AK and I ended up going to Jenni and Kevin's for supper and a play last night instead of Camana Bay. I think it was what we all needed :) it was fun and more relaxing than it would have been to go see Santa.
Something AK does a lot now is thump her chest when she tells you she "likes" something. One of the stickers in her book is an ice cream sundae, every time she sees it, she thumps her chest and says "I LIKE ice cream!". Very cute. She'll "like" the most random thing, like Matthew, or lip gloss, or whatever catches her fancy.
We stopped by the hair salon to pick up some birthday gifts (Alex and Anna, my boss' twins, are turning 4!!! Can you believe it?). The lady at the salon really likes AK and gave her a lip gloss as a treat. She was too shy to put it on in front of the lady but she was all over it when she got into the truck. She smeared it all over her lips and smacked her lips. I asked AK if she had lots of kisses for Matthew and she said yes, but not for "Kebin and Jenni".
Matthew was playing a game on the computer when we got there. AK tried to join in and did a half-decent job. It was hard to tell if she was really understanding what to do or if she was just copying what Matthew was doing.
I guess we had a minor earthquake here during the night. I guess we both slept through it, although AK was up at 530am... It's just after 8am and I'm already on my second cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day!
We are having an Open House event at work for our service providers to come see our new office. Should be a good way to kick off the weekend. I've got lots of plans to keep busy. It was tough to drop AK off this morning as I'm so busy with the captive conference next week that I won't get a chance to see her. I guess I'll try to sneak away early from work next Friday. Speaking of the conference, I doubt you'll hear much from me after Sunday on the blog too. xo
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
One month until Christmas!
- AK kept lifting her toes over the edge of the tub last night, asking me to "tickle me, mommy!"
- AK kept telling me she had to poop when she actually had to fart. Her farts were just as stinky though.
- AK has a book about Snowflake the puppy. When we read the book the first time, I didn't realize that Snowflake was "hidden" on every page. AK figured it out and started looking for him on every page!
- AK sure stands her ground when she's playing and another kid tries to steal her toy. I'm glad she's standing up for herself!
- We were at Linda's house for supper last night. Linda keeps the shoes tucked into the slats of the stairs to keep Cameron from playing with them. When Cameron started to play with AK's shoes, she took them from him and tucked them up in the slats :) what a smart girl!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bah humbug!
Is it a full moon or what???
AK was pretty happy to see me when I picked her up from daycare today. It went downhill from there though!!!
She whined and cried and whined and cried. Why? Because I told her we were going to the Camana Bay Christmas Tree Lighting! I *think* AK is afraid of Santa Claus. But anyway... she got two time outs tonight, which stretched into three when she got up partway through one of them. Yikes! I think she may have been kind of gassy as she sure tooted a lot, so maybe her stomach was a bit upset? Who knows... I wasn't sure if we were going to make it or not.
Anyway... once we got there, it was nice. We caught the tail end of the choir performance and saw the tree light up. The crowd counted down and waited about half a minute for the lights to actually go on... ha ha... true Cayman style! Santa Claus also came down but we couldn't see him because of the crowd and that may have been just fine... I may take AK down there on Thursday as there are pictures with Santa that night but I have a feeling we'll be checking out the jolly guy from afar.
The picture below sums up the evening :) should I use it for the Christmas card?
AK was pretty happy to see me when I picked her up from daycare today. It went downhill from there though!!!
She whined and cried and whined and cried. Why? Because I told her we were going to the Camana Bay Christmas Tree Lighting! I *think* AK is afraid of Santa Claus. But anyway... she got two time outs tonight, which stretched into three when she got up partway through one of them. Yikes! I think she may have been kind of gassy as she sure tooted a lot, so maybe her stomach was a bit upset? Who knows... I wasn't sure if we were going to make it or not.
Anyway... once we got there, it was nice. We caught the tail end of the choir performance and saw the tree light up. The crowd counted down and waited about half a minute for the lights to actually go on... ha ha... true Cayman style! Santa Claus also came down but we couldn't see him because of the crowd and that may have been just fine... I may take AK down there on Thursday as there are pictures with Santa that night but I have a feeling we'll be checking out the jolly guy from afar.
The picture below sums up the evening :) should I use it for the Christmas card?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday is over!
We both had a great sleep last night. AK definitely in a better appetite mood today - she asked for juice and yogurt right away. Back to normal! She nibbled at her supper but it was still a huge improvement over the past few days.
