And my 17th class is planned for after work today! I'm starting to get tired!!!
I'm also following the detox diet this week. So far, so good. No coffee, sugar, dairy or salt so far. That first cup of coffee once I'm done is going to be SO GOOD! xo
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fun times with Jess!
Puddle Jumping!
Friday, September 24, 2010
AK and Matthew
Day 12!
I did my 12th class at lunch today. Haven't been blogging as much as I am tired by the time evening rolls around and I'm done everything I need to do!!! I hope I can catch up on some rest this weekend.
On Wednesday, Linda and Cameron came for supper. It was a great time! We had turkey tacos, black beans and mexican rice. The kids also had strawberries for dessert. Linda brought some muffins over that I've been eating for breakfast. I can't seem to get AK interested in them! At one point, both kids were upset, and just feeding off of each other :) one would start to calm down, the other would cry, which would set the first off again!
We had a short visit with Cindy, Brent, Molly and Jake last night. Molly's bedroom is beautiful and suitable for a princess! Molly was very proud to show us how she peed on the potty and I know AK was quite interested when she did that. Hopefully it will make sense to AK soon enough!
We had some great cuddles in bed this morning before we got up. Every so often, AK will grab my face in her little hands and squeeze it. Super cute. She also enjoys heading outside every day when we get home to play for a bit. It makes it a bit harder to get supper going but it's worth every moment to see her happy and enjoying herself. We will play with the bubbles and in the playhouse.
AK really loves her play kitchen... she put her cup of milk in there last night. She is getting better at helping clean up her messes. She sings "clean up, clean up, everybody clean up, clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere"!!!
There seems to be a bit of separation anxiety going on again. Daycare drop-offs were a bit tough this week but did get better as the week went on. I used to be able to leave AK watching TV so I could have a shower but she now seems to prefer to play in the bathroom instead.
AK is also very good at reminding me that it's time for her vitamin! She asks for it nearly every morning. And that just reminds me that I don't think she got it this morning! Ha! xo
On Wednesday, Linda and Cameron came for supper. It was a great time! We had turkey tacos, black beans and mexican rice. The kids also had strawberries for dessert. Linda brought some muffins over that I've been eating for breakfast. I can't seem to get AK interested in them! At one point, both kids were upset, and just feeding off of each other :) one would start to calm down, the other would cry, which would set the first off again!
We had a short visit with Cindy, Brent, Molly and Jake last night. Molly's bedroom is beautiful and suitable for a princess! Molly was very proud to show us how she peed on the potty and I know AK was quite interested when she did that. Hopefully it will make sense to AK soon enough!
We had some great cuddles in bed this morning before we got up. Every so often, AK will grab my face in her little hands and squeeze it. Super cute. She also enjoys heading outside every day when we get home to play for a bit. It makes it a bit harder to get supper going but it's worth every moment to see her happy and enjoying herself. We will play with the bubbles and in the playhouse.
AK really loves her play kitchen... she put her cup of milk in there last night. She is getting better at helping clean up her messes. She sings "clean up, clean up, everybody clean up, clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere"!!!
There seems to be a bit of separation anxiety going on again. Daycare drop-offs were a bit tough this week but did get better as the week went on. I used to be able to leave AK watching TV so I could have a shower but she now seems to prefer to play in the bathroom instead.
AK is also very good at reminding me that it's time for her vitamin! She asks for it nearly every morning. And that just reminds me that I don't think she got it this morning! Ha! xo
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 9
And I'm ticking along merrily with 9 classes down! It is not that hard physically, I'm finding, it is harder to find the time to get to the studio. Very cool. I think my muscles are growing muscles :) The studio is also holding a cleanse week next week. I looked up the detox diet and have decided that I will attempt to do the diet without taking the supplements. It's a very healthy, whole-foods diet that will just clean the junk out of what I normally eat. It actually seems to recommend more volume-wise than I eat now. Could be fun, and it won't be harmful to clean up my eating for a week. www. in case you're interested.
Miss AK dressed herself in her green SK Roughriders shirt, dark pink polka dot shorts and light pink sparkly shoes today. The ladies at daycare must think I'm colorblind!
