We've had plenty of opportunity to sing this song, along with "Rain Rain Go Away!" the past couple of days! We've had lots of rain! I don't mind it as long as I'm at work... but when I have to go out in the torrential downpours, I don't like it so much!
Sounds like all went well at the Babbs yesterday. AK did have an accident but I'm thinking she might have been too shy to let Hunter's grandma know she had to go poo. We talked about it last night and AK very cheerily let me know that she'd tell Grandma Carol and that she'd poo in the potty, not in her pants. She gets it, so that's why I think she's just being shy.
We had lots of smiles and giggles last night... AK was being very silly and so was I. She asked to go into her bath, so away we went. I think I can go through AK's bath toys and get rid of some of them - she is enamored with Barbie's pool and that is pretty much the only thing she plays with now. Good timing as the mesh basket I have for the rest of the toys is starting to fall apart.
AK is really loving the big girl bed. She doesn't get up until after 7am so I'm thinking she finds this bed much more comfortable than the toddler bed. I can imagine that - the crib mattress doesn't seem all that comfy.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
At the risk of (kind of) sounding like a country song...
... I've got the blues... and she's (not) got the rythym. (Sorry, Alan Jackson. I truly do love your music. Hope you don't mind the butchering of your lyrics)
What a grumpy weekend we both had.
It started off at daycare pickup, with a bit of a mixup, nothing serious but enough to bum me out and throw AK off. It then spiralled into AK telling me that she doesn't love me, that she doesn't have fun with me, and something else that must have been so awful that I've blocked it out. Sigh.
Friday night was salvaged with a movie and chicken nuggets and fries. Thank goodness.
Saturday dawned bright and not too early, and pretty much just as grumpy. We both cried over spilled milk. Oops. It was just that kind of a spill.
AK then decided she was a big girl and had her nap in the big bed. Fortunately she slept for 3 hours, unfortunately she peed the bed in those three hours. Fortunately the bed had a rubber cover on it, unfortunately when I went to wash the sheets, I found a cockroach in the closet that houses the washer/dryer.
Of course it took all I had to not scream every time I saw it, but I choked the shrieks down as I didn't want to frighten AK as well. I had a choice of disinfecting spray or furniture polish to blast the roach with. Ha. I don't know if the disinfecting spray worked or not as the roach disappeared when I turned away for a moment. I suppose I could move the ironing board to see if it's back there, but I'm not too keen to do so.
Saturday was salvaged by macaroni and cheese and dough balls. Salvation does not appear to be healthy.
Sunday was fairly minor with just some spilled yogurt drink, a fall off the couch and a finger slammed in the drawer (all AK, none me). Oh boy. Church was lovely (me) and fun (AK) and I'm sure AK was happy to get a break from me. This afternoon's nap resulted in a dry bed (hooray!) and a happy wake-up from AK as she knew we were off to Ben's birthday dinner after she woke up.
We had a blast with the other families at the birthday... swimming in the pool, looking for crabs on the beach, throwing rocks into the ocean, eating cake (smarty pants ate the icing off of both her little slices and just the cake of one piece) and playing with trains. The Huys are back from their holidays and it is GREAT to have them back. Gracie is working hard on walking and Matthew had some big hugs for AK when he first saw her.
This morning AK was "talking" on her kitchen phone. She told me that she wanted to call Matthew on the phone. So she called and I answered, pretending to be him. Let me tell you, AK was THRILLED to hear that Matthew was going to be at Ben's birthday later.
Oh, and the Friday night's "I don't love Mommy?" That was made up for plenty over the course of the weekend. Plenty of "I love you"s, hugs, kisses, even better, kisses from Barbie too!
Barbie goes EVERYWHERE with AK. AK lets Barbie pee on the potty first. AK lets Barbie sit on her lap while she eats and "shares" her food with her. We even put nailpolish on Barbie's fingers and toes today. When AK buckles up in the car, she puts Barbie under the straps too "to keep Barbie safe".
We did have a great Saturday morning too, we headed out for breakfast with the Babbs and then hit up the beach. It was a beautiful day and AK really enjoyed getting re-acquainted with Hunter's grandparents. They will be looking after AK in the afternoons this week so we were all anxious to get them together and see how AK got along with them. There are no concerns... she took to them like white on rice.
Sorry for the lack of posting over the weekend but trust that the tone of any posts would have been very grumpy and not very welcoming. You should thank me for keeping quiet! I just looked up the lunar cycle as I was hoping perhaps a full moon was to blame. Nope. I got no other guesses.
I think we are past the grumpies now and have lots of fun things to look forward to. Now that AK has decided she's a big girl and won't sleep in her toddler bed now, I can get rid of it and do some rearranging in that bedroom. I think I'll keep the big bed where it is but buy a new sheet set for it, and I'm thinking about how I can decorate the room otherwise. I bought some babushka doll decorations online and brought them back from Canada with me. AK says "badooska dolls". She loves them though, all I have up so far is her nameplate on her door, and I think she will really like the other stuff once it's up. I promise to put some photos up when the time comes!
Alright. Back to work tomorrow... better go get some stuff ready! xo
What a grumpy weekend we both had.
It started off at daycare pickup, with a bit of a mixup, nothing serious but enough to bum me out and throw AK off. It then spiralled into AK telling me that she doesn't love me, that she doesn't have fun with me, and something else that must have been so awful that I've blocked it out. Sigh.
