Yes dear!
This is a "conversation" we have over and over again. AK asks "oh mommy?" and I answer "yes dear?". Over and over and over again. Last night, I realized AK was saying "oh mommy, yes dear!" all on her own. Guess I'm off the hook and don't have to participate in the conversation at all, ha!
AK was up again around midnight or so with "teef hurt" again. Poor kid. I can feel some of the points of the molar have come through the gum. She is in amazingly good spirits otherwise though. Realized last night after putting AK to bed that we'd had a happy, relatively terrible-two-free day. She is such a joy.
This morning, AK was VERY concerned with Bubba's food and water. She went over to the storage area where the food is kept and opened the door. She took the food dish out and brought it to me to fill. She put the dish back in and lifted the water dish out so I could fill it. She stood back to survey her work and was quite pleased with herself.
She had half a banana and a bit of my ham/cheese sandwich for breakfast this morning. She picked out her outfit and shoes for the day. She was not very happy when we opened the door though, to find butterflies. They scared her, which surprised me. We also saw some big snails outside the door when we came in last night. That was neat.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday is a day of rest...
And today was actually pretty restful!
AK was up around midnight last night. I gave her some painkiller as I could tell her teeth were bothering her. Her numerous poops yesterday evening kind of clued me in. She ended up sleeping until after 7am this morning. What a nice treat.
AK had some juice, then some apple sauce, then some yogurt, then some blueberry/chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! What a good eater she was this morning. We packed up some snacks and put on our Sunday best to try going to church today!
I've been thinking about taking AK to church for a while now... her daycare is attached to the Baptist church and I know the ladies teach some stuff about God and tell the kids stories from the Bible. I figured perhaps I should start going to church so that AK's education doesn't rival mine :) It also helps that Jess, Ben and Hunter go on a regular basis to that church.
I thought we had lucked out as the Sunday School room was the same as AK's daycare room. I thought she would be comfortable in a familiar place but I guess the unfamiliar people weren't that great for her. They called me out of the service about 20mins in but that's okay - I had a grand time playing with AK and some of the other kids in the room for well over an hour! We colored, read books and played with the play kitchen. AK was quite happy about the cookies too.
When we got home, AK went straight down for a nap, and slept for about 3.5 hours. I was able to lay down myself for quite a while after getting some stuff done. We played outside for a bit after and then I made chili for supper which AK seemed to quite like. We decided to check out the playground here but it started raining shortly after we got there so we headed home for a bit to play with some toys there.
Sometimes I help AK feed herself by loading up the spoon for her to use or sometimes I just feed her. She thought it was pretty neat that Mommy had a "big spoon" and AK had a "little spoon". She also thought it was REALLY funny to take Mommy's big spoon and feed me with it! What a goof. She also ate about a million blueberries tonight. That will be a fun diaper for someone to change tomorrow (hopefully not me!).
Can't believe it's Monday already tomorrow. The weekend has been far too short. xo
AK was up around midnight last night. I gave her some painkiller as I could tell her teeth were bothering her. Her numerous poops yesterday evening kind of clued me in. She ended up sleeping until after 7am this morning. What a nice treat.
AK had some juice, then some apple sauce, then some yogurt, then some blueberry/chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! What a good eater she was this morning. We packed up some snacks and put on our Sunday best to try going to church today!
I've been thinking about taking AK to church for a while now... her daycare is attached to the Baptist church and I know the ladies teach some stuff about God and tell the kids stories from the Bible. I figured perhaps I should start going to church so that AK's education doesn't rival mine :) It also helps that Jess, Ben and Hunter go on a regular basis to that church.
I thought we had lucked out as the Sunday School room was the same as AK's daycare room. I thought she would be comfortable in a familiar place but I guess the unfamiliar people weren't that great for her. They called me out of the service about 20mins in but that's okay - I had a grand time playing with AK and some of the other kids in the room for well over an hour! We colored, read books and played with the play kitchen. AK was quite happy about the cookies too.
When we got home, AK went straight down for a nap, and slept for about 3.5 hours. I was able to lay down myself for quite a while after getting some stuff done. We played outside for a bit after and then I made chili for supper which AK seemed to quite like. We decided to check out the playground here but it started raining shortly after we got there so we headed home for a bit to play with some toys there.
Sometimes I help AK feed herself by loading up the spoon for her to use or sometimes I just feed her. She thought it was pretty neat that Mommy had a "big spoon" and AK had a "little spoon". She also thought it was REALLY funny to take Mommy's big spoon and feed me with it! What a goof. She also ate about a million blueberries tonight. That will be a fun diaper for someone to change tomorrow (hopefully not me!).
Can't believe it's Monday already tomorrow. The weekend has been far too short. xo
Beach BBQ pics
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Beaches and BBQs
It was great to pick up AK this afternoon. I've missed her loads.
We headed off straight away to the Camana Bay Beach for a BBQ. Just lots of friends, good food and drinks, and fun! AK was very excited to be going to the beach and wondered if Bubba would be there. I let her know that she'd see Bubba when we went home after. AK played and played and played... man, do these kids have a lot of energy. Some of the highlights were sharing a hotdog with Kylie - Mike was feeding her - so AK would take a bite from one end, and Kylie would take a bite from the other end, and so forth. It was really cute.
