Mondays always come so quickly!!!
AK and I had a lovely chilled-out Friday night. We tried to interest Ben and Hunter in pizza and play at the Doghouse but they weren't biting so we went home instead.
Ballet went well on Saturday, the teacher is preparing the children for their examinations next month so the windows are covered to minimize distractions to the class and I cannot watch. It was weird to drop AK off and run out for a coffee this week... guess that's how it goes but it felt strange to not be there outside the classroom the whole time. Speaking of the examination, I have the pleasure of paying $55 for said examination. Wow. I nearly fell over when I read that. Thought ballet would be cheaper than hockey but I'm not so sure now!
I'm finding it a bit challenging to keep AK informed about what's coming up in her life... I like to prepare her so she knows what's coming next but we're at the point where she wants to go NOW. She was ready for Molly and Jake's birthday party as soon as she woke up on Saturday! She got upset in the car when we left for ballet as she wasn't dressed in her princess dress for the party. I had to explain that we'd be coming home, then we'd be having lunch and nap before we went to the party!
The drive to the party at Public Beach was a long one - traffic was diverted and backed up nearly everywhere! AK actually skipped her nap but nodded off in the car, just a couple of minutes before we reached the beach. She was a bit anti-social as a result, not unhappy, but she played by herself in the sand for nearly 2 hours! Cindy and Brent did a great job creating a Smurf-themed party. Molly even had a beautiful blue dress to wear!
I settled AK in with Molly and Jake for a sleepover that night, as the Huys were hosting a Singstar night! I'm still a bad singer but I'm an alright dancer :) That was lots of fun and I'm so grateful to Cindy's parents for keeping AK overnight as Sunday morning dawned with a wee bit of a headache! AK had a great time with Molly and Jake and I just got this email from Cindy:
"Jake is in Molly's room right now calling out "Annabelle... where are you? Annabelle... Annabelle..." so funny!"
We headed down to the duck pond with a few friends yesterday, which was really nice. There were nowhere near as many ducks as I've seen lately so it was quite comfortable. There was, without fail, always one duck hanging out by the hand AK was holding her bread in, waiting for her to toss that last little piece out! I have some photos but they are at home on the camera. Will have to remember to put them up soon.
AK had a wonderful nap on the couch yesterday - she seems to really like the idea of napping on the couch as opposed to her bed. I didn't mind at all - I puttered to my heart's content and none of my noise woke AK up. I actually put together most of a cheesecake yesterday - first time I've ever done one that is baked - had to call my grandma to see if it was cooked enough to take it out of the oven as the instructions were confusing to me. Turns out it was well done, and I could have taken it out long before I did! Oops - I'll see how it tastes.
AK was very happy to see her Uncle Derek when her daddy picked her up yesterday. It is really fun to prepare her for visitors and see her excitement when she sees someone. Even though family may be far in miles, they are always close in our hearts.
I wrapped up the weekend by watching the sunset on the beach with Richard and a bit of wine... it was a beautiful evening and we saw some lovely colors as the sun went down. Bliss xo