Friday night was salvaged with a movie and chicken nuggets and fries. Thank goodness.
Saturday dawned bright and not too early, and pretty much just as grumpy. We both cried over spilled milk. Oops. It was just that kind of a spill.
AK then decided she was a big girl and had her nap in the big bed. Fortunately she slept for 3 hours, unfortunately she peed the bed in those three hours. Fortunately the bed had a rubber cover on it, unfortunately when I went to wash the sheets, I found a cockroach in the closet that houses the washer/dryer.
Of course it took all I had to not scream every time I saw it, but I choked the shrieks down as I didn't want to frighten AK as well. I had a choice of disinfecting spray or furniture polish to blast the roach with. Ha. I don't know if the disinfecting spray worked or not as the roach disappeared when I turned away for a moment. I suppose I could move the ironing board to see if it's back there, but I'm not too keen to do so.
Saturday was salvaged by macaroni and cheese and dough balls. Salvation does not appear to be healthy.
Sunday was fairly minor with just some spilled yogurt drink, a fall off the couch and a finger slammed in the drawer (all AK, none me). Oh boy. Church was lovely (me) and fun (AK) and I'm sure AK was happy to get a break from me. This afternoon's nap resulted in a dry bed (hooray!) and a happy wake-up from AK as she knew we were off to Ben's birthday dinner after she woke up.
We had a blast with the other families at the birthday... swimming in the pool, looking for crabs on the beach, throwing rocks into the ocean, eating cake (smarty pants ate the icing off of both her little slices and just the cake of one piece) and playing with trains. The Huys are back from their holidays and it is GREAT to have them back. Gracie is working hard on walking and Matthew had some big hugs for AK when he first saw her.
This morning AK was "talking" on her kitchen phone. She told me that she wanted to call Matthew on the phone. So she called and I answered, pretending to be him. Let me tell you, AK was THRILLED to hear that Matthew was going to be at Ben's birthday later.
Oh, and the Friday night's "I don't love Mommy?" That was made up for plenty over the course of the weekend. Plenty of "I love you"s, hugs, kisses, even better, kisses from Barbie too!
Barbie goes EVERYWHERE with AK. AK lets Barbie pee on the potty first. AK lets Barbie sit on her lap while she eats and "shares" her food with her. We even put nailpolish on Barbie's fingers and toes today. When AK buckles up in the car, she puts Barbie under the straps too "to keep Barbie safe".
We did have a great Saturday morning too, we headed out for breakfast with the Babbs and then hit up the beach. It was a beautiful day and AK really enjoyed getting re-acquainted with Hunter's grandparents. They will be looking after AK in the afternoons this week so we were all anxious to get them together and see how AK got along with them. There are no concerns... she took to them like white on rice.
Sorry for the lack of posting over the weekend but trust that the tone of any posts would have been very grumpy and not very welcoming. You should thank me for keeping quiet! I just looked up the lunar cycle as I was hoping perhaps a full moon was to blame. Nope. I got no other guesses.
I think we are past the grumpies now and have lots of fun things to look forward to. Now that AK has decided she's a big girl and won't sleep in her toddler bed now, I can get rid of it and do some rearranging in that bedroom. I think I'll keep the big bed where it is but buy a new sheet set for it, and I'm thinking about how I can decorate the room otherwise. I bought some babushka doll decorations online and brought them back from Canada with me. AK says "badooska dolls". She loves them though, all I have up so far is her nameplate on her door, and I think she will really like the other stuff once it's up. I promise to put some photos up when the time comes!
Alright. Back to work tomorrow... better go get some stuff ready! xo
Thursday, August 25, 2011
September's Restaurant Club was held last night at TUKKA, a "native fusion" restaurant in East End, featuring "a taste of Australia, with a Caribbean twist". A bus was arranged to pick us up at a couple of points and drive us back, which was nice as it was a good 30 min drive from my place. You can see the menu through the link below if you're interested.
We could also order off the a la carte menu but the value of the Wednesday menu was a huge savings!
The appie platter was lovely! The portions were very small but more than enough to get a good taste of everything. The spring roll was lovely but nothing overly fantastic. The crocodile/conch fritter was a bit chewy, someone said that was probably because of the crocodile, and the sauce had quite the kick to it. And the brie was probably my favorite part of that plate as it had a lovely little roasted garlic :) I went with the mixed grill for my entree, and it sounds like a lot of meat but the portions were perfect. There was one shrimp, about 3 bites of lobster, 2 bites of chicken and a little lamb rib. The green beans and mashed potatoes were the perfect sides, and the two sauces were butter for the seafood, and gravy for the meats. I chose the ice cream martini for dessert and ended up drinking the Bailey's and leaving most of the ice cream. Gotta keep my priorities in order!
My leftover chicken pasta salad for lunch is looking pretty unimpressive after that meal last night!
AK hasn't been much for chatting on the phone lately. She'll say a few things, and then you can hear her faintly saying "I'm done now!". Ah well, it's still good to hear her voice for a minute. We've got a pretty wide-open weekend ahead of us, just church and a dinner on Sunday planned so far. xo
We could also order off the a la carte menu but the value of the Wednesday menu was a huge savings!