A man was walking by with a dog, I think it may have been a chocolate lab puppy, loads of energy, and he loved the kids throwing a tennis ball for him to fetch. Of course their throws are so short that he just snapped them right up. AK got to pet another couple of dogs as they walked by. She loves dogs so much. On the way home, I asked her if Bubba was a puppy and she said "no" so I asked her what he was and she said "woof". She was thrilled to see Bubba and laughs when he licks her finger and says "Bubba lick my finger!".
We had to take one of Matthew's diapers at the beach as AK was having a wee bit of poopy problems... she knew very well that it was Matthew's diaper and not hers, and kept telling me that. She tries to help me put them on her now too.
She was playing with the tap mechanism that changes from a bath to a shower, saying "up down" (sounds more like "done"). What a smart kid.
I think it was pretty much lights out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I think Jeremy took her to gymnastics earlier today so she had a very active day! xo
We headed off straight away to the Camana Bay Beach for a BBQ. Just lots of friends, good food and drinks, and fun! AK was very excited to be going to the beach and wondered if Bubba would be there. I let her know that she'd see Bubba when we went home after. AK played and played and played... man, do these kids have a lot of energy. Some of the highlights were sharing a hotdog with Kylie - Mike was feeding her - so AK would take a bite from one end, and Kylie would take a bite from the other end, and so forth. It was really cute.
A man was walking by with a dog, I think it may have been a chocolate lab puppy, loads of energy, and he loved the kids throwing a tennis ball for him to fetch. Of course their throws are so short that he just snapped them right up. AK got to pet another couple of dogs as they walked by. She loves dogs so much. On the way home, I asked her if Bubba was a puppy and she said "no" so I asked her what he was and she said "woof". She was thrilled to see Bubba and laughs when he licks her finger and says "Bubba lick my finger!".
We had to take one of Matthew's diapers at the beach as AK was having a wee bit of poopy problems... she knew very well that it was Matthew's diaper and not hers, and kept telling me that. She tries to help me put them on her now too.
She was playing with the tap mechanism that changes from a bath to a shower, saying "up down" (sounds more like "done"). What a smart kid.
I think it was pretty much lights out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I think Jeremy took her to gymnastics earlier today so she had a very active day! xo
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The connection between AK and Bubba
This morning, AK was crying her little heart out in the car, and saying "Bubba" over and over. I'm talking big crocodile tears and snot coming out of her nose. I finally got her calmed down enough that she could tell me that she missed Bubba already. She is really going to miss him when we move out of the Mosers' place!
AK shrieks with laughter when Bubba kisses or licks her. I keep a pretty close eye on them when they are together but they are really good with each other. AK is learning to say "Bubba, shush" when he barks. She watched me pick up all of Bubba's poop last night and pointed at the bag this morning and said "puppy poop". She is very interested in making sure Bubba has water and food in his bowls.
She did not go down to sleep very well last night, in fact, I can't remember the last time I heard her cry this much in her bed. January, maybe? I ended up checking on her and she said her teeth hurt, so I gave her a bit of painkiller. I could really feel the one molar trying to push its way out so no wonder she was unhappy.
AK shrieks with laughter when Bubba kisses or licks her. I keep a pretty close eye on them when they are together but they are really good with each other. AK is learning to say "Bubba, shush" when he barks. She watched me pick up all of Bubba's poop last night and pointed at the bag this morning and said "puppy poop". She is very interested in making sure Bubba has water and food in his bowls.
She did not go down to sleep very well last night, in fact, I can't remember the last time I heard her cry this much in her bed. January, maybe? I ended up checking on her and she said her teeth hurt, so I gave her a bit of painkiller. I could really feel the one molar trying to push its way out so no wonder she was unhappy.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fun times with Bubba
AK is definitely letting Bubba know who's boss... and who I am!
If Bubba tries to cuddle up to me, AK comes up and shakes her finger at him and says "no no no no". She does the same thing when she sees Swiper on a Dora video... so she must think Bubba is a bad guy :)
She was also very protective of me last night, throwing her arms around my neck from the side or from behind, saying "my mommy!", just in case Bubba wasn't sure.
She always likes to know where Bubba is and is quite happy to tell me "Bubba over here" or "Bubba over there" when she finds him. She even wanted him to come in the bathtub with her last night but I kiboshed that idea. Didn't feel like dealing with a wet dog and a wet kid.
It was a bit of a busy morning but I got the dog and the kid fed, and everyone dressed and out the door at the right time. xo
If Bubba tries to cuddle up to me, AK comes up and shakes her finger at him and says "no no no no". She does the same thing when she sees Swiper on a Dora video... so she must think Bubba is a bad guy :)
She was also very protective of me last night, throwing her arms around my neck from the side or from behind, saying "my mommy!", just in case Bubba wasn't sure.
She always likes to know where Bubba is and is quite happy to tell me "Bubba over here" or "Bubba over there" when she finds him. She even wanted him to come in the bathtub with her last night but I kiboshed that idea. Didn't feel like dealing with a wet dog and a wet kid.
