On Saturday morning, Mike was kind enough to take AK to the gym for me so that I could go to a yoga workshop on balancing poses. I did my first-ever full handstands :) yay for me!
AK tired Mike out at the gym :) I'm so grateful he was available to help me. Sounds like AK had a great time and I've even lined up people to help next weekend so I can go to a hip-opening yoga workshop.
AK crashed on the way home from gymnastics and slept for 3 hours. I was able to get some cleaning done and even got to rest myself for a bit. I was a bit tired from yoga and low on energy from a cold I've been fighting (again or still, take your pick).
AK and I then headed off to Isabella's birthday party. Miss AK had loads of fun playing in the sand. She also got to drink lots of juice and eat lots of treats! These birthday parties are nothing for free-for-alls for the kids! Isabella's party was a Mickey theme and AK's party favor was a little Minnie Mouse doll and a balloon.
This morning, Charmain was kind enough to babysit for me while I went to a baby shower for Nicole. I was able to have a nice breakfast and visit with some friends in peace. Charmain said AK fussed a bit when I left but was quite happy for the rest of the time she was there. I think Charmain just fed her lots of cookies :)
After naptime (for both of us!), we colored and read some books before we headed out to see Jenni and Matthew. Jenni's sister just arrived today for a week's visit, great timing as Kevin just headed away for work for a week. The kids played in the sand for a while and then we played in the pool at the old Hyatt for a long time! It's a great pool with some shallow levels and it is just so much fun with the kids using water wings. Matthew is very brave and jumps and swims all by himself. AK is not so brave but she is very determined to swim on her own, which she did beautifully. The water wings give AK so much independence that she so desperately craves these days. Matthew is not afraid to jump in and let his head go under the water. AK likes to jump, although timidly in comparison, but she is not a fan of her head getting wet. We will have to work on that. I think it's her eyes that are bothered by the water.
While we were eating supper, AK farted... everyone heard and Matthew said "Annabelle farted!". So cute. I'm hoping Jenni will invite us back to swim at the pool again soon. It was so much fun.
I just made some chicken noodle soup and got lunches ready for tomorrow. Jeremy is away for work all week so AK is stuck with me. Lucky girl, hey? :P We have lots of activities planned this week so I know the time will go by quickly. Time for bed xo
Sounds like a great weekend, and WTG on the handstand!