I've uploaded an album to Facebook of the photographer's favorite photos.
Facebook album
I'll take some time over the next few weeks to share some of the other (80!) photos with you!
Sounds like AK is having an amazing holiday in Canada. I knew she'd have lots of fun with her cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
When we spoke this morning, I let AK know that she would take some swimming lessons in Dauphin, and that she's enough of a big girl to go in the pool by herself for her swimming lessons. She said "Oh, that's good!".
Good night! xo
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
We're famous!
The photographer just put our photo shoot up on her blog. Check out her entry on us!
Blog entry
Enjoy!!! xo
Blog entry
Enjoy!!! xo
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Happy Birthday, sweet Annabelle!
Friday, June 24, 2011
A trio of fun and laughter
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sneak Peek at the photo shoot
Miscellaneous mumblings
I have a couple of big blog posts in my head but just haven't had time to sit down and get them out. Keep checking back for them in the next few days. I haven't been home much in the past few days to do much more than sleep and shower!!!
- AK is all over the makeup these days. I woke up the other morning to find AK in my bathroom with her makeup case on the floor next to her. It was on my bathroom counter, near the mirror... I'm not quite sure how she got her hands on it to pull it down! Time to find a new place to keep it - anyhoo... she was quite happily making herself up. She likes to sit on my bathroom counter in the mornings and do herself up while I get ready... she wears more makeup than I do! She is also particularly infatuated with nailpolish. She currently has 3 different nailpolishes on her fingers right now... one on top of the other - pink, green and sparkles. Sounds odd but it's rather lovely!
- AK woke me up on another morning recently by presenting me with my bracelet that I had left on the living room table. Used to be my glasses, now the bracelet...
- I know that AK landed safely in Wpg last night after a long day of travel. Grandma O has told me all the fun and exciting plans she has made for the remainder of this week - AK is one lucky girl is all I can say!
- I filled up my truck with gas yesterday and it cost me CI$81!!! That's US$100. Holy cow. This tank better last a long time.
- I got to babysit Hunter last night and I guess he woke up this morning crying for "my Paula". What a cutie. I'm guessing he must have had fun with me last night! He was so good at his going to bed routine - he turned on the fan and his noise machine, turned off the light, crawled into bed and said "pray!". So I did and I got the biggest hug and kiss goodnight, and then didn't hear a peep from him after that!
- Christie and her family grow a beautiful little garden in their backyard. She brought a cucumber into work the other day and was kind enough to share it with me. She sliced it into some vinegar and S&P... oh my... it was delicious. It was just the perfect taste and texture!
- AK kept telling me that her booboo on her eyebrow had "fallen off". What a cute way of saying that it'd healed up - I think she was probably trying to say that the scab had fallen off.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Getting up to speed
Lots going on these days - here's a few tidbits for you.
- Yesterday, AK said to me "Happy Fadder's Day" and threw her arms around my neck for a huge hug.
- AK helped me make a cake after school today. She told me right after that she had a mosquito bite. It wasn't a bite - it was just some cake batter that had fallen on her arm :)
- AK had her 3yo well check today. She is 27lbs (2.5lbs gained over the past year) and 3 feet tall (10cm grown over the past year).
- AK seems to be pretty excited to go on a plane with Daddy in two sleeps. Mommy is not so excited but she'll deal with it!
- I should go and decorate said cake... I will be taking it in to AK's classroom after nap today so she can have a little birthday celebration with her schoolmates.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dead fish :(
AK and I had Ben and Hunter over for supper tonight. Jess is away and I thought the least I could do was cook a nice dinner for Ben to celebrate Father's Day. The kids did a really good job of eating most of their supper - Ben bribed them with ice cream. Funny how they didn't need much direction eating dessert!
We walked down to the duck pond and fed the ducks some old bread I had in the freezer. We noticed that there were many dead fish near the shore :( (do ponds have a shore?) I really don't know what to think of that. One dead fish, or two, fine, but I counted up to 10 and I'm sure there were more. Ben was chasing after the ducks to make them quack and I warned him to not scare them - I didn't want to come back another day to find that the ducks were dead too, ha!
AK found some clear sparkly nail polish and was quite insistent that she needed it on so we did her nails up while she watched some Dora before bed.
I had a really lovely experience this afternoon. I reconnected with some of my fellow 40 day'er yoga challengees. We visited for a while, and then had a very special practice. One of the girls I did the challenge with just returned from her Level 1 teacher training and so she led a practice for us, on a dock leading out to the ocean. She was nervous - understandably so - but she did a wonderful job and it was amazing to have our practice out on the water, with the sun warming and the breeze cooling us. It was a beautiful day and it was really quite something to watch the clouds move across an amazing blue sky while we balanced and flowed. I especially enjoyed an upside-down look at water spraying off of some ironshore while I was in Wheel, and peeking at the sun between my toes and feet in Shoulder Stand. We had a potluck after too, and there is just something so bonding about sharing good tasty food with friends. My quinoa salad turned out really well, that is something that will come into my rotation.
Well, it's past 10pm... time for bed! xo
We walked down to the duck pond and fed the ducks some old bread I had in the freezer. We noticed that there were many dead fish near the shore :( (do ponds have a shore?) I really don't know what to think of that. One dead fish, or two, fine, but I counted up to 10 and I'm sure there were more. Ben was chasing after the ducks to make them quack and I warned him to not scare them - I didn't want to come back another day to find that the ducks were dead too, ha!
AK found some clear sparkly nail polish and was quite insistent that she needed it on so we did her nails up while she watched some Dora before bed.
I had a really lovely experience this afternoon. I reconnected with some of my fellow 40 day'er yoga challengees. We visited for a while, and then had a very special practice. One of the girls I did the challenge with just returned from her Level 1 teacher training and so she led a practice for us, on a dock leading out to the ocean. She was nervous - understandably so - but she did a wonderful job and it was amazing to have our practice out on the water, with the sun warming and the breeze cooling us. It was a beautiful day and it was really quite something to watch the clouds move across an amazing blue sky while we balanced and flowed. I especially enjoyed an upside-down look at water spraying off of some ironshore while I was in Wheel, and peeking at the sun between my toes and feet in Shoulder Stand. We had a potluck after too, and there is just something so bonding about sharing good tasty food with friends. My quinoa salad turned out really well, that is something that will come into my rotation.
Well, it's past 10pm... time for bed! xo
Snap snap, click click!
AK seemed kind of out of sorts when she woke me up yesterday morning so I convinced her to come into bed with me and she fell back asleep. We didn't get out of bed until 8am! She then had a lot of fluids to drink, but she had the tiniest appetite ever yesterday. Ben said she had a good lunch though (he said that neither she or Hunter could have the treats in their lunches until they BOTH finished their lunches - sneaky!) but she wasn't interested in any breakfast or snacks when I had her.
AK was still pretty tired even when we got up so we cuddled on the couch and played some games on the computer. We eventually got dressed - AK in a princess dress, complete with makeup and jewelry. We wrapped up AK's Father's Day present for her daddy - this is the secret craft project we were working on! She loved painting it and putting the stickers on. The color scheme isn't particularly "daddy-ish" but as AK says "I like purple and pink!".