It was a bit of a busy morning but I got the dog and the kid fed, and everyone dressed and out the door at the right time. xo
Monday, July 19, 2010
A visit to the doctor
AK was quite excited to visit "doctoh Mac" today. It was just her two year well check, no issues. She said AK looks quite fine and that the nurse's recommendation to eliminate dairy was an old wives' tale... so I guess we can go back to yogurt and cheese and milk! I didn't really notice much difference in how dry AK's skin was, we just hve to manage the itch when it occurs. Grass seems to be AK's biggest trigger for itching. Doctor Mc was so impressed with AK that she gave her a purple happy face sticker :)
I am settled into Christie and Chris's place as I am dogsitting Bubba for the next three weeks. I am lucky they have already bought baby furniture and all I had to do was bring AK's mattress over to give her a good place to sleep. She went straight to bed tonight, no problem. She has been enjoying Bubba very much, and I think Bubba is enjoying AK for the most part. I know he is enjoying me... he keeps trying to hump my arm. I've put a stop to that!
AK is speaking more and more in short three-word sentences. It is really neat to hear what she will come up with. I keep encouraging her to use her words when she is getting frustrated and upset and she already seems to be getting better at it. She just needs the reminder.
AK and I also went grocery shopping after the doctor's appointment. It was a great trip - probably because I used the cool car shopping cart! I've never used it before, it was kind of hard to maneuver, but AK thought it was great to "drive the car". I gave her some snacks and a drink and she was quite happy for about 20mins. I will definitely be using those carts again. I wish I had taken a picture - I meant to but forgot.
There was another bright and noisy storm last night. The lightening did wake me this time, but just briefly. xo
I am settled into Christie and Chris's place as I am dogsitting Bubba for the next three weeks. I am lucky they have already bought baby furniture and all I had to do was bring AK's mattress over to give her a good place to sleep. She went straight to bed tonight, no problem. She has been enjoying Bubba very much, and I think Bubba is enjoying AK for the most part. I know he is enjoying me... he keeps trying to hump my arm. I've put a stop to that!
AK is speaking more and more in short three-word sentences. It is really neat to hear what she will come up with. I keep encouraging her to use her words when she is getting frustrated and upset and she already seems to be getting better at it. She just needs the reminder.
AK and I also went grocery shopping after the doctor's appointment. It was a great trip - probably because I used the cool car shopping cart! I've never used it before, it was kind of hard to maneuver, but AK thought it was great to "drive the car". I gave her some snacks and a drink and she was quite happy for about 20mins. I will definitely be using those carts again. I wish I had taken a picture - I meant to but forgot.
There was another bright and noisy storm last night. The lightening did wake me this time, but just briefly. xo
Sunday, July 18, 2010
That nap yesterday?
Ended up being almost four hours long!!!
She was pretty excited to go to Daddy's house when she woke up. And I was pretty excited to stay in bed a little later today :)
She was pretty excited to go to Daddy's house when she woke up. And I was pretty excited to stay in bed a little later today :)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Not too much to tell
Story time! Look at the smile on AK's face - must be a good book!
Thursday night, we headed over to Jenni's again for supper. AK was SOOO tired and didn't hardly eat any supper. I was able to put her down without a peep, and brought her home no problem. I am lucky she is such a great sleeper.
Last night, Angella and Alex came over to babysit so I could go on the catamaran and out for supper. The catamaran trip got cut short due to lightening... yikes! It was a nice night out and it sounds like AK had a fun time with Angella and Alex. It is always good to see them.
Overnight, I guess there was quite a storm... AK and I both slept through it! I woke when she crawled into bed with me. I looked at the clock and thought to myself 'it's 3flipping30!!!" so I asked her if her teeth hurt and she said "no" and then I realized that it was actually really light out for 330am, so I got up and checked the time on my phone... it was actually 6am. The storm knocked the power out for a few hours and neither one of us even noticed. I guess there was loads of lightening and thunder... it was still raining quite a bit this morning but it was fun to put on the rain jacket and the rain boots and get out.
I dropped AK off at Jess and Ben's. AK started playing all the toys right away. I was able to leave without a single tear from AK! Jess said that AK started crying over her "toe hurt" (which has a wee teeny scratch on it) and had to put a bandaid on it. She also had to change the worst poopy diaper ever :( I feel so bad about that! Ben and Jess were kind enough to take AK to the gym for free play so I could do a yoga workshop. No handstands this week but still lots of good stuff. I am so grateful and they seem to enjoy having AK so much.
So AK is well past her 3rd hour of her nap and I've been able to accomplish a lot including a bit of a nap myself! I hope she wakes up soon - and I'll leave you with a bit of 'Rider Pride'. How are the Riders playing these days anyway? xo

Thursday, July 15, 2010
I think I jinxed myself re: molars
Someone crawled into bed with me at 330am and wouldn't settle down. I eventually ended up giving her some ibuprofen and she settled enough that we both got a bit more sleep.
So, yeah, I think the molar might be hurting AK.
She went off to daycare today in the cutest little striped polo shirt and khaki shorts. What a cutie! xo
So, yeah, I think the molar might be hurting AK.
She went off to daycare today in the cutest little striped polo shirt and khaki shorts. What a cutie! xo
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Miss AK is talking more and more every day!
