the friendships we have, knowing that we are all blessed due to those friendships.
Mason and AK played together so nicely... Mason was goofing around and AK laughed hysterically at him. There were lots of hugs tonight when it was time to say "see you later". Mike and Jodi are having a farewell gathering this weekend so I'll go to that and see them one more time before they go.
We got all three kids on the couch for a good photo op! Mason is nearly 2, AK is nearly 3 and Siena is just one month old.
Off to bed early for me tonight... I had an awful sleep last night. Fingers crossed AK may pull another 7am wake-up tomorrow! xo
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