I did shake-and-bake chicken for supper tonight. AK was watching me put it together and I was telling her abou the ingredients and what I was doing. As I was checking the box for baking time, I said "well it's bone-in so it has to go in for 45 mins" and she said "I like bone-in!". I laughed and asked her if SHE was bone-in and she said "Noooooo mommy".
I get a lot of that these days, "mommy, I LIKE" this or "I LIKE" that. She does not hesitate to let you know if she likes or dislikes something!
She does not like the monsters in her books. She closes her eyes or puts her hands over her eyes when she sees one. She opened up a book, just to show me she was scared of the monster.
She is really enjoying "playing stickers" with me. She takes stickers off of a sheet, and I put them in a book. We talk about the stickers, colors, etc. AK is also talking along in spanish with her Dora videos.
I'm going through all my Christmas baking recipes tonight and getting a list together for shopping. Any ideas of what to make? xo
I did shake-and-bake chicken for supper tonight. AK was watching me put it together and I was telling her abou the ingredients and what I was doing. As I was checking the box for baking time, I said "well it's bone-in so it has to go in for 45 mins" and she said "I like bone-in!". I laughed and asked her if SHE was bone-in and she said "Noooooo mommy".
I get a lot of that these days, "mommy, I LIKE" this or "I LIKE" that. She does not hesitate to let you know if she likes or dislikes something!
She does not like the monsters in her books. She closes her eyes or puts her hands over her eyes when she sees one. She opened up a book, just to show me she was scared of the monster.
She is really enjoying "playing stickers" with me. She takes stickers off of a sheet, and I put them in a book. We talk about the stickers, colors, etc. AK is also talking along in spanish with her Dora videos.
I'm going through all my Christmas baking recipes tonight and getting a list together for shopping. Any ideas of what to make? xo
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Winding down
Boy, the weekend flew by!!!
We slept until 7am on Saturday, both days this weekend, AK has popped right out of bed and she's been ready to face the day. No cuddles in bed with Mommy, to Mommy's chagrin!
AK likes the Christmas tree :) it took her a few minutes to gather up to the courage to go near it and check out the ornaments. Her favorite ornaments are an orange fish that looks like Nemo and an ice cream ornament that she picked out at the store. She also likes the lights and the Swarovski crystal snowflakes.
AK did very well at gymnastics. She is starting to anticipate things, and prepare herself to do the forward rolls and backward rolls with less instructions each time. She also tried some of the bar work this week! She usually goes right past it every time, but she did one particular exercise three times. High fives all around!
AK loves having a bath with me, she thinks it's pretty funny how the soap slips out of her hands and then she chases it around the tub until she finds it again. She helped me wash my hair, she did a great job sudsing up!
After gymnastics, we met up with Charmain to do a bit of shopping. Christmas is everwhere... seems like everyone is ready to get into the spirit already!
Sue invited us over for a BBQ, which was great. As you can see, AK and Kylie had some good fun in the swimming pool. There is a ledge they can stand on, that goes the length of the pool, so we were able to put them there to play to their hearts' content. They also played with bubbles and with chalk.

AK and I left the BBQ early to pick up the Babbs and go downtown to see the fireworks! We went to my work building, which is along the waterfront and has a balcony! It was a GREAT place to wait for fireworks, we had a great parking spot and didn't have to go anywhere near the crowds! Unfortunately the fireworks started very late and then lasted only a few minutes (probably because of the winds). They were still pretty fantastic though... as soon as they started up, AK said "mommy, GO HOME!". She didn't really seem to care for the fireworks and told me they were loud. Ah well, it was good fun and a great reason to stay up past bedtime!
We were up bright and early today, no sleeping in after a late night. We headed over to the Doghouse for breakfast with a friend before we headed off to church. Today, AK learned that "God always keeps his promises". I think she had a great time in childcare today. After church, I dropped AK at Hunter's for a nap-over (get it, nap-over, not sleep-over? Am I good or what? Ha) because Jess and I were going to Jenni for my birthday spa-to-go! Five of us got together for pedicures, champagne and good eats. What a great birthday treat :) my toes are very happy now!
AK and I headed home after that and just played and watched TV for the rest of the day. If there was one prevailing theme for the weekend, it was that AK didn't eat. She just didn't seem to have an appetite. She is fine otherwise, but even cheese didn't appeal to her today... she's had some milk but very little juice, and no interest in food. I know I shouldn't worry but of course I don't have someone to tell me not to worry...