She was whining when I put her in her car seat and cried "Jenni and Matthew". Guess she wanted to go visit them tonight!
She said "Mommy come in" when she wanted me to come into her playhouse with her.
She said "My teef urt" to tell me her teeth hurt - but I'm not sure if they really did hurt or not. I can feel that molar trying to poke through but she hasn't needed any painkiller yet. What a funny kid - I thought molars were supposed to be the worst? They seem to have been the best for AK!
"Cousin Meghan" and "Baby Meghan" are new phrases today too!
It is really fun to listen to AK's vocabulary develop!
She also rememebers EVERY promise you make her. There is no sneaking anything past her. xo
She was whining when I put her in her car seat and cried "Jenni and Matthew". Guess she wanted to go visit them tonight!
She said "Mommy come in" when she wanted me to come into her playhouse with her.
She said "My teef urt" to tell me her teeth hurt - but I'm not sure if they really did hurt or not. I can feel that molar trying to poke through but she hasn't needed any painkiller yet. What a funny kid - I thought molars were supposed to be the worst? They seem to have been the best for AK!
"Cousin Meghan" and "Baby Meghan" are new phrases today too!
It is really fun to listen to AK's vocabulary develop!
She also rememebers EVERY promise you make her. There is no sneaking anything past her. xo
Miss Esther
There was a lovely article about Miss Esther in the local paper. Follow the link to read it.
Double Trouble
AK and I went over to Jenni's last night so the kids could have supper and play together for a while before we put them to bed so Jenni could take her sister, who is visiting, out for supper.
AK and Matthew ate a great supper of Chicken Chicken and then a banana for dessert. They jumped on the bed for a while, then read a story with me, then it was bathtime! AK got into the tub first and Matthew was taking his time. AK kept looking for him and yelling "Matthew! Bathtime!" I told Jenni that it sounds like AK has a french accent the way she says Matthew's name.
We settled the kids in Matthew's room... but Jenni put the pack and play up in another room just in case. Good thing she did. Matthew kept coming to the door of his room and trying to open it, and when I heard some fussing, I opened the door to find Matthew running around and AK crawling all over the bed. So I sent Matthew back to his bed and put AK in the pack and play. Five minutes later, they were both quiet and, I assume, sound asleep!
AK was up early this morning... 530am... so I am thankful for the handy dandy DVD player that allowed me another 30mins in bed. AK picked out her top this morning and agreed with the shorts I suggested to wear with it. She was not very happy when I dropped her off at daycare today :( I can feel one of her molars trying to poke through but she said "no" when I asked her if her teeth hurt.
AND, in big news today, AK has a new cousin! Jan emailed last night to let us know that Jenny had a baby at 12:56 in the morning. I can't wait to hear more details and to meet the new baby next month! xo
AK and Matthew ate a great supper of Chicken Chicken and then a banana for dessert. They jumped on the bed for a while, then read a story with me, then it was bathtime! AK got into the tub first and Matthew was taking his time. AK kept looking for him and yelling "Matthew! Bathtime!" I told Jenni that it sounds like AK has a french accent the way she says Matthew's name.
We settled the kids in Matthew's room... but Jenni put the pack and play up in another room just in case. Good thing she did. Matthew kept coming to the door of his room and trying to open it, and when I heard some fussing, I opened the door to find Matthew running around and AK crawling all over the bed. So I sent Matthew back to his bed and put AK in the pack and play. Five minutes later, they were both quiet and, I assume, sound asleep!
AK was up early this morning... 530am... so I am thankful for the handy dandy DVD player that allowed me another 30mins in bed. AK picked out her top this morning and agreed with the shorts I suggested to wear with it. She was not very happy when I dropped her off at daycare today :( I can feel one of her molars trying to poke through but she said "no" when I asked her if her teeth hurt.
AND, in big news today, AK has a new cousin! Jan emailed last night to let us know that Jenny had a baby at 12:56 in the morning. I can't wait to hear more details and to meet the new baby next month! xo
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Too tight? Just right!
This morning's conversations consisted pretty much entirely of the four words in the title!
AK: Too tight?
Me: Just right!
AK: Too tight?
Me: Just right!
This conversation applies to shoes and skirts. I guess I will have to see what else it applies to!
AK is a little powerhouse, every morning when she wakes up, she finds all her soothers and brings them to me in bed. There must have been one or two under her bed today so she pushed her bed away from the wall in order to get at them. Nothing stops her when she's determined to find something!
AK: Too tight?
Me: Just right!
AK: Too tight?
Me: Just right!
This conversation applies to shoes and skirts. I guess I will have to see what else it applies to!
AK is a little powerhouse, every morning when she wakes up, she finds all her soothers and brings them to me in bed. There must have been one or two under her bed today so she pushed her bed away from the wall in order to get at them. Nothing stops her when she's determined to find something!
Monday, July 12, 2010
An afternoon off with my sweet pea
Sounds like the staff at Wee Care was really struggling today so the powers that may be made the call to ask parents to pick up their children by 2pm. I had no problems getting away from work so was happy to comply with their request.
