My baba would be proud of me :)
Babka on top, paska on the bottom. The babka was very tasty but the texture was incredibly crumbly. The paska rose too much after I decorated it with the cross but it was perfect otherwise, very light and tasty. Next year I will plan ahead properly and save some coffee cans so I get the proper round shape for these two breads!
My pan of meats - ham on the bottom, what passes for kobasa here on top, pork roast on top of that and macaroni casserole on top of that!
Here's my fancy butter! Ain't it pretty?
Finished product! My meal also had green onions, salt and cottage cheese as per tradition!
The meat dish with the eggs added in near the end.
I'm so happy I got to celebrate Ukrainian Easter with some very dear loved ones this year. I was thinking back to the first year I did Ukrainian Easter myself, it was the first Easter I lived in Cayman. Funny how times change - not one person who was around that table with me 7 years ago was with me again this year. But one thing that never changes is that I'm surrounded by wonderful people who enjoy learning about and sharing my traditions with me. That is what it's all about, isn't it?
And I love how sweet it was to hear that my cousin Dean's wife did Ukrainian Easter last weekend - with the wonders of technology he was able to send me a photo of their breakfast on his phone and I returned the favor once my breakfast was done. I also talked with my mom and grandma about the recipes and execution, and sent them pictures of my progress. I may be miles away from family but we're never far apart, are we? xo