Ben agreed keep AK so I could attend a birthday brunch yesterday. It was so nice - the restaurant had actually discontinued their Saturday morning brunch but they brought platefuls of the buffet items to our table to pass around family-style. There was lots of seafood and ceviche which I love. It was a really relaxing and fun few hours catching up with the girls. AK napped for most of the time she was with Ben so that was an easy babysitting job for him.
AK and I came home to prepare for the photo shoot. It was overcast but thankfully there was no rain. All the way to Camana Bay, AK kept saying "Photo shoot! Yay! Photo shoot!". Then we parked the car and got out and AK said "Mommy, what's a photo shoot?". Ha! We found the photographer and got started and AK then said "Mommy, where's the photo shoot?". I said to her "We're doing it right now"!
Similar to last year's 2yo photo shoot, AK wasn't very smile-y. When she did smile, she put on a huge cheeseball smile. Ah well... she's still beautiful even when she doesn't smile properly. The photographer said I should have the photos by Monday or Tuesday so I'm excited to see them. Fingers crossed there are some good ones! Even though it wasn't sunny, the photographer said the clouds made for a very even light for our photos.
It's been a good morning so far - I've made a quinoa salad with cucumber, smoked salmon and dill for a yoga potluck, and prepped a chicken and salad dressing for tonight's supper. Jess is away this weekend so I'll treat Ben and Hunter to a Father's Day dinner.
Happy Father's Day to all those fathers I know - especially my own. See you soon, Daddio! xo
AK was still pretty tired even when we got up so we cuddled on the couch and played some games on the computer. We eventually got dressed - AK in a princess dress, complete with makeup and jewelry. We wrapped up AK's Father's Day present for her daddy - this is the secret craft project we were working on! She loved painting it and putting the stickers on. The color scheme isn't particularly "daddy-ish" but as AK says "I like purple and pink!".
Ben agreed keep AK so I could attend a birthday brunch yesterday. It was so nice - the restaurant had actually discontinued their Saturday morning brunch but they brought platefuls of the buffet items to our table to pass around family-style. There was lots of seafood and ceviche which I love. It was a really relaxing and fun few hours catching up with the girls. AK napped for most of the time she was with Ben so that was an easy babysitting job for him.
AK and I came home to prepare for the photo shoot. It was overcast but thankfully there was no rain. All the way to Camana Bay, AK kept saying "Photo shoot! Yay! Photo shoot!". Then we parked the car and got out and AK said "Mommy, what's a photo shoot?". Ha! We found the photographer and got started and AK then said "Mommy, where's the photo shoot?". I said to her "We're doing it right now"!
Similar to last year's 2yo photo shoot, AK wasn't very smile-y. When she did smile, she put on a huge cheeseball smile. Ah well... she's still beautiful even when she doesn't smile properly. The photographer said I should have the photos by Monday or Tuesday so I'm excited to see them. Fingers crossed there are some good ones! Even though it wasn't sunny, the photographer said the clouds made for a very even light for our photos.
It's been a good morning so far - I've made a quinoa salad with cucumber, smoked salmon and dill for a yoga potluck, and prepped a chicken and salad dressing for tonight's supper. Jess is away this weekend so I'll treat Ben and Hunter to a Father's Day dinner.
Happy Father's Day to all those fathers I know - especially my own. See you soon, Daddio! xo
Friday, June 17, 2011
Busy busy busy!
Life has been a little busy and full of stress lately. I'll update on that bunch of stuff soon but wanted to share some of the fun stuff over the past couple of days :)
AK woke me up at 530am today. I said "no way" and convinced AK to crawl into bed with me. She fell right back asleep and we snoozed for over another hour. It was really nice to get some good quality snuggles with AK.
AK is starting to get a little assertive / bossy, whichever word you prefer! She tells me that she needs a juice in the morning, and I need a coffee, and we need to do this, and we need to do that... it's tiring keeping up with all the needs!
AK picked a lovely dress to wear to school today and managed to spill quite a lot of yogurt on it... so off that came and on went a different dress. She is quite adamant about wearing dresses these days too. She cycles through her shoes but favors certain ones for a few days at a time, usually ones she refused to wear just a week ago.
That yogurt spill was messy. Some even got in her hair, yuck! Sure made it hard to brush the tangles out, but I guess it's not really tangles when it's really clumped up yogurt! Did I say yuck yet?
We headed over to the Huys after daycare today. Jenni and Cindy wanted to see AK one more time before she heads off to Canada on Wednesday. I picked up pizza on the way and I thought AK was rather quiet... she finally found her voice and told me that she was tired. She perked up when she saw the other kids though. She didn't eat any supper at all... but drank enough milk that I'm comfortable she won't wake up starving in the middle of the night.
After we ate, we hit up the golf course to play... the kids loved it. There are so many hills to run up, and holes to visit, and sand traps to rake... what a perfect "playground" for Matthew to live next to! AK was quite excited to have a "baff" at Matthew's house so into the tub all the kids went. All the kids cuddled up on Matthew's bed afterward for a couple of stories.
There is lots of wind, lightening and some rain tonight. It has been rainy off and on lately. I don't mind the grey skies and rain but sometimes the humidity is just stifling. It is also getting hotter these days so it's a bit overhwelming some mornings to open the door and feel the heat hit you.
AK and I have a photo shoot tomorrow evening. I hope the rain holds off... otherwise we'll have to postpone. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day. xo
AK woke me up at 530am today. I said "no way" and convinced AK to crawl into bed with me. She fell right back asleep and we snoozed for over another hour. It was really nice to get some good quality snuggles with AK.
AK is starting to get a little assertive / bossy, whichever word you prefer! She tells me that she needs a juice in the morning, and I need a coffee, and we need to do this, and we need to do that... it's tiring keeping up with all the needs!
AK picked a lovely dress to wear to school today and managed to spill quite a lot of yogurt on it... so off that came and on went a different dress. She is quite adamant about wearing dresses these days too. She cycles through her shoes but favors certain ones for a few days at a time, usually ones she refused to wear just a week ago.
That yogurt spill was messy. Some even got in her hair, yuck! Sure made it hard to brush the tangles out, but I guess it's not really tangles when it's really clumped up yogurt! Did I say yuck yet?
We headed over to the Huys after daycare today. Jenni and Cindy wanted to see AK one more time before she heads off to Canada on Wednesday. I picked up pizza on the way and I thought AK was rather quiet... she finally found her voice and told me that she was tired. She perked up when she saw the other kids though. She didn't eat any supper at all... but drank enough milk that I'm comfortable she won't wake up starving in the middle of the night.
After we ate, we hit up the golf course to play... the kids loved it. There are so many hills to run up, and holes to visit, and sand traps to rake... what a perfect "playground" for Matthew to live next to! AK was quite excited to have a "baff" at Matthew's house so into the tub all the kids went. All the kids cuddled up on Matthew's bed afterward for a couple of stories.
There is lots of wind, lightening and some rain tonight. It has been rainy off and on lately. I don't mind the grey skies and rain but sometimes the humidity is just stifling. It is also getting hotter these days so it's a bit overhwelming some mornings to open the door and feel the heat hit you.
AK and I have a photo shoot tomorrow evening. I hope the rain holds off... otherwise we'll have to postpone. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day. xo
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wibble wobble clippety clip!
AK slept past 7am today! I was still awake at 6am, however. It was nice to get up and get ready without wondering what AK was up to. She really wasn't interested in going to school though, but cheered up as soon as she walked into her classroom. She is going to miss her friends so much when she is on holidays. I told her teachers about how she had her birthday party on the weekend, and that she now thinks she's three... they agreed with me that it was okay to let her believe that!
I left work a bit early today to take AK to get her haircut. She remembered and started asking me about it as soon as she saw me. The whole drive there, we talked about Liz the hairdresser and how much we like Liz! We got there a bit early so I decided to pop into a store next door to look around and AK kept asking me "When do I get my hair cut? Where do I get my hair cut?". We ended up going over to the salon early and Liz was free so she started with AK right away. Those two are two peas in a pod... AK would wibble wobble one way, Liz would follow, then they'd both giggle and wibble wobble the other way! Getting AK to sit still today was a challenge but a lollipop sure helped. AK loved it when Liz held up the mirror at the end to show AK how her hair looked at the back... she started giggling and wobbling all over the place again! I think pretty much every stylist in the salon was charmed by AK by the time we left. One of my fellow yogis works there and it was nice to catch up with her. She's planning to host a potluck on Sunday so I'm really looking forward to that.
We picked up some Chicken Chicken and headed over to Jodi and Mike's to meet Baby Siena... she's a month old already and I can't believe I hadn't had a chance to meet her yet, especially as she's moving to Canada next weekend :( it is sad to see friends go but it is comforting to reflect on the memories we've made and the friendships we have, knowing that we are all blessed due to those friendships.
Mason and AK played together so nicely... Mason was goofing around and AK laughed hysterically at him. There were lots of hugs tonight when it was time to say "see you later". Mike and Jodi are having a farewell gathering this weekend so I'll go to that and see them one more time before they go.
We got all three kids on the couch for a good photo op! Mason is nearly 2, AK is nearly 3 and Siena is just one month old.