I decided it was a perfect afternoon to try out AK's new floatation suit. Experiment failed. Ha ha! The first problem is that AK didn't really want to put the life jacket part of it on and then once she got into the water, the life jacket held her so that her face was right in the water. Not so good. I think she is just a bit too short for it right now and it doesn't sit properly on her. After that experiment failed, she wasn't even interested in putting on her water wings to swim. I wonder if part of the reason that she did so well with the wings last night is because she could see Matthew using his too.
We chilled out inside for a bit then headed out to get some groceries. AK was not content to sit still in the grocery cart. She keeps me busy these days!!! We managed to pick out some nice roses for Angie as she was kind enough to invite us over for supper and a playdate! AK and Milanna had a blast playing together - I think the highlight of the playdate was the harmonicas! AK was doing a really good job playing some songs on it! She also ate a great supper - spaghetti and then ice cream with blueberries and maple syrup for dessert. Yum. I love it when she eats so well. The last few days haven't been the greatest with eating and I think one of her top molars is coming in.
Tomorrow night, AK and I are going to head over to Jenni's to babysit Matthew so that Jenni and her sister can go out for a nice supper! Should be fun! xo
I decided it was a perfect afternoon to try out AK's new floatation suit. Experiment failed. Ha ha! The first problem is that AK didn't really want to put the life jacket part of it on and then once she got into the water, the life jacket held her so that her face was right in the water. Not so good. I think she is just a bit too short for it right now and it doesn't sit properly on her. After that experiment failed, she wasn't even interested in putting on her water wings to swim. I wonder if part of the reason that she did so well with the wings last night is because she could see Matthew using his too.
We chilled out inside for a bit then headed out to get some groceries. AK was not content to sit still in the grocery cart. She keeps me busy these days!!! We managed to pick out some nice roses for Angie as she was kind enough to invite us over for supper and a playdate! AK and Milanna had a blast playing together - I think the highlight of the playdate was the harmonicas! AK was doing a really good job playing some songs on it! She also ate a great supper - spaghetti and then ice cream with blueberries and maple syrup for dessert. Yum. I love it when she eats so well. The last few days haven't been the greatest with eating and I think one of her top molars is coming in.
Tomorrow night, AK and I are going to head over to Jenni's to babysit Matthew so that Jenni and her sister can go out for a nice supper! Should be fun! xo
Very sad day
Miss Esther, the director of WEE Care, passed away last night, after complications from foot surgery. What unexpected news to get this morning as I was dropping AK off.
WEE Care has asked parents to pick up their children early today to allow their staff the time the need to process the news and grieve. I can't imagine what a difficult day it is for them today. I commend them for being able to work today at all.
AK and I will miss Miss Esther very much. She was such a constant figure at the daycare. She always had a smile and a cheerful hello for both of us. xo
WEE Care has asked parents to pick up their children early today to allow their staff the time the need to process the news and grieve. I can't imagine what a difficult day it is for them today. I commend them for being able to work today at all.
AK and I will miss Miss Esther very much. She was such a constant figure at the daycare. She always had a smile and a cheerful hello for both of us. xo
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Post-birthday pictures
I took a few pics of AK unwrapping her presents the day after her birthday. Here's a handful of the photos.

Floatation suit - haven't tried it yet but I think it will be fun!
Dora princess dress, which she is wearing over another birthday outfit of shirt and shorts!
Hugs for Strawberry Shortcake
Princess Annabelle coloring with markers! Those are non-toxic and washable, right?
What a busy weekend...
This weekend was full of fun!
On Saturday morning, Mike was kind enough to take AK to the gym for me so that I could go to a yoga workshop on balancing poses. I did my first-ever full handstands :) yay for me!
AK tired Mike out at the gym :) I'm so grateful he was available to help me. Sounds like AK had a great time and I've even lined up people to help next weekend so I can go to a hip-opening yoga workshop.
AK crashed on the way home from gymnastics and slept for 3 hours. I was able to get some cleaning done and even got to rest myself for a bit. I was a bit tired from yoga and low on energy from a cold I've been fighting (again or still, take your pick).
AK and I then headed off to Isabella's birthday party. Miss AK had loads of fun playing in the sand. She also got to drink lots of juice and eat lots of treats! These birthday parties are nothing for free-for-alls for the kids! Isabella's party was a Mickey theme and AK's party favor was a little Minnie Mouse doll and a balloon.

This morning, Charmain was kind enough to babysit for me while I went to a baby shower for Nicole. I was able to have a nice breakfast and visit with some friends in peace. Charmain said AK fussed a bit when I left but was quite happy for the rest of the time she was there. I think Charmain just fed her lots of cookies :)
After naptime (for both of us!), we colored and read some books before we headed out to see Jenni and Matthew. Jenni's sister just arrived today for a week's visit, great timing as Kevin just headed away for work for a week. The kids played in the sand for a while and then we played in the pool at the old Hyatt for a long time! It's a great pool with some shallow levels and it is just so much fun with the kids using water wings. Matthew is very brave and jumps and swims all by himself. AK is not so brave but she is very determined to swim on her own, which she did beautifully. The water wings give AK so much independence that she so desperately craves these days. Matthew is not afraid to jump in and let his head go under the water. AK likes to jump, although timidly in comparison, but she is not a fan of her head getting wet. We will have to work on that. I think it's her eyes that are bothered by the water.