The appie platter was lovely! The portions were very small but more than enough to get a good taste of everything. The spring roll was lovely but nothing overly fantastic. The crocodile/conch fritter was a bit chewy, someone said that was probably because of the crocodile, and the sauce had quite the kick to it. And the brie was probably my favorite part of that plate as it had a lovely little roasted garlic :) I went with the mixed grill for my entree, and it sounds like a lot of meat but the portions were perfect. There was one shrimp, about 3 bites of lobster, 2 bites of chicken and a little lamb rib. The green beans and mashed potatoes were the perfect sides, and the two sauces were butter for the seafood, and gravy for the meats. I chose the ice cream martini for dessert and ended up drinking the Bailey's and leaving most of the ice cream. Gotta keep my priorities in order!
My leftover chicken pasta salad for lunch is looking pretty unimpressive after that meal last night!
AK hasn't been much for chatting on the phone lately. She'll say a few things, and then you can hear her faintly saying "I'm done now!". Ah well, it's still good to hear her voice for a minute. We've got a pretty wide-open weekend ahead of us, just church and a dinner on Sunday planned so far. xo
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Holiday Series - yoga!
One of the things AK did on holidays was yoga. I packed a couple of her yoga DVDs and she pulled those out to show everyone her moves.
AK also showed off her down dog and tree poses. When she's doing stuff in the kitchen, my mom has a tendency to stand on one leg with the other leg bent and that foot resting on the other knee. AK saw her doing it one day and exclaimed "Grandma's doing tree pose!".
For most things AK said on holidays, just imagine her saying them in a voice of wonder, with a look of amazement, followed by giggles. That was pretty much the tone of AK's holidays!!!
This was a short easy post to get me going on the holiday recaps... stay posted for more! xo
I think I was harshing her mellow here... can't you just hear her thinking "go away, Mom?"

How does this go again, Mom?

Rocking her triangle pose while Grandpa supervises

AK also showed off her down dog and tree poses. When she's doing stuff in the kitchen, my mom has a tendency to stand on one leg with the other leg bent and that foot resting on the other knee. AK saw her doing it one day and exclaimed "Grandma's doing tree pose!".
For most things AK said on holidays, just imagine her saying them in a voice of wonder, with a look of amazement, followed by giggles. That was pretty much the tone of AK's holidays!!!
This was a short easy post to get me going on the holiday recaps... stay posted for more! xo
Lots 'n' lots 'n' lots of love
I nearly forgot this story:
AK and I were looking at pictures from holidays yesterday. She said "I love *mumble mumble* lots 'n' lots 'n' lots". I didn't catch what she said, so I asked "who do you love lots and lots and lots?". She pointed at the computer and said "everybody!".
So, grandmas, grandpas, babas, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, know that you all are loved "lots 'n' lots 'n' lots"!
In other news, I filled my car again yesterday for $37. That first tank lasted me just over two weeks. I think I'm liking this new car a lot!!! My gas costs will be less than half of what they used to be.
AK and I were looking at pictures from holidays yesterday. She said "I love *mumble mumble* lots 'n' lots 'n' lots". I didn't catch what she said, so I asked "who do you love lots and lots and lots?". She pointed at the computer and said "everybody!".
So, grandmas, grandpas, babas, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, know that you all are loved "lots 'n' lots 'n' lots"!
In other news, I filled my car again yesterday for $37. That first tank lasted me just over two weeks. I think I'm liking this new car a lot!!! My gas costs will be less than half of what they used to be.
When I picked AK up from daycare yesterday, I mentioned that she'd be spending some time with Hunter's grandparents next week (they have agreed to help care for AK while daycare is closed for a week). I mentioned that Hunter's grandma came down with some supplies for making Thomas and princess cookies. AK's face brightened up and she said "I like princesses! I like Cinderella, and I like Snow White, and I like Sleeping Beauty, and I like Belle, and I like Aurora, and I like... and I like..." all while ticking off the princesses on her fingers. Super cute!
She helped me make supper again and it turns out that she likes feta cheese! She was snacking on it while we waited for the chicken and pasta to cook. She wasn't a fan of the chicken for some reason but ate a lot of noodles and a bit of vegetables - mostly carrots. She doesn't like tomatoes or celery.
When we sat down to eat, AK looked at me and asked "Are you still a little bit sick, Mommy?". I was confused until I realized that the last time we sat at the table, I had no supper as I wasn't feeling well, and that's what I had told AK about why I wasn't eating. What a clever girl to remember that almost a week later, and to use my exact words as well!
I am lacking motivation to blog about holidays... I promise I will soon though, there are so many good stories and pictures to share. xo
She helped me make supper again and it turns out that she likes feta cheese! She was snacking on it while we waited for the chicken and pasta to cook. She wasn't a fan of the chicken for some reason but ate a lot of noodles and a bit of vegetables - mostly carrots. She doesn't like tomatoes or celery.
When we sat down to eat, AK looked at me and asked "Are you still a little bit sick, Mommy?". I was confused until I realized that the last time we sat at the table, I had no supper as I wasn't feeling well, and that's what I had told AK about why I wasn't eating. What a clever girl to remember that almost a week later, and to use my exact words as well!
I am lacking motivation to blog about holidays... I promise I will soon though, there are so many good stories and pictures to share. xo
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Cut, ride and read!