Off to bed early for me tonight... I had an awful sleep last night. Fingers crossed AK may pull another 7am wake-up tomorrow! xo
I left work a bit early today to take AK to get her haircut. She remembered and started asking me about it as soon as she saw me. The whole drive there, we talked about Liz the hairdresser and how much we like Liz! We got there a bit early so I decided to pop into a store next door to look around and AK kept asking me "When do I get my hair cut? Where do I get my hair cut?". We ended up going over to the salon early and Liz was free so she started with AK right away. Those two are two peas in a pod... AK would wibble wobble one way, Liz would follow, then they'd both giggle and wibble wobble the other way! Getting AK to sit still today was a challenge but a lollipop sure helped. AK loved it when Liz held up the mirror at the end to show AK how her hair looked at the back... she started giggling and wobbling all over the place again! I think pretty much every stylist in the salon was charmed by AK by the time we left. One of my fellow yogis works there and it was nice to catch up with her. She's planning to host a potluck on Sunday so I'm really looking forward to that.
We picked up some Chicken Chicken and headed over to Jodi and Mike's to meet Baby Siena... she's a month old already and I can't believe I hadn't had a chance to meet her yet, especially as she's moving to Canada next weekend :( it is sad to see friends go but it is comforting to reflect on the memories we've made and the friendships we have, knowing that we are all blessed due to those friendships.
Mason and AK played together so nicely... Mason was goofing around and AK laughed hysterically at him. There were lots of hugs tonight when it was time to say "see you later". Mike and Jodi are having a farewell gathering this weekend so I'll go to that and see them one more time before they go.
We got all three kids on the couch for a good photo op! Mason is nearly 2, AK is nearly 3 and Siena is just one month old.
Off to bed early for me tonight... I had an awful sleep last night. Fingers crossed AK may pull another 7am wake-up tomorrow! xo
Monday, June 13, 2011
Birthday boat pics
Christie was kind enough to snap some photos and share them with me so you can all have more of a look at the birthday boat party!
Happy Birthday dear Annabelle, Happy Birthday to you!!! AK stood very still and just looked around. She didn't make a peep - last year she sang along with everyone else! There were two types of cupcakes - vanilla with white icing, and chocolate with chocolate icing. Both were topped with a little pink flower.

AK did a great job of blowing the candles out!

I was totally unprepared for this stampede of kids wanting cupcakes. I kid you not, I nearly fell over!!! Notice how quickly AK got pushed out of the way?

AK enjoying every bite of this cupcake! Actually, she was more interested in the icing and half of the actual cake went into the garbage. She's got it all figured out!

Evidence of a very good cupcake! I can't believe that little bit of icing and cake put AK into a sugar coma, but the eyes don't lie!!!