While we were eating supper, AK farted... everyone heard and Matthew said "Annabelle farted!". So cute. I'm hoping Jenni will invite us back to swim at the pool again soon. It was so much fun.

I just made some chicken noodle soup and got lunches ready for tomorrow. Jeremy is away for work all week so AK is stuck with me. Lucky girl, hey? :P We have lots of activities planned this week so I know the time will go by quickly. Time for bed xo
On Saturday morning, Mike was kind enough to take AK to the gym for me so that I could go to a yoga workshop on balancing poses. I did my first-ever full handstands :) yay for me!
AK tired Mike out at the gym :) I'm so grateful he was available to help me. Sounds like AK had a great time and I've even lined up people to help next weekend so I can go to a hip-opening yoga workshop.
AK crashed on the way home from gymnastics and slept for 3 hours. I was able to get some cleaning done and even got to rest myself for a bit. I was a bit tired from yoga and low on energy from a cold I've been fighting (again or still, take your pick).
AK and I then headed off to Isabella's birthday party. Miss AK had loads of fun playing in the sand. She also got to drink lots of juice and eat lots of treats! These birthday parties are nothing for free-for-alls for the kids! Isabella's party was a Mickey theme and AK's party favor was a little Minnie Mouse doll and a balloon.
This morning, Charmain was kind enough to babysit for me while I went to a baby shower for Nicole. I was able to have a nice breakfast and visit with some friends in peace. Charmain said AK fussed a bit when I left but was quite happy for the rest of the time she was there. I think Charmain just fed her lots of cookies :)
After naptime (for both of us!), we colored and read some books before we headed out to see Jenni and Matthew. Jenni's sister just arrived today for a week's visit, great timing as Kevin just headed away for work for a week. The kids played in the sand for a while and then we played in the pool at the old Hyatt for a long time! It's a great pool with some shallow levels and it is just so much fun with the kids using water wings. Matthew is very brave and jumps and swims all by himself. AK is not so brave but she is very determined to swim on her own, which she did beautifully. The water wings give AK so much independence that she so desperately craves these days. Matthew is not afraid to jump in and let his head go under the water. AK likes to jump, although timidly in comparison, but she is not a fan of her head getting wet. We will have to work on that. I think it's her eyes that are bothered by the water.
While we were eating supper, AK farted... everyone heard and Matthew said "Annabelle farted!". So cute. I'm hoping Jenni will invite us back to swim at the pool again soon. It was so much fun.
I just made some chicken noodle soup and got lunches ready for tomorrow. Jeremy is away for work all week so AK is stuck with me. Lucky girl, hey? :P We have lots of activities planned this week so I know the time will go by quickly. Time for bed xo
Friday, July 9, 2010
Happy Friday!
AK and I headed over to Jenni, Kevin and Matthew's tonight to hang out with everyone and celebrate Mike and Julie's engagement!
SO much fun... AK, Luci, Matthew and Hunter had SO much energy and had so much fun jumping on the bed! Monkeys!
Matthew pooped so AK came over to me, patted her bum and said "poopy bum". Thank goodness for me it was only Matthew who pooped and AK was just telling me about it!
And then there was three of them in the tub (Luci, Matthew and AK) and then all three of them climbed into bed for a bedtime story from Jenni. I was set to take AK home then but she snuggled right into bed and was ready to go to sleep! I don't know if she ever really fell asleep as she came out of the bedroom at 9pm and was wired. We came home then! I put her straight to bed when we got home but haven't heard a peep from her.
It was a great night with great friends and a nice way to kick off the summer! xo
Busy weekend ahead... can't wait to come back and tell you all about our adventures!
SO much fun... AK, Luci, Matthew and Hunter had SO much energy and had so much fun jumping on the bed! Monkeys!
Matthew pooped so AK came over to me, patted her bum and said "poopy bum". Thank goodness for me it was only Matthew who pooped and AK was just telling me about it!
And then there was three of them in the tub (Luci, Matthew and AK) and then all three of them climbed into bed for a bedtime story from Jenni. I was set to take AK home then but she snuggled right into bed and was ready to go to sleep! I don't know if she ever really fell asleep as she came out of the bedroom at 9pm and was wired. We came home then! I put her straight to bed when we got home but haven't heard a peep from her.
It was a great night with great friends and a nice way to kick off the summer! xo
Busy weekend ahead... can't wait to come back and tell you all about our adventures!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Terrible Twos?
My oh my. I think AK has changed overnight!!!
This morning, she threw a fit as I put her in a dress for daycare. She didn't want to wear the dress and whined and whined and whined until I let her pick out something else to wear. Guess I have to start giving her more choices!!!
She got a pair of Dora shoes from Gill, Jim, Alex and Anna for her birthday. She put them on as soon as she opened them yesterday and happily wore them to daycare today!
I was supposed to go to a baby shower/dinner for a friend tonight but it got cancelled :( she started having contractions yesterday and went to the hospital. It is a bit too early for her to have the baby, plus she wanted to return to the States to have the baby, so the doctor here was able to give her something to halt the contractions and steriods to help the baby's lungs mature. Scary stuff... I'm glad she got good care and I'm sure she's ready to head off-island to where she wants to have the baby. I'll be thinking of her lots.