AK's haircut was a smashing success. She loved the hairdresser Kristina's sparkly shoes. AK captured Kristina's heart so completely that Kristina used a towel to brush off the little hairs from AK's face after each and every snip of her bangs. The other hairdresser in the salon had lots of admiring glances and compliments for AK too. She has managed to win the whole salon over in just a few visits! She was kept quite happy with a lollipop and Kristina was very pleased with how still AK sat. The two of them shared quite a fun hug at the end!
We went over to the bookstore afterwards to look around. AK really enjoyed seeing the parrots in their cage near their door. She picked out a book and then also requested a ($20!!!) pink alarm clock. When I said no, she flung herself down to the floor in the blink of an eye to have a fit. Wow. I put the book back, grabbed her and took her right outside. Well of course she was quite upset that now she didn't have a clock OR a book but once she calmed down and we talked, she agreed to behave while we went back in to buy the book. She behaved beautifully the second time around... she even helped me pick out a box of notecards for myself. She then discovered the Thomas the Train playtable... I let her play there for about 20 mins, she was in her glory.
We went to Wendy's for supper - I don't know why I bother to take AK out to eat - she very rarely eats the food. She did enjoy her chocolate milk though. She seems to be back to accepting that white milk is for at home and chocolate milk is for when we're out.
On the way home, AK asked to talk to Grandma and Grandpa, so I got her on the phone with my mom. Sounded like quite a good conversation going on back there. AK was holding the phone, and kept rotating it upwards, until she was pretty much holding it upside down. I need to find out from my mom if she could still hear her with the phone held that way!
When we got home, we hit the road for a bike ride! AK got this bike for her birthday and we didn't have a lot of luck with it before holidays as her legs were just a smidge too short to reach the pedals properly. The combination of running shoes and holiday growth seemed to do the trick tonight! We biked all the way to the duck pond and back, then around the pool when we returned home. AK just needed a bit of a helping hand when she was going up a slope, or when her legs started to tire.
The new Spark is in the background! Check it out!
Click on the link below to watch a short vide of AK biking.
I got a big fright while we were biking though... a ching ching (black bird) attacked me! They seem to like me - I had a run-in with one at the grocery store earlier this week. A neighbor heard me scream and was laughing at me as she thought I was just started by the bird... should have seen the look of fear on her face when she realized she was as much at risk of being attacked as I had been! They don't really hurt you but I think I screamed from the shock of something coming after me.
My stomach is nearly back to normal... still can't handle the thought of any food that's particularly exciting but I may be brave enough for yoga tomorrow. Fingers crossed! xo
I let AK pick the wrong book at the book store... it was a princess one, and a LONG one, and so she was mesmerized by every word. I had to read it from beginning to end. She settled into bed nicely but I could hear her chattering and singing to herself about 15 mins after I left her room... stood outside the door and listened for a while :) she came out in to the living room a bit later for a sip of water and went back to bed on her own. I presume she is asleep now... guess I will find out if she switched out blankets or anything crazy like that tomorrow!!!
We went over to the bookstore afterwards to look around. AK really enjoyed seeing the parrots in their cage near their door. She picked out a book and then also requested a ($20!!!) pink alarm clock. When I said no, she flung herself down to the floor in the blink of an eye to have a fit. Wow. I put the book back, grabbed her and took her right outside. Well of course she was quite upset that now she didn't have a clock OR a book but once she calmed down and we talked, she agreed to behave while we went back in to buy the book. She behaved beautifully the second time around... she even helped me pick out a box of notecards for myself. She then discovered the Thomas the Train playtable... I let her play there for about 20 mins, she was in her glory.
We went to Wendy's for supper - I don't know why I bother to take AK out to eat - she very rarely eats the food. She did enjoy her chocolate milk though. She seems to be back to accepting that white milk is for at home and chocolate milk is for when we're out.
On the way home, AK asked to talk to Grandma and Grandpa, so I got her on the phone with my mom. Sounded like quite a good conversation going on back there. AK was holding the phone, and kept rotating it upwards, until she was pretty much holding it upside down. I need to find out from my mom if she could still hear her with the phone held that way!
When we got home, we hit the road for a bike ride! AK got this bike for her birthday and we didn't have a lot of luck with it before holidays as her legs were just a smidge too short to reach the pedals properly. The combination of running shoes and holiday growth seemed to do the trick tonight! We biked all the way to the duck pond and back, then around the pool when we returned home. AK just needed a bit of a helping hand when she was going up a slope, or when her legs started to tire.

Click on the link below to watch a short vide of AK biking.
I got a big fright while we were biking though... a ching ching (black bird) attacked me! They seem to like me - I had a run-in with one at the grocery store earlier this week. A neighbor heard me scream and was laughing at me as she thought I was just started by the bird... should have seen the look of fear on her face when she realized she was as much at risk of being attacked as I had been! They don't really hurt you but I think I screamed from the shock of something coming after me.
My stomach is nearly back to normal... still can't handle the thought of any food that's particularly exciting but I may be brave enough for yoga tomorrow. Fingers crossed! xo
I let AK pick the wrong book at the book store... it was a princess one, and a LONG one, and so she was mesmerized by every word. I had to read it from beginning to end. She settled into bed nicely but I could hear her chattering and singing to herself about 15 mins after I left her room... stood outside the door and listened for a while :) she came out in to the living room a bit later for a sip of water and went back to bed on her own. I presume she is asleep now... guess I will find out if she switched out blankets or anything crazy like that tomorrow!!!