A few people have asked - AK's birthday has not come yet but she is leaving on June 22nd for Canada for holidays with her daddy. This weekend was the best one for friends to get together with us to celebrate. It is very difficult now to convince AK that she's not "three now" but I've decided to just let her believe it... she's only a couple of weeks away from the actual day on the 25th! I plan to take a cake to AK's daycare class on her last day of school, and I'm sure Grandma Z will hold a party at some point in Canada as well. You can never have too much cake!
And speaking of cake, I just ate the last piece of Julie's cake. Notice I waited until AK went to bed so I wouldn't have to share it? Ha!
Happy Birthday dear Annabelle, Happy Birthday to you!!! AK stood very still and just looked around. She didn't make a peep - last year she sang along with everyone else! There were two types of cupcakes - vanilla with white icing, and chocolate with chocolate icing. Both were topped with a little pink flower.

AK did a great job of blowing the candles out!

I was totally unprepared for this stampede of kids wanting cupcakes. I kid you not, I nearly fell over!!! Notice how quickly AK got pushed out of the way?

AK enjoying every bite of this cupcake! Actually, she was more interested in the icing and half of the actual cake went into the garbage. She's got it all figured out!

Evidence of a very good cupcake! I can't believe that little bit of icing and cake put AK into a sugar coma, but the eyes don't lie!!!

A few people have asked - AK's birthday has not come yet but she is leaving on June 22nd for Canada for holidays with her daddy. This weekend was the best one for friends to get together with us to celebrate. It is very difficult now to convince AK that she's not "three now" but I've decided to just let her believe it... she's only a couple of weeks away from the actual day on the 25th! I plan to take a cake to AK's daycare class on her last day of school, and I'm sure Grandma Z will hold a party at some point in Canada as well. You can never have too much cake!
And speaking of cake, I just ate the last piece of Julie's cake. Notice I waited until AK went to bed so I wouldn't have to share it? Ha!
All cheesed out
Cindy and I realized that Sunday's supper was very heavy on the cheese. It was in the lasagna, on the garlic bread and in the salad! No wonder we were all so full on small portions. The kids had their special table to sit at and they all did a great job of wolfing down their food. Guess you gotta replenish when you play hard!

Julie agreed to make the cake for AK's birthday dinner... and she did an amazing job. It was a three-layer cake (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry layers), iced with pink icing and covered with sprinkles! It was SO good and I'm so happy I entrusted her with that task!

AK got really spoiled last night again... her big gift from the Babbs and the Huys is a bike :) she is loving it so far. We went outside with it this morning and she actually took a tumble, thankfully on to the grass. We will work on sharpening up AK's technique when she grows another fraction of an inch and her feet are solidly on the pedals! That reminds me, I have to take the bike to the gas station to put some air in the tires... I knew there was something I forgot to do today.
I was very grateful for the Queen's Birthday holiday today. No way would I have wanted to go to work today. AK and I took it easy this morning, and then Sue and Kylie came over for a visit. The girls exchanged birthday gifts, the we played outside for a while. We also played with puzzles and other games.

AK had a visit with her daddy tonight and I headed over to Margaritaville to hang out with some friends and have a drink:

And watched the kids go down the slide:

AK and I played a couple of games once she got home and she went off to bed nicely. I'm ready for the week to come... it will be a busy one with lots of visits, I think. But that's okay - lots of fun for both of us!
AK's new favorite game is for me to sit on her. I have to make a big production about how tired I am and how I just want to sit down to relax. Then I sit on her and complain about how lumpy and bumpy and giggly the couch is! She thinks it's hilarious...
We also opened up a Dora Bingo game from the Forsyths. I was thinking AK may be too young for it but she picked up the concept quite well and was really listening to and understanding the rules. She is also getting much better at some of the games on her princess laptop. One game in particular is matching an uppercase letter with the lowercase letter. She's really come a long way with that game - it's not just dumb luck now when she matches them up!
Julie agreed to make the cake for AK's birthday dinner... and she did an amazing job. It was a three-layer cake (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry layers), iced with pink icing and covered with sprinkles! It was SO good and I'm so happy I entrusted her with that task!

AK got really spoiled last night again... her big gift from the Babbs and the Huys is a bike :) she is loving it so far. We went outside with it this morning and she actually took a tumble, thankfully on to the grass. We will work on sharpening up AK's technique when she grows another fraction of an inch and her feet are solidly on the pedals! That reminds me, I have to take the bike to the gas station to put some air in the tires... I knew there was something I forgot to do today.
I was very grateful for the Queen's Birthday holiday today. No way would I have wanted to go to work today. AK and I took it easy this morning, and then Sue and Kylie came over for a visit. The girls exchanged birthday gifts, the we played outside for a while. We also played with puzzles and other games.
AK had a visit with her daddy tonight and I headed over to Margaritaville to hang out with some friends and have a drink:
And watched the kids go down the slide:
AK and I played a couple of games once she got home and she went off to bed nicely. I'm ready for the week to come... it will be a busy one with lots of visits, I think. But that's okay - lots of fun for both of us!
AK's new favorite game is for me to sit on her. I have to make a big production about how tired I am and how I just want to sit down to relax. Then I sit on her and complain about how lumpy and bumpy and giggly the couch is! She thinks it's hilarious...
We also opened up a Dora Bingo game from the Forsyths. I was thinking AK may be too young for it but she picked up the concept quite well and was really listening to and understanding the rules. She is also getting much better at some of the games on her princess laptop. One game in particular is matching an uppercase letter with the lowercase letter. She's really come a long way with that game - it's not just dumb luck now when she matches them up!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The party after the party!
I guess when you get off a boat right at a good place to get drinks, you stay for a drink! Some people stayed at Rackam's so AK and I stayed there for a bit, and then we headed over to Hammerhead's to join a few other people.

AK and I headed home for supper finally... I was so tired, I put on a video for AK and then she went to bed without a bath. I'm not even sure AK was so tired, but I needed her to go to bed so I could rest! Of course I had a hard time falling asleep... my legs were achy and I'm sure I was a bit dehydrated.
We finally opened some of the gifts this morning... AK is so spoiled. She now has two Barbie dolls... I was trying to hold off on introducing AK to Barbie... but oh well! She got some lovely clothing too, and picked one of the dresses to wear to church this morning.
I should probably rest for a bit now... we have some company coming for supper tonight. xo
Kylie, AK, Anna and Alex
I love this pic - AK was mid-twirl dancing with Kylie when I snapped this
It was a hot day and AK played hard!!!
AK and I headed home for supper finally... I was so tired, I put on a video for AK and then she went to bed without a bath. I'm not even sure AK was so tired, but I needed her to go to bed so I could rest! Of course I had a hard time falling asleep... my legs were achy and I'm sure I was a bit dehydrated.
We finally opened some of the gifts this morning... AK is so spoiled. She now has two Barbie dolls... I was trying to hold off on introducing AK to Barbie... but oh well! She got some lovely clothing too, and picked one of the dresses to wear to church this morning.
I should probably rest for a bit now... we have some company coming for supper tonight. xo
The party boat!
This is the boat, after it was moored after the party. We were underneath the water, in a glassed-in area. Just gives you an idea of what the boat was like!