So it's raining again... and someone said it's supposed to rain all weekend. Yuck. We've already had pretty much two weeks straight of wet weather. I've had enough!
This morning, she threw a fit as I put her in a dress for daycare. She didn't want to wear the dress and whined and whined and whined until I let her pick out something else to wear. Guess I have to start giving her more choices!!!
She got a pair of Dora shoes from Gill, Jim, Alex and Anna for her birthday. She put them on as soon as she opened them yesterday and happily wore them to daycare today!
I was supposed to go to a baby shower/dinner for a friend tonight but it got cancelled :( she started having contractions yesterday and went to the hospital. It is a bit too early for her to have the baby, plus she wanted to return to the States to have the baby, so the doctor here was able to give her something to halt the contractions and steriods to help the baby's lungs mature. Scary stuff... I'm glad she got good care and I'm sure she's ready to head off-island to where she wants to have the baby. I'll be thinking of her lots.
So it's raining again... and someone said it's supposed to rain all weekend. Yuck. We've already had pretty much two weeks straight of wet weather. I've had enough!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Westjet now flying to Cayman
Starting Nov 4, 3x a week, Tues/Thurs/Sun, from Toronto.
Introductory price until Dec 16 (I think?) is $189 each way. Round trip it works out to $502 Canadian.
Just putting it out there! xo
Introductory price until Dec 16 (I think?) is $189 each way. Round trip it works out to $502 Canadian.
Just putting it out there! xo
Busy Bee!
AK seems to be settling into her new room at daycare very well. She was happy to see me when I picked her up today and one of her new little friends gave me a hug right away. They seem like a friendly bunch. They must be working on potty training already as AK asked me before we even got to the car "diaper off, mommy?". We walked past some of her old friends on our way out and she had to stop and hug every. single. one. of. them, including the teacher!!! It was really cute!
AK was rather out of sorts when we got home though, she is trying to be independent but can't quite do everything by herself just yet and she gets very frustrated when she can't do something but doesn't want my help. So she had quite the meltdown :) good thing I can ignore the noise!
We walked down to the duck pond today. It was a great time. AK is so happy to walk down there and chase the ducks. We saw some turtles and a fish today too. AK doesn't like it too much when the turtles come out of the water towards her though.
Oat milk doesn't seem to be a hit. I tasted it and I can see why. It's very sweet and grainy. Yuck.
AK and I were talking about Aunty Jenny's baby... we have been saying "baby get out!" in hopes that baby will start to come out soon!!!
I tried uploading a video yesterday and it wasn't working. I'll try again now. xo
AK was rather out of sorts when we got home though, she is trying to be independent but can't quite do everything by herself just yet and she gets very frustrated when she can't do something but doesn't want my help. So she had quite the meltdown :) good thing I can ignore the noise!
We walked down to the duck pond today. It was a great time. AK is so happy to walk down there and chase the ducks. We saw some turtles and a fish today too. AK doesn't like it too much when the turtles come out of the water towards her though.
Oat milk doesn't seem to be a hit. I tasted it and I can see why. It's very sweet and grainy. Yuck.
AK and I were talking about Aunty Jenny's baby... we have been saying "baby get out!" in hopes that baby will start to come out soon!!!
I tried uploading a video yesterday and it wasn't working. I'll try again now. xo
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sharing the love
On Sunday morning, AK alternated between giving Strawberry Shortcake hugs and kisses, and beating her up :) Notice how she "pats" SS on the back as she hugs her. She does that when she hugs anyone. Too cute.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Quiet time
It took us all morning to open AK's birthday presents!
Just a couple of stories for now - I think I would like to nap today too!
When AK opened my presents on her birthday, she looked at the dress I got her, dropped it and gave me a look like "what gives, Mom? I want COOL presents". So today I wasn't sure she'd be too thrilled about any clothing gifts. She opened a gift - two shirts and three bottoms from The Gap and wanted to put one of the shirts and some shorts on right away! She was also all over her new Dora princess dress :) I lifted her up so she could see herself in the mirror and she was SO proud of herself! She also had to try on a bathing suit and put on adress right over it. In fact, she is napping in her bathing suit/dress combo!
She thought her floatation trainer swimsuit is pretty nifty and sat down right away to color with her new princess coloring book. She is also in love with her new Dora toy set - she can give Dora a bath and wrap her up in a big towel!
People are so generous to Annabelle. She is going to love playing with all these gifts. xo
Just a couple of stories for now - I think I would like to nap today too!
When AK opened my presents on her birthday, she looked at the dress I got her, dropped it and gave me a look like "what gives, Mom? I want COOL presents". So today I wasn't sure she'd be too thrilled about any clothing gifts. She opened a gift - two shirts and three bottoms from The Gap and wanted to put one of the shirts and some shorts on right away! She was also all over her new Dora princess dress :) I lifted her up so she could see herself in the mirror and she was SO proud of herself! She also had to try on a bathing suit and put on adress right over it. In fact, she is napping in her bathing suit/dress combo!
She thought her floatation trainer swimsuit is pretty nifty and sat down right away to color with her new princess coloring book. She is also in love with her new Dora toy set - she can give Dora a bath and wrap her up in a big towel!