The last picture is one of AK showing off her "binoculars". She is very proud of them and even hung them on the Christmas tree!!! xo
We slept until 7am on Saturday, both days this weekend, AK has popped right out of bed and she's been ready to face the day. No cuddles in bed with Mommy, to Mommy's chagrin!
AK likes the Christmas tree :) it took her a few minutes to gather up to the courage to go near it and check out the ornaments. Her favorite ornaments are an orange fish that looks like Nemo and an ice cream ornament that she picked out at the store. She also likes the lights and the Swarovski crystal snowflakes.
AK did very well at gymnastics. She is starting to anticipate things, and prepare herself to do the forward rolls and backward rolls with less instructions each time. She also tried some of the bar work this week! She usually goes right past it every time, but she did one particular exercise three times. High fives all around!
AK loves having a bath with me, she thinks it's pretty funny how the soap slips out of her hands and then she chases it around the tub until she finds it again. She helped me wash my hair, she did a great job sudsing up!
After gymnastics, we met up with Charmain to do a bit of shopping. Christmas is everwhere... seems like everyone is ready to get into the spirit already!
Sue invited us over for a BBQ, which was great. As you can see, AK and Kylie had some good fun in the swimming pool. There is a ledge they can stand on, that goes the length of the pool, so we were able to put them there to play to their hearts' content. They also played with bubbles and with chalk.
AK and I left the BBQ early to pick up the Babbs and go downtown to see the fireworks! We went to my work building, which is along the waterfront and has a balcony! It was a GREAT place to wait for fireworks, we had a great parking spot and didn't have to go anywhere near the crowds! Unfortunately the fireworks started very late and then lasted only a few minutes (probably because of the winds). They were still pretty fantastic though... as soon as they started up, AK said "mommy, GO HOME!". She didn't really seem to care for the fireworks and told me they were loud. Ah well, it was good fun and a great reason to stay up past bedtime!
We were up bright and early today, no sleeping in after a late night. We headed over to the Doghouse for breakfast with a friend before we headed off to church. Today, AK learned that "God always keeps his promises". I think she had a great time in childcare today. After church, I dropped AK at Hunter's for a nap-over (get it, nap-over, not sleep-over? Am I good or what? Ha) because Jess and I were going to Jenni for my birthday spa-to-go! Five of us got together for pedicures, champagne and good eats. What a great birthday treat :) my toes are very happy now!
AK and I headed home after that and just played and watched TV for the rest of the day. If there was one prevailing theme for the weekend, it was that AK didn't eat. She just didn't seem to have an appetite. She is fine otherwise, but even cheese didn't appeal to her today... she's had some milk but very little juice, and no interest in food. I know I shouldn't worry but of course I don't have someone to tell me not to worry...
The last picture is one of AK showing off her "binoculars". She is very proud of them and even hung them on the Christmas tree!!! xo
Friday, November 19, 2010
She's already learning!!!
AK and I went to the fall supper at the church tonight. She wasn't too interested in being there... she pouted out that lower lip and said "mommy, i wanna GO HOME". She wouldn't eat supper, or drink much juice, but she enjoyed the chocolate decorations on her cake. It was a piece of cake, covered with pink icing, decorated with chocolate kisses. She wouldn't touch the icing so I had to pull the chocolate off the cake and lick the icing off so she could eat the chocolate.
AK was so happy to see Hunter tonight at the supper, she did a little happy dance as she ran towards him to say Hi!
I pulled out the Hallmark decoration with the dancing / singing snowman and dog singing Jingle Bells. She thinks that's pretty hilarious. She alternately sings along, dances or shakes her bum along to the music! I'll have to try to get some video of that.
Lots of kisses tonight, completely unprovoked or unrequested, AK gives the sweetest kisses ever.
I put the Christmas tree up tonight after AK went to bed, she will be surprised to see it in the morning. Can't wait to see her reaction.
As we were leaving the supper tonight, we ran into one of AK's teachers. I mentioned how AK was really enjoying playing with her "binoculars" that were made out of paper towel tubes and string. I guess the kids made them earlier this week and used them on an outdoors adventure today. The teacher also noted that AK had a sticker on her shirt for sitting quietly when asked and for singing a song to a teacher from another room. She is learning so much at school and doing so well. This week's artwork includes pictures of a turkey and a cornucopia of thanksgiving food.