This is AK's position for pretty much the entirety of the party. She loved looking out at everything and I was able to just leave her plastered to the window.

Here's AK and Kylie not glued to the window. There's very few pictures of the back of people's heads.

Everything went so well. The boat guys helped me bring down the coolers of drinks and hang a banner. I was trying to keep it simple! The Mosers bought and picked up the cupcakes, which was a huge help for me and a lovely gift for AK! Unfortunately a dozen of the cupcakes met an untimely end when the box they were in fell off the seat in the boat :( but we still had just enough cupcakes for everyone.
All the kids had a great time and I think the parents did too... we had only one hour on the boat and I think it was just the right amount of time. There was lots of fish and coral to see outside the boat, and one of the boat guys went down with scuba gear and some food in his hand. The fish were attracted to the food, so he swam all around the boat so everyone could see the fish clustering around him.
We sang Happy Birthday (hoping people will email their pics of AK blowing out her cake) and came back in... party over! You'd think... but there was a party after the party! xo
This is AK's position for pretty much the entirety of the party. She loved looking out at everything and I was able to just leave her plastered to the window.
Here's AK and Kylie not glued to the window. There's very few pictures of the back of people's heads.
Everything went so well. The boat guys helped me bring down the coolers of drinks and hang a banner. I was trying to keep it simple! The Mosers bought and picked up the cupcakes, which was a huge help for me and a lovely gift for AK! Unfortunately a dozen of the cupcakes met an untimely end when the box they were in fell off the seat in the boat :( but we still had just enough cupcakes for everyone.
All the kids had a great time and I think the parents did too... we had only one hour on the boat and I think it was just the right amount of time. There was lots of fish and coral to see outside the boat, and one of the boat guys went down with scuba gear and some food in his hand. The fish were attracted to the food, so he swam all around the boat so everyone could see the fish clustering around him.
We sang Happy Birthday (hoping people will email their pics of AK blowing out her cake) and came back in... party over! You'd think... but there was a party after the party! xo
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The calm before the storm...
AK's napping, I'm having lunch and everything is ready to go for the party (including a beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds!!!).
Writing this post is made me realize that I've been blogging here for over a year now... I remember sitting here nearly a year ago, waiting for AK's 2yo birthday party to start. Shoot, that feels like yesterday. Time flies.
AK is truly my daughter. I know this because when you throw a ball at her, she freezes up and shuts her eyes. I couldn't be prouder. Ha! On a serious note, how do I help her get over that? I'm now 33 and I'm still scared of the ball. I would love for AK's path in life to take a different one than mine in this regard!
There are so many flies right now. They are getting into the house and AK chases after them with the fly swatter. Too bad her aim's not that great. They are sneaky though, and very hard to catch. It is nearly impossible to sit out back and play right now. They are just SO ANNOYING.
See you after the party! xo
Writing this post is made me realize that I've been blogging here for over a year now... I remember sitting here nearly a year ago, waiting for AK's 2yo birthday party to start. Shoot, that feels like yesterday. Time flies.
AK is truly my daughter. I know this because when you throw a ball at her, she freezes up and shuts her eyes. I couldn't be prouder. Ha! On a serious note, how do I help her get over that? I'm now 33 and I'm still scared of the ball. I would love for AK's path in life to take a different one than mine in this regard!
There are so many flies right now. They are getting into the house and AK chases after them with the fly swatter. Too bad her aim's not that great. They are sneaky though, and very hard to catch. It is nearly impossible to sit out back and play right now. They are just SO ANNOYING.
See you after the party! xo
Aaaahhhh... coffee and quiet!
It's nearly 745am and I'm nearly done my first cup of coffee. This is particularly exciting as Miss AK is still snoozing!!! I wonder how long she'll sleep... bet she'll be ready for a nap right around the time her birthday party starts???
The skies have some nice fluffy white clouds in them... here's hoping the dark ones stay away today!!! xo
PS - as soon as I hit "publish post", guess who woke up :) so lovely to have snuggles with a sleepy little girl! xo
PPS - one more story I forgot from yesterday - we were talking about who would be at the birthday party today. AK wanted to know if Jenni would be there and I said no, because she's gone to Miami. AK responded "Jenni's gone to you-ami?".
The skies have some nice fluffy white clouds in them... here's hoping the dark ones stay away today!!! xo
PS - as soon as I hit "publish post", guess who woke up :) so lovely to have snuggles with a sleepy little girl! xo
PPS - one more story I forgot from yesterday - we were talking about who would be at the birthday party today. AK wanted to know if Jenni would be there and I said no, because she's gone to Miami. AK responded "Jenni's gone to you-ami?".
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday shenanigans!
AK was crying when I picked her up from daycare today, couldn't really figure out what she was saying other than her feet hurt. Oh well. Poor kid! I asked AK if she wanted to go to the movie store and she said she wanted "The Lost Treasure". Did you know that is the most recent Tinkerbell movie? This kid is more up to date with the new stuff than I am! AK had quite the nice meltdown in the parking lot at the stores. Good thing we were just coming straight home after that... I think someone needed some downtime (and someone else needed a cocktail :) )
AK noticed that I had lined up her alphabet all nicely on the fridge and decided that she needed to line it up in a different way. Here she is saying "It's taller than me, Mommy!"