People are so generous to Annabelle. She is going to love playing with all these gifts. xo
Saturday, July 3, 2010
What an awesome party.
The kids played SO well together, the adults visited lots. Everyone ate and drank to their hearts' content.
I am so tired right now but so happy and grateful for all the help everyone gave. The apartment is actually just as neat as it was before anyone showed up. The floor is dirty :) but it can always be cleaned tomorrow!
A couple of vides - I hardly took any pictures - will have to check with other people to see what they have. Thanks to Jenni for taking these videos for us!
I kept very close to AK while everyone was singing Happy Birthday as it was making her cry last weekend. She seemed okay with it today. Just a bit of a frown! She blew the candle out as soon as I put the cake down so I relit it and gave her a second chance to blow it out so that I could have it on video! xo
The kids played SO well together, the adults visited lots. Everyone ate and drank to their hearts' content.
I am so tired right now but so happy and grateful for all the help everyone gave. The apartment is actually just as neat as it was before anyone showed up. The floor is dirty :) but it can always be cleaned tomorrow!
A couple of vides - I hardly took any pictures - will have to check with other people to see what they have. Thanks to Jenni for taking these videos for us!
I kept very close to AK while everyone was singing Happy Birthday as it was making her cry last weekend. She seemed okay with it today. Just a bit of a frown! She blew the candle out as soon as I put the cake down so I relit it and gave her a second chance to blow it out so that I could have it on video! xo
I'm ready to have a party...
... but the party doesn't start for another two hours!
AK is napping, she's been down for two hours already. She's been having marathon 3-hour naps recently though so I'm hoping she'll do the same today.
We had a great morning - the gym was really quiet today, even the instructors seemed really low-key and tired, so I decided to let AK have a free-for-all morning (within reason, of course!). She and Matthew had some good fun together - running around, giggling, falling, climbing, jumping... the instructors even put up the bouncy castle today which was great!
I popped into the hair salon on our way home to see if they'd take AK as a walk-in... they are also very quiet today so we just had to wait a few minutes and then AK was in the hot seat! AK sat very well today - probably didn't hurt that Dora was playing on the TV and there was a lollipop in her hand! She looks adorable - haven't taken any pictures yet but I'm sure I'll get lots this afternoon.
Christie and Chris just dropped the fruit and veggie trays and ice off. The cake is iced, the salad and dressing have been made, and the apartment is clean and tidy (not for long!!!). Now, I wait. xo
AK is napping, she's been down for two hours already. She's been having marathon 3-hour naps recently though so I'm hoping she'll do the same today.
We had a great morning - the gym was really quiet today, even the instructors seemed really low-key and tired, so I decided to let AK have a free-for-all morning (within reason, of course!). She and Matthew had some good fun together - running around, giggling, falling, climbing, jumping... the instructors even put up the bouncy castle today which was great!
I popped into the hair salon on our way home to see if they'd take AK as a walk-in... they are also very quiet today so we just had to wait a few minutes and then AK was in the hot seat! AK sat very well today - probably didn't hurt that Dora was playing on the TV and there was a lollipop in her hand! She looks adorable - haven't taken any pictures yet but I'm sure I'll get lots this afternoon.
Christie and Chris just dropped the fruit and veggie trays and ice off. The cake is iced, the salad and dressing have been made, and the apartment is clean and tidy (not for long!!!). Now, I wait. xo
Friday, July 2, 2010
If you're going to have a party...
... you have to bake a cake!!!
AK and I are holding AK's birthday party tomorrow. Most things are under control, Christie and Chris are picking up a few things for me tomorrow but nearly everything else is ready to go!

Today was a bit of a sad day at daycare... on Tuesday (Monday's a public holiday - Constitution Day), AK will move up a classroom. She will leave behind the ladies that have been looking after her for the past year. I am really quite sad about that - they have been wonderful to AK and they truly love her. I'm sure we will be popping in to say Hi. But the ladies in the new classroom are willing to help with potty training - so I'm sure that AK's interest in that will blossom now.
She was playing with her little friend Sophie when I came in to her classroom today... they were too funny. Sophie was chasing AK and when Sophie would catch AK, she'd tickle her, and they would both completely dissolve with giggles. It is so fun to see the kids interact like that.
AK and I are holding AK's birthday party tomorrow. Most things are under control, Christie and Chris are picking up a few things for me tomorrow but nearly everything else is ready to go!
Stir, stir!
My cake is in the oven!
Just a little tasting for quality control...
Baking is hard work - better have some strawberries to snack on!
Today was a bit of a sad day at daycare... on Tuesday (Monday's a public holiday - Constitution Day), AK will move up a classroom. She will leave behind the ladies that have been looking after her for the past year. I am really quite sad about that - they have been wonderful to AK and they truly love her. I'm sure we will be popping in to say Hi. But the ladies in the new classroom are willing to help with potty training - so I'm sure that AK's interest in that will blossom now.
She was playing with her little friend Sophie when I came in to her classroom today... they were too funny. Sophie was chasing AK and when Sophie would catch AK, she'd tickle her, and they would both completely dissolve with giggles. It is so fun to see the kids interact like that.
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