The lentil soup turned out so well. If anyone has recipes using lentils, I'd love to hear them. I will try the soup with AK tomorrow but I have a feeling she'll love it as she likes other kinds of pulses, and I'd love to start cooking more with them.
ps - hope all you in MB are staying warm and safe... you've got snow! xo
AK was so happy to see Hunter tonight at the supper, she did a little happy dance as she ran towards him to say Hi!
I pulled out the Hallmark decoration with the dancing / singing snowman and dog singing Jingle Bells. She thinks that's pretty hilarious. She alternately sings along, dances or shakes her bum along to the music! I'll have to try to get some video of that.
Lots of kisses tonight, completely unprovoked or unrequested, AK gives the sweetest kisses ever.
I put the Christmas tree up tonight after AK went to bed, she will be surprised to see it in the morning. Can't wait to see her reaction.
As we were leaving the supper tonight, we ran into one of AK's teachers. I mentioned how AK was really enjoying playing with her "binoculars" that were made out of paper towel tubes and string. I guess the kids made them earlier this week and used them on an outdoors adventure today. The teacher also noted that AK had a sticker on her shirt for sitting quietly when asked and for singing a song to a teacher from another room. She is learning so much at school and doing so well. This week's artwork includes pictures of a turkey and a cornucopia of thanksgiving food.
The lentil soup turned out so well. If anyone has recipes using lentils, I'd love to hear them. I will try the soup with AK tomorrow but I have a feeling she'll love it as she likes other kinds of pulses, and I'd love to start cooking more with them.
ps - hope all you in MB are staying warm and safe... you've got snow! xo
Happy days :)
1. I got a free turkey from the grocery store last night!!! Technically not FREE, as I had to redeem points from the rewards program to get it but how awesome it was to walk out of the store with a 11.5lb, $33 turkey without paying cash for it! I'll donate that to Charmain's Christmas dinner!
2. AK's daycare had a scholastic book order fundraiser. Between my friend Cindy and I, we ordered $160 worth of books!
3. I made lentil soup (for the first time) in the crockpot overnight. I tasted it and it is amazing. Can't wait to have it for lunch!
4. Fall supper tonight.
All these things make me pretty happy!!! xo
2. AK's daycare had a scholastic book order fundraiser. Between my friend Cindy and I, we ordered $160 worth of books!
3. I made lentil soup (for the first time) in the crockpot overnight. I tasted it and it is amazing. Can't wait to have it for lunch!
4. Fall supper tonight.
All these things make me pretty happy!!! xo
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Mutant Mosquitoes in Cayman!!!
Click on the word Mosquitoes above to check out the article!!! xo
More mosquitoes
Another article! xo
Click on the word Mosquitoes above to check out the article!!! xo
More mosquitoes
Another article! xo
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Some cute things AK does these days:
- says things in this pattern: sentence, mommy, same sentence. Example: I need a bib, Mommy, I need a bib! Almost everything she says follows this pattern!
- gives me a running commentary of everything she sees outside the car as we're driving. Cars, trucks, bicycles, trees, etc.
- singing in the car. Sometimes so softly that I can't hear her but I can see her lips moving (in the rearview mirror). As soon as I stop singing, I get "more, mommy, more!"
- lots of "what's this" and "what's that". If you turn the question around to her, she thinks it's hilarious but then answers her own question.
Tonight, she was eating her supper, and all of sudden pointed at her play kitchen.
AK: Mommy, that's my kitchen.
Mommy: Yes, that's right. What do you do in your kitchen?
AK: I cook! (imagine a face full of glee!)
Mommy: What do you cook in your kitchen?
AK: French fries!
Mommy: And what else?
AK: Ketchup!
Mommy: Ha ha! How about lasagna (AK nods), noodles (AK nods again) and chicken (AK nods yet again)?
Got a haircut for her today, will post pictures later, she was AMAZING. She sat still for half an hour while the hairdresser cut, sprayed, dried and flat-ironed! Her hair looked so wonderful after and I spent the next hour or so staring at her, and thinking that this is what I must have been like as a little girl :)
The night of my birthday, AK and I met up with friends at the Doghouse for supper and playtime. The kids played together so well. It is one of my favorite things, to see all of them togehter having a great time. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday evening.
I was able to take Friday off to spend with my company. It was a very relaxing day and then my company and I were invited out for dinner and then out for a night on the town. It's good to do that once in a while :) Saturday, we were invited out for a boat ride, which was also wonderful. I have been pretty tired the last couple of days though, guess it all finally caught up to me.