I managed to get a close-up of the cut on AK's forehead. Not too bad at all. It looks a lot better than I was expecting already. Fingers crossed it may be nearly healed by the time we have our photo shoot next weekend!
AK downed some good snacks and a good supper tonight. She had a turkey pepperoni stick and was holding it up to the lamp. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm lighting my pepperoni!". Her tone of voice sure made it sound like I should know exactly what she is talking about... weird.
AK also ate some noodles with chicken in tomato sauce for supper. She was being somewhat antsy so I bribed her with a yogurt drink for dessert if she ate well. She ate well then got upset when I went to get her a yogurt drink as she wanted milk. Oh well, I just gave her milk then. She didn't ask for any kind of treat tonight so I just took advantage of that.
AK asked to play a game on the computer so I googled and found that Fisher Price has some online games. I got AK onto one of them and she had a blast with it. She was giggling and playing away.
I think I'm ready for the birthday party tomorrow... I hope the sun is too!!!
AK noticed that I had lined up her alphabet all nicely on the fridge and decided that she needed to line it up in a different way. Here she is saying "It's taller than me, Mommy!"
I managed to get a close-up of the cut on AK's forehead. Not too bad at all. It looks a lot better than I was expecting already. Fingers crossed it may be nearly healed by the time we have our photo shoot next weekend!
AK downed some good snacks and a good supper tonight. She had a turkey pepperoni stick and was holding it up to the lamp. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm lighting my pepperoni!". Her tone of voice sure made it sound like I should know exactly what she is talking about... weird.
AK also ate some noodles with chicken in tomato sauce for supper. She was being somewhat antsy so I bribed her with a yogurt drink for dessert if she ate well. She ate well then got upset when I went to get her a yogurt drink as she wanted milk. Oh well, I just gave her milk then. She didn't ask for any kind of treat tonight so I just took advantage of that.
AK asked to play a game on the computer so I googled and found that Fisher Price has some online games. I got AK onto one of them and she had a blast with it. She was giggling and playing away.
I think I'm ready for the birthday party tomorrow... I hope the sun is too!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Owie :(
When I picked up AK from daycare yesterday, Jess was picking up Hunter at the same time. I started playing with Hunter to keep him from darting into the parking lot and AK started horsing around too... unfortunately her feet slipped on the gravel and she fell face-first and hit her forehead :( and now she has a cut over her eyebrow.
Poor kiddo... it doesn't look too bad and thankfully it's right on her eyebrow. I don't think it'll scar but if it does... oh well, it'll add character. Sue had the perfect size bandaid to put on it so I put it on despite AK's protests and she didn't seem bothered by it otherwise.
We had a lovely time playing with Sue and Kylie while Shawn and his brother prepared supper - what a deal :) the girls get along so well and it seems that Kylie gets a wee bit bothered by having to share her toys but she managed just fine. AK ate her spaghetti right up and also devoured about 2/3 of an ice cream bar. What an appetite. Kylie loves her puzzles and her sentence structure / vocabulary are so advanced.
Went to see Hangover II last night... it is a pretty good movie!
Poor kiddo... it doesn't look too bad and thankfully it's right on her eyebrow. I don't think it'll scar but if it does... oh well, it'll add character. Sue had the perfect size bandaid to put on it so I put it on despite AK's protests and she didn't seem bothered by it otherwise.
We had a lovely time playing with Sue and Kylie while Shawn and his brother prepared supper - what a deal :) the girls get along so well and it seems that Kylie gets a wee bit bothered by having to share her toys but she managed just fine. AK ate her spaghetti right up and also devoured about 2/3 of an ice cream bar. What an appetite. Kylie loves her puzzles and her sentence structure / vocabulary are so advanced.
Went to see Hangover II last night... it is a pretty good movie!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Halfway there...
This week seems to be dragging... The weather has been gloomy and stormy here... I've had no motivation to blog but here's a short post for you!
When I picked up AK from daycare the other day, it was raining on and off a bit. I asked AK what we say when it's raining, and she responded "Rain, rain, go away, come a-back another day". No matter what I said, she'd say only "a-back" and not "again". She also said "holy moly macaroni" a bunch of times and cracked up.
We headed over to Cindy's house for Crafty Monday. Cindy always tells me she's not very crafty then she comes up with these great ideas of things for the kids to do... her idea was birdfeeders out of milk cartons! AK painted hers blue and I have some branches that I need to poke through the bottoms to create footholds for the birdies. I will try to do that before AK comes back to me on Friday. Funny enough, AK finished painting and then said "Mommy, I need a birdie!". I will put the birdfeeder out on the patio and hope that we get a bird or two!
Cindy asked us to stay for supper - spaghetti and meat sauce - AK cleaned her plate! She was quite hungry and fed herself very well. We are going to Sue and Kylie's for supper tonight and it sounds like we're having spaghetti again... good thing AK loves it.
Fingers crossed that all these clouds go away before AK's birthday party on Saturday!!!
When I picked up AK from daycare the other day, it was raining on and off a bit. I asked AK what we say when it's raining, and she responded "Rain, rain, go away, come a-back another day". No matter what I said, she'd say only "a-back" and not "again". She also said "holy moly macaroni" a bunch of times and cracked up.
We headed over to Cindy's house for Crafty Monday. Cindy always tells me she's not very crafty then she comes up with these great ideas of things for the kids to do... her idea was birdfeeders out of milk cartons! AK painted hers blue and I have some branches that I need to poke through the bottoms to create footholds for the birdies. I will try to do that before AK comes back to me on Friday. Funny enough, AK finished painting and then said "Mommy, I need a birdie!". I will put the birdfeeder out on the patio and hope that we get a bird or two!
Cindy asked us to stay for supper - spaghetti and meat sauce - AK cleaned her plate! She was quite hungry and fed herself very well. We are going to Sue and Kylie's for supper tonight and it sounds like we're having spaghetti again... good thing AK loves it.
Fingers crossed that all these clouds go away before AK's birthday party on Saturday!!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Catching up - time just slips away from me sometimes
I promised you this cute photo of AK with Baby Johnny... they're watching cartoons but I'm not sure what Johnny finds so interesting over there...

On the boat on the way home from the stagette dinner... hair troubles!

Finally a nice picture of Karen and I - I wasn't about to share all the ones with my hair blowing in my face!

Playdate at Angie's the other night. Jake, Molly, Matthew, AK and Milanna. They're a pretty cute bunch of kids, hey?

What to do when AK wakes at 545am? Why not bake a cake and eat batter for breakfast?