Jess and Hunter came by just as we were finishing supper tonight, which AK gobbled down!!! I did two chicken breasts, bone-in, in the slow cooker through the night in tomato sauce. I took the meat off the bone today and shredded it in the sauce and put it on top of macaroni with a bit of cheese on top. AK ATE HER WHOLE BOWL FULL! We had good swim with Jess and Hunter, I was trying to encourage AK to take a "big jump" into the pool like Hunter does and she said "NO!". I then asked her to take a "little jump" and she said "no". She did very good on her own in the life jacket today - she went right into the water without hesitation and did not need my help, except for when she rolled onto her back and needed a push to get upright again.
We had a bit of a giggle when Hunter ran back to the apartment and opened the door... but unfortunately he opened the door next to mine! The guy next door got a bit of a surprise :) but at least I got to meet my new neighbor.
We played with bubbles for a while today and AK is getting the hang of some of the wands. I bought a huge variety pack so there are lots of options to play with. She likes to talk about "this one" and "that one" (regarding the wands) and "big bubbles" and "little bubbles" and "lots of bubbles". She has a commentary about pretty much everything that she does. She thought it was pretty funny tonight to keep giving me kisses. I sure don't turn them down! xo
Miss AK dressed herself in her green SK Roughriders shirt, dark pink polka dot shorts and light pink sparkly shoes today. The ladies at daycare must think I'm colorblind!
Jess and Hunter came by just as we were finishing supper tonight, which AK gobbled down!!! I did two chicken breasts, bone-in, in the slow cooker through the night in tomato sauce. I took the meat off the bone today and shredded it in the sauce and put it on top of macaroni with a bit of cheese on top. AK ATE HER WHOLE BOWL FULL! We had good swim with Jess and Hunter, I was trying to encourage AK to take a "big jump" into the pool like Hunter does and she said "NO!". I then asked her to take a "little jump" and she said "no". She did very good on her own in the life jacket today - she went right into the water without hesitation and did not need my help, except for when she rolled onto her back and needed a push to get upright again.
We had a bit of a giggle when Hunter ran back to the apartment and opened the door... but unfortunately he opened the door next to mine! The guy next door got a bit of a surprise :) but at least I got to meet my new neighbor.
We played with bubbles for a while today and AK is getting the hang of some of the wands. I bought a huge variety pack so there are lots of options to play with. She likes to talk about "this one" and "that one" (regarding the wands) and "big bubbles" and "little bubbles" and "lots of bubbles". She has a commentary about pretty much everything that she does. She thought it was pretty funny tonight to keep giving me kisses. I sure don't turn them down! xo
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 8
8 classes done!!!
It was a very busy weekend! We had a great evening at Mike and Julie's on Friday. AK and Matthew played and played and played until they were falling over from exhaustion. I was able to put AK down to sleep, no problem. Matthew was a different story :) but he eventually fell asleep as well. I got a treat the next morning too - AK slept til 7am!
We headed over to Hunter's house on Saturday morning as Jess and Ben agreed to take AK to gymnastics for me so that I could go to yoga. Sounds like they had a great time... AK stood at the window and waved "bye" so hard I thought her arm was going to fall off! She is always so happy to spend time with the Babbs. She had a good afternoon nap, then we headed off to the Mosers. Christie and I went to a gala dinner for work and Chris looked after AK. Sounds like she was really good for Chris too. He only had to bribe her with grapes to stop her from crying. Ha! She ate a really good supper there too, chicken in tomato sauce and pasta.
AK slept til 730am on Sunday morning, which was great as I was a bit tired from the gala dinner. Christie made waffles for breakfast, which we had with syrup and strawberries. AK ate about a quarter of a waffle. We headed home to quickly get ready for church and it went really well this week. AK didn't cry at all when we went into the childcare room and she was happy once again to see Hunter. After church, we headed over to the Huys and I put AK down for her nap there as Kevin and Mike looked after AK while I co-hosted a baby shower for Jenni (are you sensing a trend of babysitters this past weekend???). Sounds like the kids had a pretty good nap then they watched Cars and ate some pretzels! The baby shower went really well... Jenni is so blessed with her friends and this baby girl is going to be one well-dressed babe! It is such a good group of girlfriends we have :)
After the shower, Jenni and I fed the kids some of the leftover food from the shower and they played together for a while. It was a lot of fun - lots of jumping on the bed, giggles, laughter, smiles... and of course a bit of fighting and time-outs and owies! All in good fun :)
Oh, I forgot the biggest news from yesterday... I could smell something funky so I asked AK if she'd farted... she said "yes" but I didn't believe her so checked her diaper and found that she'd just started to poo... so I whisked her off to the toilet and she had a huge poo on the potty! We nearly got another one in the potty today but I was too slow to pick up on her cues (note to anyone who looks after AK in the next while - if she's grabbing her crotch and saying "pee", she is probably about to poo!!!) and we didn't quite make it to the toilet in time. It is great that she is giving me cues though, and we talked about what to do next time. She is to 1. say "mommy POO!", 2. "run run run" to the bathroom and 3. poo on the potty! How fun!