In two hours, I'll be leaving work to take AK for her haircut!
Thought of a couple of stories that I'd like to share...
A couple of days ago, we were looking for something to watch on TV. I think the Mickey Mouse Playhouse channel was acting up (so sue me, we watch a bit of TV while we (I) wake up in the morning...) so I found Garfield on another channel. AK thought it was HILARIOUS that a cat could talk without moving its lips. She kept saying "but cats don't TALK Mommy" and "the cat's talking... but it's not talking!" (meaning it's lips weren't moving).
When we were swimming yesterday, I encouraged AK to blow some bubbles to keep up with what she learned at swim lessons over the summer. She gladly blew bubbles and balked when I asked her to put her face in the water. She eventually did it for a microsecond. I asked Jess to see if she could get AK to do it and when Jess asked AK, AK replied "I already did that!". It took a lot of coaxing and AK never did put her face in the water again but she did blow lots of bubbles.
On that note, she is also fighting getting her hair wet to have it washed again. She does it but she really doesn't enjoy it. I talked to her yesterday about perhaps wearing goggles in the pool as she didn't like Hunter splashing her but she's got to learn that it's a pool, people will splash.
And I guess if this is the worst problem I have with AK, well then, who am I to complain? I just wish I could help her be a little bit braver.
Ta ta til next time! xo
Thought of a couple of stories that I'd like to share...
A couple of days ago, we were looking for something to watch on TV. I think the Mickey Mouse Playhouse channel was acting up (so sue me, we watch a bit of TV while we (I) wake up in the morning...) so I found Garfield on another channel. AK thought it was HILARIOUS that a cat could talk without moving its lips. She kept saying "but cats don't TALK Mommy" and "the cat's talking... but it's not talking!" (meaning it's lips weren't moving).
When we were swimming yesterday, I encouraged AK to blow some bubbles to keep up with what she learned at swim lessons over the summer. She gladly blew bubbles and balked when I asked her to put her face in the water. She eventually did it for a microsecond. I asked Jess to see if she could get AK to do it and when Jess asked AK, AK replied "I already did that!". It took a lot of coaxing and AK never did put her face in the water again but she did blow lots of bubbles.
On that note, she is also fighting getting her hair wet to have it washed again. She does it but she really doesn't enjoy it. I talked to her yesterday about perhaps wearing goggles in the pool as she didn't like Hunter splashing her but she's got to learn that it's a pool, people will splash.
And I guess if this is the worst problem I have with AK, well then, who am I to complain? I just wish I could help her be a little bit braver.
Ta ta til next time! xo
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
More bedtime adventures
When I put AK to bed tonight, I noticed that the blanket on her bed was NOT the same one I had put her to bed with last night. The following conversation ensued:
Me: Hey, where did this blanket come from? Did you pull it out?
AK: Yes Mommy!
Me: When, this morning?
AK: No Mommy!
Me: Last night after you went to bed?
AK: Yes! I got it from over dere (pointing to her dresser)
Me: Well, where's the one that was on here last night?
AK: Over dere! (pointing to the dresser again)
Wow. She somehow got into a higher drawer in her dresser, found the farm blanket (which she loves), replaced the other blanket, and put the other blanket back into the dresser, with no more light than a nightlight and the door shut tight.
Hilarious. I was so surprised and proud of her. AK wasn't quite sure what to think of my laughter - I'm sure she didn't see this as a laughing matter, more of a happy prideful matter!
We had a lovely evening with the Babbs. I picked both kids up from daycare and asked them to hold hands while we walked to the car (1. it's super cute and 2. it keeps Hunter from bolting!). Hunter had to help AK lift her rolling backpack over a ledge and somehow the two of them got tangled up and AK exclaimed "Hunter, we're holding the wrong hands!" and dissolved into giggles. AK got them sorted out and they continued on their merry way to the car.
It was a poop-ful evening... both kids had varying degrees of accidents. You think you've got them trained then they surprise you. Not very nice surprises, I may add.
AK very much enjoyed some bbq chicken and corn for supper. I think she also had a yogurt. I'm glad she had a good supper as it doesn't look like she ate much lunch.
Tomorrow should be another fun evening - I've booked a hair appt for AK and I think I might just take her out for supper as my stomach is still a bit touchy and I probably won't be in the mood to cook. We can go out for something simple like chicken.
Me: Hey, where did this blanket come from? Did you pull it out?
AK: Yes Mommy!
Me: When, this morning?
AK: No Mommy!
Me: Last night after you went to bed?
AK: Yes! I got it from over dere (pointing to her dresser)
Me: Well, where's the one that was on here last night?
AK: Over dere! (pointing to the dresser again)
Wow. She somehow got into a higher drawer in her dresser, found the farm blanket (which she loves), replaced the other blanket, and put the other blanket back into the dresser, with no more light than a nightlight and the door shut tight.
Hilarious. I was so surprised and proud of her. AK wasn't quite sure what to think of my laughter - I'm sure she didn't see this as a laughing matter, more of a happy prideful matter!