I had a really nice weekend. I had drinks with some friends on Friday night before going to get groceries. I think having a drink impaired my judgment... I came home with some questionable grocery purchases. Ha! Saturday I was annoyed that I was up early so used the energy to do some good organizing and purging. In the afternoon, I went to yoga and then for a badly-needed massage.
Saturday night, I went to a theater production with three other girls. It consisted of two different plays, and although the evening was long, it was very entertaining. The theater group did a wonderful job.
Today, I cooked (see Beets post!) and then went to yoga and for my belated Mother's Day pedicure. I don't think I could have asked for a much better weekend.
I spoke to AK on the phone and told her that her birthday party would be on a boat next weekend. She responded "oh?". I hope she enjoys it! I put the goodie bags together today so that's already done. I picked up most of the supplies I need for the party so we're pretty much good to go! xo
On the boat on the way home from the stagette dinner... hair troubles!
Finally a nice picture of Karen and I - I wasn't about to share all the ones with my hair blowing in my face!
Playdate at Angie's the other night. Jake, Molly, Matthew, AK and Milanna. They're a pretty cute bunch of kids, hey?
What to do when AK wakes at 545am? Why not bake a cake and eat batter for breakfast?
I had a really nice weekend. I had drinks with some friends on Friday night before going to get groceries. I think having a drink impaired my judgment... I came home with some questionable grocery purchases. Ha! Saturday I was annoyed that I was up early so used the energy to do some good organizing and purging. In the afternoon, I went to yoga and then for a badly-needed massage.
Saturday night, I went to a theater production with three other girls. It consisted of two different plays, and although the evening was long, it was very entertaining. The theater group did a wonderful job.
Today, I cooked (see Beets post!) and then went to yoga and for my belated Mother's Day pedicure. I don't think I could have asked for a much better weekend.
I spoke to AK on the phone and told her that her birthday party would be on a boat next weekend. She responded "oh?". I hope she enjoys it! I put the goodie bags together today so that's already done. I picked up most of the supplies I need for the party so we're pretty much good to go! xo
This one's for you, Baba!
I think I posted last week that I had picked up some beautiful young beets at the Farmer's Market last week. It was the leaves on them that caught my eye. Check 'em out, aren't they a beautiful color?

I cooked up some brown basmati rice in my rice cooker (the only rice I had on hand) and then mixed it with some onion sauteed in margarine. I added some pepper and dill to season it.

I started with a layer of beet leaves (I had so many leaves that I was able to double-up the layers) alternating with two layers of rice. This is before baking.

This is after baking... yum!!! (Thanks to Baba for speaking on the phone with me to answer my questions about how to put this dish together... this was my first time making it!)

I then used the beets (including the stalks as per Baba's instructions) to make borscht. I bought some beef bones and used them to make stock, and took the meat off the bones to add to the soup at the end. I also added onion, garlic, carrots, celery and frozen peas and beans. Tomato soup, dill and vinegar were added near the end. Look at that beautiful color.