AK dressed herself for daycare today... haha... a colorful shirt with a rainbow and other pictures on it, mostly pink, and blue/white striped shorts. She wore pink sandals that kind of matched her shirt so that wasn't too bad. It is going to be interesting to see what outfits she comes up with on her own. She's definitely getting more headstrong about what she wants to wear.
Question for my readers - I hadn't done anything with the local pumpkin I bought a couple of weeks ago so I roasted it tonight, mashed it and now it's in the freezer. What shall I do with it? I don't really care for baked goods but I suppose I could make pumpkin bread or muffins for someone else. I've never made a pumpkin soup but that could be fun - if anyone has a true or tried recipe, let me know. Just leave a comment or email me! The other stuff I got from the farmer's market was great - the mango and starfruit were so good, I ate more than AK did, and the buns were fantastic. I think that's all I got... can't remember! xo
It was a very busy weekend! We had a great evening at Mike and Julie's on Friday. AK and Matthew played and played and played until they were falling over from exhaustion. I was able to put AK down to sleep, no problem. Matthew was a different story :) but he eventually fell asleep as well. I got a treat the next morning too - AK slept til 7am!
We headed over to Hunter's house on Saturday morning as Jess and Ben agreed to take AK to gymnastics for me so that I could go to yoga. Sounds like they had a great time... AK stood at the window and waved "bye" so hard I thought her arm was going to fall off! She is always so happy to spend time with the Babbs. She had a good afternoon nap, then we headed off to the Mosers. Christie and I went to a gala dinner for work and Chris looked after AK. Sounds like she was really good for Chris too. He only had to bribe her with grapes to stop her from crying. Ha! She ate a really good supper there too, chicken in tomato sauce and pasta.
AK slept til 730am on Sunday morning, which was great as I was a bit tired from the gala dinner. Christie made waffles for breakfast, which we had with syrup and strawberries. AK ate about a quarter of a waffle. We headed home to quickly get ready for church and it went really well this week. AK didn't cry at all when we went into the childcare room and she was happy once again to see Hunter. After church, we headed over to the Huys and I put AK down for her nap there as Kevin and Mike looked after AK while I co-hosted a baby shower for Jenni (are you sensing a trend of babysitters this past weekend???). Sounds like the kids had a pretty good nap then they watched Cars and ate some pretzels! The baby shower went really well... Jenni is so blessed with her friends and this baby girl is going to be one well-dressed babe! It is such a good group of girlfriends we have :)
After the shower, Jenni and I fed the kids some of the leftover food from the shower and they played together for a while. It was a lot of fun - lots of jumping on the bed, giggles, laughter, smiles... and of course a bit of fighting and time-outs and owies! All in good fun :)
Oh, I forgot the biggest news from yesterday... I could smell something funky so I asked AK if she'd farted... she said "yes" but I didn't believe her so checked her diaper and found that she'd just started to poo... so I whisked her off to the toilet and she had a huge poo on the potty! We nearly got another one in the potty today but I was too slow to pick up on her cues (note to anyone who looks after AK in the next while - if she's grabbing her crotch and saying "pee", she is probably about to poo!!!) and we didn't quite make it to the toilet in time. It is great that she is giving me cues though, and we talked about what to do next time. She is to 1. say "mommy POO!", 2. "run run run" to the bathroom and 3. poo on the potty! How fun!
AK dressed herself for daycare today... haha... a colorful shirt with a rainbow and other pictures on it, mostly pink, and blue/white striped shorts. She wore pink sandals that kind of matched her shirt so that wasn't too bad. It is going to be interesting to see what outfits she comes up with on her own. She's definitely getting more headstrong about what she wants to wear.
