Story time! Look at the smile on AK's face - must be a good book!
Thursday night, we headed over to Jenni's again for supper. AK was SOOO tired and didn't hardly eat any supper. I was able to put her down without a peep, and brought her home no problem. I am lucky she is such a great sleeper.
Last night, Angella and Alex came over to babysit so I could go on the catamaran and out for supper. The catamaran trip got cut short due to lightening... yikes! It was a nice night out and it sounds like AK had a fun time with Angella and Alex. It is always good to see them.
Overnight, I guess there was quite a storm... AK and I both slept through it! I woke when she crawled into bed with me. I looked at the clock and thought to myself 'it's 3flipping30!!!" so I asked her if her teeth hurt and she said "no" and then I realized that it was actually really light out for 330am, so I got up and checked the time on my phone... it was actually 6am. The storm knocked the power out for a few hours and neither one of us even noticed. I guess there was loads of lightening and thunder... it was still raining quite a bit this morning but it was fun to put on the rain jacket and the rain boots and get out.
I dropped AK off at Jess and Ben's. AK started playing all the toys right away. I was able to leave without a single tear from AK! Jess said that AK started crying over her "toe hurt" (which has a wee teeny scratch on it) and had to put a bandaid on it. She also had to change the worst poopy diaper ever :( I feel so bad about that! Ben and Jess were kind enough to take AK to the gym for free play so I could do a yoga workshop. No handstands this week but still lots of good stuff. I am so grateful and they seem to enjoy having AK so much.
So AK is well past her 3rd hour of her nap and I've been able to accomplish a lot including a bit of a nap myself! I hope she wakes up soon - and I'll leave you with a bit of 'Rider Pride'. How are the Riders playing these days anyway? xo

She is just so gorgeous. :)