We had a lovely evening with the Babbs. I picked both kids up from daycare and asked them to hold hands while we walked to the car (1. it's super cute and 2. it keeps Hunter from bolting!). Hunter had to help AK lift her rolling backpack over a ledge and somehow the two of them got tangled up and AK exclaimed "Hunter, we're holding the wrong hands!" and dissolved into giggles. AK got them sorted out and they continued on their merry way to the car.
It was a poop-ful evening... both kids had varying degrees of accidents. You think you've got them trained then they surprise you. Not very nice surprises, I may add.
AK very much enjoyed some bbq chicken and corn for supper. I think she also had a yogurt. I'm glad she had a good supper as it doesn't look like she ate much lunch.
Tomorrow should be another fun evening - I've booked a hair appt for AK and I think I might just take her out for supper as my stomach is still a bit touchy and I probably won't be in the mood to cook. We can go out for something simple like chicken.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
AK the kitty cat
When we were on holidays, AK began to play-act like a cat. It happened mostly at supper-time, where she'd begin to communicate only with "meows". She then moved on to licking her hands / paws and grooming herself with her hands.
She ramped it up a notch again on the weekend, when she decided to "take a nap" in my clean laundry. But since when do kitty cats need a pillow and blanket to do so???
She ramped it up a notch again on the weekend, when she decided to "take a nap" in my clean laundry. But since when do kitty cats need a pillow and blanket to do so???

Imagination running wild
AK continues to speak her mind with her door... she got up and shut it tightly last night minutes after going to bed. Tonight she put up a good fuss about going to bed despite 3 books and 3 songs... I think her imagination is getting the better of her and she was imagining scary things in the dark tonight.
She was such a huge help today. I told her we needed to get some fruit for her lunches this week so she accompanied me to the grocery store. She picked out a rolling basket and rolled it around the store for us. She picked a package of grapes, both green and red, for her lunches.
Once we got home, AK helped me make supper. She knew that we had to boil water to make the pasta and let me know as soon as the water was boiling. Where she learns some of this stuff, I have no idea! She also decided that she was having a banana for dessert, so once supper was done (she ate a good portion!) she also had half a banana. She's eating very slowly though... took her half an hour.
Tomorrow night we have a supper / swim date with the Babbs. I'm already looking forward to it! xo
She was such a huge help today. I told her we needed to get some fruit for her lunches this week so she accompanied me to the grocery store. She picked out a rolling basket and rolled it around the store for us. She picked a package of grapes, both green and red, for her lunches.
Once we got home, AK helped me make supper. She knew that we had to boil water to make the pasta and let me know as soon as the water was boiling. Where she learns some of this stuff, I have no idea! She also decided that she was having a banana for dessert, so once supper was done (she ate a good portion!) she also had half a banana. She's eating very slowly though... took her half an hour.
Tomorrow night we have a supper / swim date with the Babbs. I'm already looking forward to it! xo
Monday, August 15, 2011
Door tricks
When I put AK to bed last night, I left her bedroom door open about halfway.
When I walked past a bit later, the door was closed but not shut.
When I went to bed, the door was shut.
AK must have gotten up at least twice to change the position of the door - she didn't come out or find me or make any noise (and I wasn't being noisy last night either) - but it was quite clear that she did not want her door open at all!
We had a really lovely evening yesterday. AK wasn't very hungry so we played in the pool until past 6pm and then she had a light supper. She had a two hour nap in the afternoon so I was a bit worried about bedtime but she settled down quietly, with the exception of the door movements!!!
I think I've hit upon the perfect distraction for while I'm in the shower - I can give AK her vitamins, and they're gummy so they take a while to chew, and she can also watch a show on my iPad on my bed. So she feels like she's getting a "treat" and I can take a shower in relative peace!
Gotta run - time for yoga! xo
When I walked past a bit later, the door was closed but not shut.
When I went to bed, the door was shut.
AK must have gotten up at least twice to change the position of the door - she didn't come out or find me or make any noise (and I wasn't being noisy last night either) - but it was quite clear that she did not want her door open at all!
We had a really lovely evening yesterday. AK wasn't very hungry so we played in the pool until past 6pm and then she had a light supper. She had a two hour nap in the afternoon so I was a bit worried about bedtime but she settled down quietly, with the exception of the door movements!!!
I think I've hit upon the perfect distraction for while I'm in the shower - I can give AK her vitamins, and they're gummy so they take a while to chew, and she can also watch a show on my iPad on my bed. So she feels like she's getting a "treat" and I can take a shower in relative peace!
Gotta run - time for yoga! xo
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Stop,drop and roll!
Feels like life is slowly getting back to normal!
I had a wonderful massage and then acupuncture session yesterday... I feel so much better. My mom commented a few times that I kept taking large sighing breaths... well it was because I felt like I wasn't able to get that completely full deep breath I was looking for. I'm definitely getting those breaths now!
AK and I took supper over to the Babbs last night. AK seemed somewhat suspicious of them at first but she and Hunter were old pals again by the end of the night. Jess very kindly picked up some shoes for AK (can you believe I didn't do enough shopping on my trip?) and unfortunately they are all too big. But they are big hits and AK will grow into them!
When I told AK it was time to go home, I said "are you ready to roll?" and Hunter replied "yes" and dropped to the ground and rolled away. Wasn't long before AK had joined him on the floor to roll as well. Ha!
Certain great-aunties (who shall remain nameless) should be pleased to know that AK continues to belt out "Born To Be Wild". In fact, Brent was so impressed with AK's rendition that he proclaimed "that girl is going to be a singer!".