Question for my readers - I hadn't done anything with the local pumpkin I bought a couple of weeks ago so I roasted it tonight, mashed it and now it's in the freezer. What shall I do with it? I don't really care for baked goods but I suppose I could make pumpkin bread or muffins for someone else. I've never made a pumpkin soup but that could be fun - if anyone has a true or tried recipe, let me know. Just leave a comment or email me! The other stuff I got from the farmer's market was great - the mango and starfruit were so good, I ate more than AK did, and the buns were fantastic. I think that's all I got... can't remember! xo
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 5
6 classes done!
It was tough to get up today - 530am for a 6am class. Didn't help that I'd had a big meal and some wine last night! But I did it and it felt great. I'm happy that the class tomorrow isn't until 10am though, will give me a bit more time to wake up first!
AK and I are heading over to Mike and Julie's for supper tonight. The Huys will be there too so AK and Matthew will get to hang out. xo
It was tough to get up today - 530am for a 6am class. Didn't help that I'd had a big meal and some wine last night! But I did it and it felt great. I'm happy that the class tomorrow isn't until 10am though, will give me a bit more time to wake up first!
AK and I are heading over to Mike and Julie's for supper tonight. The Huys will be there too so AK and Matthew will get to hang out. xo
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 3
4 classes done!
I missed AK so I called and spoke to her on the phone today. We actually had somewhat of a conversation! I asked questions and she grunted or made noises. :) xo
I missed AK so I called and spoke to her on the phone today. We actually had somewhat of a conversation! I asked questions and she grunted or made noises. :) xo
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Yoga update
Right on track. Two classes tomorrow though - one at 6am - wish me luck getting up when the alarm goes off!!! xo
Right on track. Two classes tomorrow though - one at 6am - wish me luck getting up when the alarm goes off!!! xo
Monday, September 13, 2010
30 classes in 30 days
That's the challenge my yoga studio is running right now.
Today was day one, one class done out of 30! This is how you'll see me tracking in future posts for the month. Day One, Class One, out of 30 Days. I will have to do two classes in one day later this week as I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make it on Sunday. Wish me luck!!!
I typed up a bunch of stuff about AK but accidentally deleted it. As I'm tired and ready for bed, you'll just have to wait another day for AK news!!! Bah. xo
Today was day one, one class done out of 30! This is how you'll see me tracking in future posts for the month. Day One, Class One, out of 30 Days. I will have to do two classes in one day later this week as I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make it on Sunday. Wish me luck!!!
I typed up a bunch of stuff about AK but accidentally deleted it. As I'm tired and ready for bed, you'll just have to wait another day for AK news!!! Bah. xo
Sunday, September 12, 2010
What a "bummer / bomber" of a weekend
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Energizer bunny
That's what I feel like AK is sometimes!!! When I went to pick her up from daycare today, she was running and jumping, then would fall down "Kaboom! Fall down!", then she got up and did it a few more times. WOW. I know it's probably the side effects from the antibiotics I took but I hope my energy comes back soon! I will rest up this weekend... so I can keep up with my little "kaboom fall down" bunny!
AK picked up her play phone today and I asked her who she was talking to, and she said "grandma and grandpa". I asked her if she really wanted to talk to them, and she said yes, so we gave them a call. AK was answering some questions as my mom and dad talked to her. She'd say "no" but only nod for "yes". She did say "bye bye" at the end though!
I don't think AK really liked her mango and starfruit as most of it came home today. Looks like she ate a bit of the mango but only one bite of the starfruit. Shame, as that was what she was most excited about. xo
AK picked up her play phone today and I asked her who she was talking to, and she said "grandma and grandpa". I asked her if she really wanted to talk to them, and she said yes, so we gave them a call. AK was answering some questions as my mom and dad talked to her. She'd say "no" but only nod for "yes". She did say "bye bye" at the end though!
I don't think AK really liked her mango and starfruit as most of it came home today. Looks like she ate a bit of the mango but only one bite of the starfruit. Shame, as that was what she was most excited about. xo
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Farmer's Market
Today, I picked AK up from daycare and we headed straight out to collect Christie and Mack, and headed to the Farmer's Market at Camana Bay.