Am looking forward to the weekend with AK very much. We will be attending a Thanksgiving fall supper at the church on Friday night to kick it off!!! xo
- says things in this pattern: sentence, mommy, same sentence. Example: I need a bib, Mommy, I need a bib! Almost everything she says follows this pattern!
- gives me a running commentary of everything she sees outside the car as we're driving. Cars, trucks, bicycles, trees, etc.
- singing in the car. Sometimes so softly that I can't hear her but I can see her lips moving (in the rearview mirror). As soon as I stop singing, I get "more, mommy, more!"
- lots of "what's this" and "what's that". If you turn the question around to her, she thinks it's hilarious but then answers her own question.
Tonight, she was eating her supper, and all of sudden pointed at her play kitchen.
AK: Mommy, that's my kitchen.
Mommy: Yes, that's right. What do you do in your kitchen?
AK: I cook! (imagine a face full of glee!)
Mommy: What do you cook in your kitchen?
AK: French fries!
Mommy: And what else?
AK: Ketchup!
Mommy: Ha ha! How about lasagna (AK nods), noodles (AK nods again) and chicken (AK nods yet again)?
Got a haircut for her today, will post pictures later, she was AMAZING. She sat still for half an hour while the hairdresser cut, sprayed, dried and flat-ironed! Her hair looked so wonderful after and I spent the next hour or so staring at her, and thinking that this is what I must have been like as a little girl :)
The night of my birthday, AK and I met up with friends at the Doghouse for supper and playtime. The kids played together so well. It is one of my favorite things, to see all of them togehter having a great time. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday evening.
I was able to take Friday off to spend with my company. It was a very relaxing day and then my company and I were invited out for dinner and then out for a night on the town. It's good to do that once in a while :) Saturday, we were invited out for a boat ride, which was also wonderful. I have been pretty tired the last couple of days though, guess it all finally caught up to me.
Am looking forward to the weekend with AK very much. We will be attending a Thanksgiving fall supper at the church on Friday night to kick it off!!! xo
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Getting behind!
I've been getting lazy at blogging lately!
- Was at the movie store with AK on Friday. She was looking through all the kids' movies and trying to decide which one she wanted. Lots of "this one Mommy! No, this one Mommy!". She ended up with a Thomas the Train video. I was also trying to pick a movie for myself, and you know what AK had to say about that? "Not that one, Mommy!!!". A lady standing near us cracked up.
- We went to the Doghouse after work on Friday to meet Jess and Hunter to play. Marley, from AK's daycare room, was there too. They were so excited to see each other and play together. Lots of "Marley!" and "Annabelle!" that night! Marley went to have supper with her family and AK walked around shrugging her shoulders, wondering where Marley was!
- AK very proudly showed me her "boobies" on Saturday. She told me she has "two boobies". Then I asked her how many I had - the answer? "Three, Mommy!". Funny enough, she could only find two when she went looking...
- Lots of "what's this" and "what's that" these days. I ask the question right back at her so she can tell me what things are, as she usually knows :)
- AK was playing in her play kitchen and told me she was "cooking". I asked her if she was cooking supper and she said yes. I asked what was for supper and she said "watermelon"!
- My company Lindsay and Matt arrived on Sunday. By the end of the night on Sunday, AK was cuddling under a quilt with Lindsay, playing peekaboo. Doesn't take much for her to warm up to new people :) AK got up the next morning (we slept until almost 8am on Monday morning! what a treat!) and immediately started asking for Lindsay and Matt.
- We went to the Westin brunch on Sunday. AK ate like a queen. French toast, cheese, cookie, watermelon, orange, edamame beans, pasta with alfredo sauce. She even used chopsticks! She entertained us all with her counting and singing her ABCs. She loved the attention! Charmain was a huge help and was behind the procurement of the cookie :)
- AK slept over at Hunter's on Saturday night. When I picked her up on Sunday, Jess was just finishing french-braiding her hair, and had put some shimmery lotion and lip gloss on her! What a princess! I have already bought AK a vanity set for Christmas so am on the lookout for some kiddie makeup to go along with it. I think she'll love it.
- We had a gift certificate to the toy store so went there on Saturday. AK had a blast looking through all the aisles of toys and ultimately picked a toy guitar to buy.
- She's not cried the last two days I've dropped her off at daycare. Hooray!
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