AK and I worked very hard this morning working on a greeting for Mike and Julie - "congratulations on your wedding!". Congratulations is a very big word for a pretty small girl! She said it beautifully when we picked them up at the airport though! AK was really happy to see them and was pretty stuck to Julie while we were out for lunch. She was even comfortable enough to ask if she could jump on their bed!!!
My computer keyboard is acting up and is it ever driving me nuts. I'll sign off on that note! xo
I had a wonderful massage and then acupuncture session yesterday... I feel so much better. My mom commented a few times that I kept taking large sighing breaths... well it was because I felt like I wasn't able to get that completely full deep breath I was looking for. I'm definitely getting those breaths now!
AK and I took supper over to the Babbs last night. AK seemed somewhat suspicious of them at first but she and Hunter were old pals again by the end of the night. Jess very kindly picked up some shoes for AK (can you believe I didn't do enough shopping on my trip?) and unfortunately they are all too big. But they are big hits and AK will grow into them!
When I told AK it was time to go home, I said "are you ready to roll?" and Hunter replied "yes" and dropped to the ground and rolled away. Wasn't long before AK had joined him on the floor to roll as well. Ha!
Certain great-aunties (who shall remain nameless) should be pleased to know that AK continues to belt out "Born To Be Wild". In fact, Brent was so impressed with AK's rendition that he proclaimed "that girl is going to be a singer!".
AK and I worked very hard this morning working on a greeting for Mike and Julie - "congratulations on your wedding!". Congratulations is a very big word for a pretty small girl! She said it beautifully when we picked them up at the airport though! AK was really happy to see them and was pretty stuck to Julie while we were out for lunch. She was even comfortable enough to ask if she could jump on their bed!!!
My computer keyboard is acting up and is it ever driving me nuts. I'll sign off on that note! xo
Friday, August 12, 2011
Adventures without power!
When I got home from yoga last night, I discovered that the power was out. Thanks to the full moon, I had no troubles getting from my car into the door. I was able to use the light from my phone's screen to get into the hall closet to retrieve the battery-powered lantern. Unfortunately I then dropped the lantern, which caused it to stop working. I took the batteries out and put them into a new lantern I'd just gotten earlier this week and that didn't work either. So I found a flashlight and used that as my primary light source.
I was hungry for supper so was thankfully able to pull together a salad with some veggies in the fridge. It wasn't what I'd had in mind but it did the trick. There was nothing else to do after that but crawl into bed... but YAY for my new iPad as I was able to watch a movie in bed. I realized how spoiled I am - between the iPad being nearly fully charged, and my Kindle with its booklight, I had plenty to keep me occupied despite no power!
I'm tired today - 5 yoga classes in 4 days might have done that - I think I will skip a studio session today and crack open the DVDs I bought while I was in Canada. It's a set of 6 DVDs arranged so that you can have a practice every day with one rest day a week. I think these will be nice to have when I can't or don't want to get to the studio.
No big plans for tonight... which is a relief... I still have one suitcase left to unpack so that might be the excitement. I am tired and have been fighting off a sore throat all week. Tomorrow is full of fun - massage, yoga, acupuncture, coffee, airport pick-ups! I plan to make some lasagnas tonight as well, to feed the Babbs and the Yachyshyns when they return from their holidays this weekend. xo
I was hungry for supper so was thankfully able to pull together a salad with some veggies in the fridge. It wasn't what I'd had in mind but it did the trick. There was nothing else to do after that but crawl into bed... but YAY for my new iPad as I was able to watch a movie in bed. I realized how spoiled I am - between the iPad being nearly fully charged, and my Kindle with its booklight, I had plenty to keep me occupied despite no power!
I'm tired today - 5 yoga classes in 4 days might have done that - I think I will skip a studio session today and crack open the DVDs I bought while I was in Canada. It's a set of 6 DVDs arranged so that you can have a practice every day with one rest day a week. I think these will be nice to have when I can't or don't want to get to the studio.
No big plans for tonight... which is a relief... I still have one suitcase left to unpack so that might be the excitement. I am tired and have been fighting off a sore throat all week. Tomorrow is full of fun - massage, yoga, acupuncture, coffee, airport pick-ups! I plan to make some lasagnas tonight as well, to feed the Babbs and the Yachyshyns when they return from their holidays this weekend. xo
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So long, Trailblazer
While I was on holidays, I lent my Trailblazer to a friend's cousin in hopes that he'd ultimately be interested in purchasing the truck from me. It was going well, and it seemed like we'd be talking purchase details once I returned from holidays.
Unfortunately he got into an accident two days after I left... I finally got a chance to go see my truck today and it really drove home how lucky BJ was to come away with just a broken ankle and some cuts on his face...
The police are still working on their investigation and report, and I hope we will have that in hand shortly. We've already been in touch with the insurance company to get the claim going so I guess it is just a matter of waiting now and letting everyone do their part. I've got comprehensive insurance so should come out just fine.
Even though I'd already purchased a different vehicle, I was still attached to this truck... it was so much fun to drive and was the perfect vehicle for AK and I for a couple of years.