I don't know if some vendors were there previously and had already left, or if some vendors were deterred by the slightly rainy skies but there were only a handful of booths today. However, we did buy the following:
*approximately 2lbs of Cayman pumpkin - $2
*a starfruit and a mango - $3
*4 black russian caroway buns - $6!!! (they better be good!!!)
*Chef John's bbq chicken with beans and rice for supper - $12
Not too bad of a haul for $23. I haven't decided yet what to do with the pumpkin, may just steam and eat like squash. I've cut up some of the starfruit and mango for both AK and I to take for snacks tomorrow. I think I may melt some cheese on one of the buns later to test it out, and make tuna salad bunwiches later in the week. The buns are so soft and I'm sure the price includes all the samples we had of all the other kinds of bread :) Chef John's chicken dinner was enough for supper tonight and I've packed the leftovers as lunch for both of us tomorrow.
It was a nice way to spend the evening. Because of the small number of vendors, the market was set up in a small space near the road. When I've gone before, they've closed the road off to accommodate all the booths. It was a bit harder to shop today as I had to keep an eye on AK near traffic and shop at the same time. Not a great setup for me.
AK's bedtime is stretching out to be nearer to 8pm these days. It is nice to have that extra bit of time to spend together in the evenings but I seem to run out of energy before AK does!!! I need to poke around tonight to see if I can find the water wings as I think we'll swim tomorrow after supper if it is nice out.
Paula xo
ps - ha ha. I had to come back and edit this post for my math above!!!
pps - I had to come back AGAIN to tell you how amazing these buns are. They are so soft and delicious, and not sour at all like some dark breads can be. I melted a wee bit of sharp cheddar on one half, and a wee bit of jalapeno monterey jack on the other, and am adding some red pepper jelly to a bite here and there. YUMMO!
I don't know if some vendors were there previously and had already left, or if some vendors were deterred by the slightly rainy skies but there were only a handful of booths today. However, we did buy the following:
*approximately 2lbs of Cayman pumpkin - $2
*a starfruit and a mango - $3
*4 black russian caroway buns - $6!!! (they better be good!!!)
*Chef John's bbq chicken with beans and rice for supper - $12
Not too bad of a haul for $23. I haven't decided yet what to do with the pumpkin, may just steam and eat like squash. I've cut up some of the starfruit and mango for both AK and I to take for snacks tomorrow. I think I may melt some cheese on one of the buns later to test it out, and make tuna salad bunwiches later in the week. The buns are so soft and I'm sure the price includes all the samples we had of all the other kinds of bread :) Chef John's chicken dinner was enough for supper tonight and I've packed the leftovers as lunch for both of us tomorrow.
It was a nice way to spend the evening. Because of the small number of vendors, the market was set up in a small space near the road. When I've gone before, they've closed the road off to accommodate all the booths. It was a bit harder to shop today as I had to keep an eye on AK near traffic and shop at the same time. Not a great setup for me.
AK's bedtime is stretching out to be nearer to 8pm these days. It is nice to have that extra bit of time to spend together in the evenings but I seem to run out of energy before AK does!!! I need to poke around tonight to see if I can find the water wings as I think we'll swim tomorrow after supper if it is nice out.
Paula xo
ps - ha ha. I had to come back and edit this post for my math above!!!
pps - I had to come back AGAIN to tell you how amazing these buns are. They are so soft and delicious, and not sour at all like some dark breads can be. I melted a wee bit of sharp cheddar on one half, and a wee bit of jalapeno monterey jack on the other, and am adding some red pepper jelly to a bite here and there. YUMMO!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tonight's funny story stars Lucas!
We popped by Odette's today for a play after supper. It was nice to see her, Lucas and Baby Adriano for a bit. After the kids played outside for a while, someone ended up tracking up some dirt inside. Lucas saw the dirt, said "dirty", popped up, ran into the storage room to get the Swifter/vaccuum thing, cleaned it up and put the vaccuum back!!! What a good kid!!!
Someone who lives in my building drives a Mustang. AK made sure that I noticed the "big horsey car" today.
I thought AK seemed loud today... turns out my hearing aids were turned up. Ha!
AK is really getting into the habit of putting her food into her kitchen. I asked her earlier where her sippy cup was and she hollered "in the kitchen!". I think she would rather have real food in there than play food. Looks like I have some extra pantry space now :)
Oh, and I got to sleep until 645am today! What a treat! I even woke up before AK today. There were no tears at daycare either. That's a pretty good morning!!! xo
Someone who lives in my building drives a Mustang. AK made sure that I noticed the "big horsey car" today.