I don't know that I've ever made borscht with a meat-based stock before, but it sure added a nice dimension to the taste. I think I'll try a pork bone next time.
I cooked up some turkey sausage that I had in the freezer to round out this meal. I should be able to have lunch for the rest of the week with these leftovers... yay me!
I hope you don't mind a post about food... but these beets were so beautiful and they've inspired two wonderful dishes that I can't not share!
I think I posted last week that I had picked up some beautiful young beets at the Farmer's Market last week. It was the leaves on them that caught my eye. Check 'em out, aren't they a beautiful color?
I cooked up some brown basmati rice in my rice cooker (the only rice I had on hand) and then mixed it with some onion sauteed in margarine. I added some pepper and dill to season it.
I started with a layer of beet leaves (I had so many leaves that I was able to double-up the layers) alternating with two layers of rice. This is before baking.
This is after baking... yum!!! (Thanks to Baba for speaking on the phone with me to answer my questions about how to put this dish together... this was my first time making it!)
I then used the beets (including the stalks as per Baba's instructions) to make borscht. I bought some beef bones and used them to make stock, and took the meat off the bones to add to the soup at the end. I also added onion, garlic, carrots, celery and frozen peas and beans. Tomato soup, dill and vinegar were added near the end. Look at that beautiful color.
I don't know that I've ever made borscht with a meat-based stock before, but it sure added a nice dimension to the taste. I think I'll try a pork bone next time.
I cooked up some turkey sausage that I had in the freezer to round out this meal. I should be able to have lunch for the rest of the week with these leftovers... yay me!
I hope you don't mind a post about food... but these beets were so beautiful and they've inspired two wonderful dishes that I can't not share!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Almost the weekend!
I must say this has been a frustrating week at work. I am happy that tomorrow is Friday and then I'll have a couple of days away from IT issues. Three separate issues I've had this week... and that's over and above the usual ones we have all the time!!!
I'm getting a great response to AK's birthday boat. I think we'll have quite a few people joining us and that will be so much fun!
AK woke me this morning by droppping my Kindle on the floor next to my bed. I must have been right asleep as I didn't even wake up when she dragged it off my bed (I'm so lazy at bedtime that I have a booklight that I clip onto the Kindle and when I'm done reading, I can just turn off the light and lay the Kindle down next to my pillow. I SAID I was lazy). I've really been dragging my butt this week. Anyway... today's daycare drop-off was a dream. AK ran right into her classroom and started playing with her friends. What a treat after all the clingy, whiny, crying mornings. I know she is always fine as soon as I walk out the door but it's just great to share a happy morning with her too.
We headed over to Angie and Milanna's for a playdate and supper tonight. Cindy was there with the kids and Lanie brought Matthew and Gracelyn over too so that Jenni could join us after work. We had a tour of Angie's new house first. We went outside to play on the play structure and all the kids took their turn "cleaning" the pool using a skimmer to grab the leaves and flowers that they had thrown in the pool. Jake also threw some rocks in the pool - oops - he was not supposed to do that!
Supper was hamburgers, potato salad and coleslaw. AK took a bite of her burger and said "Mommy, it's spicy!". I didn't take her seriously as I thought she was complaining about the wee bit of mustard I put on her bun. Then Cindy took a bite of her burger and her eyes started watering as she got a mouthful of pepper or something. Then I understood that AK's burger really was spicy!
We are spoiled by Angie... she sent us home with some goodies. I waited until AK was in bed so that I could have the sweets all to myself :)
I'm looking forward to the weekend... some drinks, a little yoga, massage, pedicure, a play... lots of fun stuff. xo
I'm getting a great response to AK's birthday boat. I think we'll have quite a few people joining us and that will be so much fun!
AK woke me this morning by droppping my Kindle on the floor next to my bed. I must have been right asleep as I didn't even wake up when she dragged it off my bed (I'm so lazy at bedtime that I have a booklight that I clip onto the Kindle and when I'm done reading, I can just turn off the light and lay the Kindle down next to my pillow. I SAID I was lazy). I've really been dragging my butt this week. Anyway... today's daycare drop-off was a dream. AK ran right into her classroom and started playing with her friends. What a treat after all the clingy, whiny, crying mornings. I know she is always fine as soon as I walk out the door but it's just great to share a happy morning with her too.
We headed over to Angie and Milanna's for a playdate and supper tonight. Cindy was there with the kids and Lanie brought Matthew and Gracelyn over too so that Jenni could join us after work. We had a tour of Angie's new house first. We went outside to play on the play structure and all the kids took their turn "cleaning" the pool using a skimmer to grab the leaves and flowers that they had thrown in the pool. Jake also threw some rocks in the pool - oops - he was not supposed to do that!
Supper was hamburgers, potato salad and coleslaw. AK took a bite of her burger and said "Mommy, it's spicy!". I didn't take her seriously as I thought she was complaining about the wee bit of mustard I put on her bun. Then Cindy took a bite of her burger and her eyes started watering as she got a mouthful of pepper or something. Then I understood that AK's burger really was spicy!
We are spoiled by Angie... she sent us home with some goodies. I waited until AK was in bed so that I could have the sweets all to myself :)
I'm looking forward to the weekend... some drinks, a little yoga, massage, pedicure, a play... lots of fun stuff. xo
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Laughing to the bank...
I wish! But we had loads of laughs tonight!
I'm proud that AK told me she had to pee, went to the bathroom by herself, and then had the biggest poop I'm sure she's ever had!!! What a trooper! She was pretty proud of herself and gave me a high five!
She ate a great supper and did so good on the potty that I decided she could have a treat of a purple lollipop. Well, she was wearing that lollipop everywhere by the time she was done with it - it was just as much entertainment as it was a treat! AK giggled when she saw her messy face in the mirror and I was able to get a good brush of her teeth by telling her I had to get all the purple off of her teeth!
AK's classroom at school is too cute. When she comes in the door in the morning, they all say "good morning" and "Annabelle's here" and this morning, I'll bet you every single kid came up and gave her a hug. It is seriously awesome to see how these kids enjoy each other. When we leave, they all wave and shout "good-bye"! When I walk in the door, they all start saying "It's Annabelle's mommy!". I saw the class list for July onwards and it looks like most of the kids will be moving together to the next class. One little girl named Clare/Clara (not sure) apparently is completely infatuated with AK and will not leave her side all day long. The teachers are not sure how Clare will manage without AK when she goes on holidays!
We hit up the Farmer's Market this evening and Karen was kind enough to join us. I was able to pick up some buns, eggs, beets (now I can learn how to make beet leaf rice!) and a mango. I also bought a blueberry soap for AK. There a craft corner and AK painted a pot and we planted a flowering plant to bring home! I hope I don't kill it before it actually flowers... knowing my luck... I'm not optimistic!
AK is a real firecracker and has a wicked sense of humor. We were reading a book tonight and I was asking her questions and she was responding totally inappropriately (calling a red bird black, for example, or saying the wrong noise that an animal makes) and cracking up.
I'm finding that counting to three is a very effective way to get AK to do something. She's usually doing what I want her to do by "one" but oftentimes she'll wait all the way til I say "three" to smarten up. She also very much likes to know what's coming next... I'll tell her that when the oven timer beeps, or Dora is over, that it's time for bathtime and she's fine with that as she's prepared. Mind you, there are days she fusses but by large, she's halfway to the tub when the Dora ending song starts playing.
AK is very vocal when it comes to picking what clothing she is wearing that day. She has a pretty strong opinion about what she does and does not like to wear, or what she feels like wearing that day. She also will often tell me she is "hot" and that she likes it "hot", especially when we get into the truck. She loves listening to music in the car and loves clapping along to the music these days.
I signed AK up for ballet lessons starting in September :) it's a 6-week block so we'll give it a try and see how it goes. There is a reception area and an observation window so I'll be able to watch her but I shouldn't be in the classroom with her. Should be good for her... I hope she enjoys it. I've got my fingers crossed that some of her little friends may be in her class too.
Time to get the kitchen cleaned and lunches made before I'm too tired to get off the couch. xo
I'm proud that AK told me she had to pee, went to the bathroom by herself, and then had the biggest poop I'm sure she's ever had!!! What a trooper! She was pretty proud of herself and gave me a high five!
She ate a great supper and did so good on the potty that I decided she could have a treat of a purple lollipop. Well, she was wearing that lollipop everywhere by the time she was done with it - it was just as much entertainment as it was a treat! AK giggled when she saw her messy face in the mirror and I was able to get a good brush of her teeth by telling her I had to get all the purple off of her teeth!
AK's classroom at school is too cute. When she comes in the door in the morning, they all say "good morning" and "Annabelle's here" and this morning, I'll bet you every single kid came up and gave her a hug. It is seriously awesome to see how these kids enjoy each other. When we leave, they all wave and shout "good-bye"! When I walk in the door, they all start saying "It's Annabelle's mommy!". I saw the class list for July onwards and it looks like most of the kids will be moving together to the next class. One little girl named Clare/Clara (not sure) apparently is completely infatuated with AK and will not leave her side all day long. The teachers are not sure how Clare will manage without AK when she goes on holidays!
We hit up the Farmer's Market this evening and Karen was kind enough to join us. I was able to pick up some buns, eggs, beets (now I can learn how to make beet leaf rice!) and a mango. I also bought a blueberry soap for AK. There a craft corner and AK painted a pot and we planted a flowering plant to bring home! I hope I don't kill it before it actually flowers... knowing my luck... I'm not optimistic!
AK is a real firecracker and has a wicked sense of humor. We were reading a book tonight and I was asking her questions and she was responding totally inappropriately (calling a red bird black, for example, or saying the wrong noise that an animal makes) and cracking up.
I'm finding that counting to three is a very effective way to get AK to do something. She's usually doing what I want her to do by "one" but oftentimes she'll wait all the way til I say "three" to smarten up. She also very much likes to know what's coming next... I'll tell her that when the oven timer beeps, or Dora is over, that it's time for bathtime and she's fine with that as she's prepared. Mind you, there are days she fusses but by large, she's halfway to the tub when the Dora ending song starts playing.
AK is very vocal when it comes to picking what clothing she is wearing that day. She has a pretty strong opinion about what she does and does not like to wear, or what she feels like wearing that day. She also will often tell me she is "hot" and that she likes it "hot", especially when we get into the truck. She loves listening to music in the car and loves clapping along to the music these days.
I signed AK up for ballet lessons starting in September :) it's a 6-week block so we'll give it a try and see how it goes. There is a reception area and an observation window so I'll be able to watch her but I shouldn't be in the classroom with her. Should be good for her... I hope she enjoys it. I've got my fingers crossed that some of her little friends may be in her class too.
Time to get the kitchen cleaned and lunches made before I'm too tired to get off the couch. xo
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