The Spark is a better choice now though... I'm guessing I'll pay about half in insurance, half in gas, and way less for maintenance and repairs. Plus it's bright yellow, which is sunny and happy, just like AK and I :)
I also had to go down to the water authority today... my water bills are creeping up (more like jumping exponentially) again... so here goes the fun of having them investigate and so forth once again.
I'm all stocked up on groceries now, thanks to trips to THREE grocery stores last night (probably spent my savings on gas running around, ha!) so can just relax with a double-header at yoga tonight. There is a partner yoga class next Saturday, I need to think of who would come along with me. xo
Unfortunately he got into an accident two days after I left... I finally got a chance to go see my truck today and it really drove home how lucky BJ was to come away with just a broken ankle and some cuts on his face...

The police are still working on their investigation and report, and I hope we will have that in hand shortly. We've already been in touch with the insurance company to get the claim going so I guess it is just a matter of waiting now and letting everyone do their part. I've got comprehensive insurance so should come out just fine.
Even though I'd already purchased a different vehicle, I was still attached to this truck... it was so much fun to drive and was the perfect vehicle for AK and I for a couple of years.
The Spark is a better choice now though... I'm guessing I'll pay about half in insurance, half in gas, and way less for maintenance and repairs. Plus it's bright yellow, which is sunny and happy, just like AK and I :)
I also had to go down to the water authority today... my water bills are creeping up (more like jumping exponentially) again... so here goes the fun of having them investigate and so forth once again.
I'm all stocked up on groceries now, thanks to trips to THREE grocery stores last night (probably spent my savings on gas running around, ha!) so can just relax with a double-header at yoga tonight. There is a partner yoga class next Saturday, I need to think of who would come along with me. xo
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Kind of hard to get back into it!
I've been feeling rather slow and foggy the past couple of days... I need a holiday to recover from my holiday!!! I'm so slow, I still haven't gone shopping for groceries. That's on the agenda for tomorrow, after yoga. Thankfully I've been eating out a bit... getting caught up with friends... and there's borscht in the freezer (and leftover pizza in the fridge now) for tomorrow's supper.
I filled my car with gas on Sunday, it was so low that the gas light was on. $39 for a fill... we'll see how long it lasts. Betcha gas in my new car will cost me half of what my truck cost... or even less, depending on how the mileage is. I think I spend over $80 for my last fill in the truck.
This might gross people out, but yoga is so hot and sweaty that my fingers get all wrinkly :) like I'm swimming or soaking in the tub. I love it. Speaking of, it's great to be back at yoga, I missed it but somehow that just makes it so much more enjoyable to go back. Today Janelle mentioned that today and yesterday are the two most emotional days of the year... funny becuase I've been feeling pretty anxious since I got back from holidays. It was good to have a reminder from her that no matter what is going on around us, we have the choice of how to react towards others... and she renewed my focus to react with love. Not to say I'm always successful... and it's certainly hard to open my heart at times... but it is my choice and I will strive towards that as much as possible.
Funny how that went from wrinkly fingers to deep thoughts. Ha!
Work has been busy but quiet, and the quiet is striking due to the resignation of my co-worker and close friend, and to a couple of other people being gone for work or vacation. The sting of Christie being gone is somewhat lessened by the beautiful gifts she and her family left for AK and I. AK now has a beautiful cross pendant that she wore for about an hour yesterday, and I have a lovely new bracelet which I wore today. It will compete for time on my wrist with the bracelet I bought earlier this year. Such sweet thoughtful gifts, and wonderful reminders of our friendship with the Mosers.
Off to bed!!! xo
I filled my car with gas on Sunday, it was so low that the gas light was on. $39 for a fill... we'll see how long it lasts. Betcha gas in my new car will cost me half of what my truck cost... or even less, depending on how the mileage is. I think I spend over $80 for my last fill in the truck.
This might gross people out, but yoga is so hot and sweaty that my fingers get all wrinkly :) like I'm swimming or soaking in the tub. I love it. Speaking of, it's great to be back at yoga, I missed it but somehow that just makes it so much more enjoyable to go back. Today Janelle mentioned that today and yesterday are the two most emotional days of the year... funny becuase I've been feeling pretty anxious since I got back from holidays. It was good to have a reminder from her that no matter what is going on around us, we have the choice of how to react towards others... and she renewed my focus to react with love. Not to say I'm always successful... and it's certainly hard to open my heart at times... but it is my choice and I will strive towards that as much as possible.
Funny how that went from wrinkly fingers to deep thoughts. Ha!
Work has been busy but quiet, and the quiet is striking due to the resignation of my co-worker and close friend, and to a couple of other people being gone for work or vacation. The sting of Christie being gone is somewhat lessened by the beautiful gifts she and her family left for AK and I. AK now has a beautiful cross pendant that she wore for about an hour yesterday, and I have a lovely new bracelet which I wore today. It will compete for time on my wrist with the bracelet I bought earlier this year. Such sweet thoughtful gifts, and wonderful reminders of our friendship with the Mosers.
Off to bed!!! xo
Monday, August 8, 2011
Back to reality... sigh...
I'm not really enjoying being back home from holidays!!! Guess that's a sign of a really good holiday - or a sign that I really don't want to go back to work?
I have so much to share from the last few weeks, be patient, and I'll get around to it! First things first - gotta go earn a paycheck.
I have so much to share from the last few weeks, be patient, and I'll get around to it! First things first - gotta go earn a paycheck.
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