I thought AK seemed loud today... turns out my hearing aids were turned up. Ha!
AK is really getting into the habit of putting her food into her kitchen. I asked her earlier where her sippy cup was and she hollered "in the kitchen!". I think she would rather have real food in there than play food. Looks like I have some extra pantry space now :)
Oh, and I got to sleep until 645am today! What a treat! I even woke up before AK today. There were no tears at daycare either. That's a pretty good morning!!! xo
Monday, September 6, 2010
Out of the mouth of AK...
Some of you may remember AK zipping up my sweater while we were on holidays, and pinching my chin or neck in the zipper at the top. She was zipping me up again today and shouted... get ready for this...
Monday morning smiles :)
A couple more stories that popped into mind this morning:
- AK loves to make "A BIG MESS". I am spending far too much time singing the clean-up song and cleaning up. AK will pick up one or two things and put them away, then gets distracted by something and starts playing again. She'll learn!!! She has to up-end EVERYTHING in EVERY container. What a mess.
- AK up-ended all the toys in her bathtub container and was wondering where "Dora" was. A million and one toys, and the only one she wants is the one that's missing. I have no idea where Dora has gone off to... maybe on an adventure with Diego? Will be keeping an eye out for her.
- More kitchen stuff - AK was eating an apple this morning and put it in the fridge in her play kitchen. I am really going to have to keep track of what she's eating and where she's putting it!!! I'm sure there will come a day when I find something "interesting" in the fridge!
- AK loves to make "A BIG MESS". I am spending far too much time singing the clean-up song and cleaning up. AK will pick up one or two things and put them away, then gets distracted by something and starts playing again. She'll learn!!! She has to up-end EVERYTHING in EVERY container. What a mess.
- AK up-ended all the toys in her bathtub container and was wondering where "Dora" was. A million and one toys, and the only one she wants is the one that's missing. I have no idea where Dora has gone off to... maybe on an adventure with Diego? Will be keeping an eye out for her.
- More kitchen stuff - AK was eating an apple this morning and put it in the fridge in her play kitchen. I am really going to have to keep track of what she's eating and where she's putting it!!! I'm sure there will come a day when I find something "interesting" in the fridge!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Busy Sunday!
AK dissed every choice of clothing I offered her to wear today and came up with this gem of an outfit on her own. How did she know that the 'Riders had a game today and that they would win???

We had quite the day once the sleepyhead woke up! We went over to Odette's for a very quick visit to take a casserole and to meet Baby Adriano ("Baby Ano" per AK). We came home and headed straight to the pool!
I wish I had taken a picture - AK had on her pink polka dot bathing suit, her yellow high heels with flowers, and her yellow life jacket. What an ensemble. It was a magic outfit as AK spent most of the time swimming on her own!!! At first, she had to hang on to both of my hands to swim, then just one, then just a finger... when we got to this point, I would keep my finger just out of AK's reach, forcing her to swim towards me! We did countless laps around the pool this way. AK would swim until she reached the ladder on the far side, then climb out, run around, come down the steps, and start all over again. We were outside for over an hour and a half! We both worked up quite an appetite for supper.
You know how I mentioned earlier that AK was saying "a big one" about her spoonful of yogurt? She will say it for anything applicable now... including a poopy diaper. Ha ha!
Today, AK has managed to pinch me by playing with my chain or headbutted me in the mouth. Both times, I said "ow" and actually had tears in my eyes for the headbutt. AK was very concerned and kissed my owie better both times. I also thought it was really cute when she was listening to the closing Barney song "with a kiss from me to you", she came over and gave me a big smacker :)
And I'll leave you with that. Good night, sweet dreams xo
We had quite the day once the sleepyhead woke up! We went over to Odette's for a very quick visit to take a casserole and to meet Baby Adriano ("Baby Ano" per AK). We came home and headed straight to the pool!
I wish I had taken a picture - AK had on her pink polka dot bathing suit, her yellow high heels with flowers, and her yellow life jacket. What an ensemble. It was a magic outfit as AK spent most of the time swimming on her own!!! At first, she had to hang on to both of my hands to swim, then just one, then just a finger... when we got to this point, I would keep my finger just out of AK's reach, forcing her to swim towards me! We did countless laps around the pool this way. AK would swim until she reached the ladder on the far side, then climb out, run around, come down the steps, and start all over again. We were outside for over an hour and a half! We both worked up quite an appetite for supper.
You know how I mentioned earlier that AK was saying "a big one" about her spoonful of yogurt? She will say it for anything applicable now... including a poopy diaper. Ha ha!
Today, AK has managed to pinch me by playing with my chain or headbutted me in the mouth. Both times, I said "ow" and actually had tears in my eyes for the headbutt. AK was very concerned and kissed my owie better both times. I also thought it was really cute when she was listening to the closing Barney song "with a kiss from me to you", she came over and gave me a big smacker :)
And I'll leave you with that. Good night, sweet dreams xo
Getting back to normal
Well, it's time for church but AK was so tired she went back down for a nap at 10am. No church for us today - sleep for AK is more important!
She had an amazing supper of chicken, potatoes and carrots last night... and what's amazing about that is that she almost never ever eats potatoes. I found out that if I make a game of it (show mommy how you can put the potato on your fork, show mommy how you can put the potato in your mouth), she will actually eat a few bites of potato. It's a start!
When AK scoops up yogurt on her spoon, she will say "a big one!" then tap off some of it until it's "just right". Pretty cute :)
AK's cousin Nolan taught her that chocolate milk is "coffee". I got some weird looks from people in public when she's asked me for coffee. Today I gave her some chocolate milk in a new sippy cup, that is shaped quite like a travel coffee mug. It was really odd to see her drinking out of this cup and saying "coffee". I am trying to correct her but it may take a while for her to unlearn that!
I will have to keep a close eye on AK's sippy cups... I asked her where this one was earlier today and she opened the cupboard on the play kitchen and there it was... imagine finding something like that a day or two later... yuck.
I really should go rest while AK is down. I'm feeling much better but I think the antibiotics are making me a bit headachy. We are hoping to visit Odette's baby boy Adriano later today, and perhaps meet up with Jess and Hunter to play as well. xo
She had an amazing supper of chicken, potatoes and carrots last night... and what's amazing about that is that she almost never ever eats potatoes. I found out that if I make a game of it (show mommy how you can put the potato on your fork, show mommy how you can put the potato in your mouth), she will actually eat a few bites of potato. It's a start!
When AK scoops up yogurt on her spoon, she will say "a big one!" then tap off some of it until it's "just right". Pretty cute :)
AK's cousin Nolan taught her that chocolate milk is "coffee". I got some weird looks from people in public when she's asked me for coffee. Today I gave her some chocolate milk in a new sippy cup, that is shaped quite like a travel coffee mug. It was really odd to see her drinking out of this cup and saying "coffee". I am trying to correct her but it may take a while for her to unlearn that!
I will have to keep a close eye on AK's sippy cups... I asked her where this one was earlier today and she opened the cupboard on the play kitchen and there it was... imagine finding something like that a day or two later... yuck.
I really should go rest while AK is down. I'm feeling much better but I think the antibiotics are making me a bit headachy. We are hoping to visit Odette's baby boy Adriano later today, and perhaps meet up with Jess and Hunter to play as well. xo
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sick and Tired and Busy :(
This week is flying by, but painfully... I am pretty sure that I have a sinus infection as I'm still suffering from the sinus issues so I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I hardly slept last night as I was feverish. It doesn't seem like any drugs I'm taking are helping. Thank goodness AK is with her daddy this week so I can just take care of myself.
But unfortunately taking care of myself means working like a dog, and coming home only to sleep!!! Yikes. I am partly working this hard to ensure I won't have to work on the weekend, and can rest up instead. Between not having to work, and whatever great meds the doctor will give me tomorrow, I should be on the mend soon.
Angella and Alex are going to come over on Saturday for a visit with AK and I. I am excited to see them, and I know AK will really enjoy seeing them. xo
But unfortunately taking care of myself means working like a dog, and coming home only to sleep!!! Yikes. I am partly working this hard to ensure I won't have to work on the weekend, and can rest up instead. Between not having to work, and whatever great meds the doctor will give me tomorrow, I should be on the mend soon.
Angella and Alex are going to come over on Saturday for a visit with AK and I. I am excited to see them, and I know AK will really enjoy seeing them. xo
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