We headed out to Snug Harbour after daycare today. We wanted to say Goodbye to Andrej, Blazena and Isabella, and to Anna, John and Sofia. There were lots of hugs and kisses and "see you later"s. It is sad to see them go but I know they all are off to exciting adventures.
AK picked all the carrots out of her chicken, carrot and potato supper tonight. A week ago, she would have picked out the chicken and left the carrots and potatos. She has never really eaten potatos... I should just stop trying them with her.
Does this sound weird, but I think AK reacts to wet grass? She seems fine when she runs around in dry or short grass, but if it's long and wet, she gets a rash.
Sofia gave AK a set of puzzles for her birthday. The box of puzzles is sitting on the coffee table right now and I just happened to glance over and see a small round sticker on the box - like a quality control sticker? - and it says "AK" on it. How neat is that??? We haven't even opened the puzzles yet - maybe I'll do that tomorrow. They look like fun.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Another big birthday weekend
This weekend, AK and I went to two birthday parties on Sunday. The first was Sofia's second birthday. We celebrated by going for breakfast at the Westin. It was fun and a great idea for a party. Not sure what was going on in these two photos but we're both having fun :)

The second birthday party was for Mason, who turned one. I didn't take any pictures at the party but he had a Thomas the Train theme. AK seemed to be a bit under the weather and spent more time trying to get away from the party than enjoying it! xo
The second birthday party was for Mason, who turned one. I didn't take any pictures at the party but he had a Thomas the Train theme. AK seemed to be a bit under the weather and spent more time trying to get away from the party than enjoying it! xo
Birthday fun with Daddy
Friday, June 25, 2010
Falling out of bed
I forgot to mention that AK fell out of bed the other night. I felt her bump my bed, which woke me up and I found her on the floor. She was sound asleep so I left her there. Am not sure if she slept there for the rest of the night or if she eventually crawled back into bed as she was up and about when I woke up the next morning!!! xo
The morning started off with cuddles, kisses and hugs in bed... then PRESENTS!
Dora lego from Mommy and a Dora/Diego apron from Grandma and Grandpa Z
Happy Birthday, dear Annabelle! (you can just barely see the flames on the candles)
Birthday blueberry muffin!!! Yummy!
All dressed up for daycare, and drinking out of her new big girl water bottle xo
I can't believe she's two already...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sneaky kid
AK and I were goofing around on the couch today, giving hugs and kisses. I went to get a kiss and she blew a raspberry instead. That was pretty funny :)
She laughs so purely and loudly. It is full of joy and happiness. So many things make her laugh and it's wonderful to hear.
When I was getting her ready for bed, I couldn't understand why she was crying. Once I let her off of the big bed, she ran right to the living room to get her blankie. She saw it wasn't on her bed and knew that she needed to get it out off of the couch.
She keeps talking about it "raining on my head".
I've got her birthday presents all set up and ready to go on the coffee table. Can't wait for her to wake up and see that :)
She laughs so purely and loudly. It is full of joy and happiness. So many things make her laugh and it's wonderful to hear.
When I was getting her ready for bed, I couldn't understand why she was crying. Once I let her off of the big bed, she ran right to the living room to get her blankie. She saw it wasn't on her bed and knew that she needed to get it out off of the couch.
She keeps talking about it "raining on my head".
I've got her birthday presents all set up and ready to go on the coffee table. Can't wait for her to wake up and see that :)
What a chatterbox
During supper last night, AK did not stop talking. I am not sure how she had time to put the food in her mouth and eat it! She talked all about her food - chicken, wheels (more wheels!!!) and peas. She talked about her placemat and all the things on it - leopard (roar), spider (eek), iguana (i-goo-wanna), snake (hiss), flower, butterfly, Diego. She also talked about the fan and how it does "roun an roun" complete with arm motions. She also talked about "mommy's" food, dish, fork, phone, etc... WOW!
We went to the playground in Snug Harbour and met Anna and Sofia there. All the way there, all I could hear was "Anna? Playground?". It was fun for the girls to play together and it was neat to see how well AK could navigate all the equipment. AK was afraid of the dead grass clippings in the sand though, I had to drag her in to confront her fear! We ended up driving Anna and Sofia home (carefully!) and it's a good thing we did as it started to pour just as we pulled into the driveway. It would have been a very wet walk home for them.
AK is also very stubborn about climbing up into the truck and into her carseat by herself these days. No biggie except for when it's raining and I have to wait for her! It has rained pretty much every day this week - more like poured - and always over lunchtime when I have to run out to get something!!! There is a storm system hanging around and it sounds like we are to expect rain all weekend. xo
We went to the playground in Snug Harbour and met Anna and Sofia there. All the way there, all I could hear was "Anna? Playground?". It was fun for the girls to play together and it was neat to see how well AK could navigate all the equipment. AK was afraid of the dead grass clippings in the sand though, I had to drag her in to confront her fear! We ended up driving Anna and Sofia home (carefully!) and it's a good thing we did as it started to pour just as we pulled into the driveway. It would have been a very wet walk home for them.
AK is also very stubborn about climbing up into the truck and into her carseat by herself these days. No biggie except for when it's raining and I have to wait for her! It has rained pretty much every day this week - more like poured - and always over lunchtime when I have to run out to get something!!! There is a storm system hanging around and it sounds like we are to expect rain all weekend. xo
Monday, June 21, 2010
Potty time
AK has expressed much more interest in her potty this weekend. She kept saying "mommy diaper off" so I'd take it off and she'd sit on the potty. Nothing happened but I guess we just take baby steps! I think there was once that we were just not fast enough so she peed in her diaper. It is pretty cool to see her make connections though!
We had a lot of fun this weekend - games night at Jenni and Kevin's and then playing with Anna and Sofia the next day. AK plays so well with her little friends. I was impressed that she had a bunch of bites of Karen's curry at Jenni and Kevin's - I thought for sure she'd spit it out but she seemed to like it.
It has been so HOT out lately! We didn't spend much time outside at all. Today it poured all morning and part of the afternoon. I didn't even know what to do for lunch as I didn't want to run out in the rain. I even saw a water spout forming way up high in the clouds but it dissipated before it came anywhere near the ground or water. It is pretty neat to see the rain from the 5th floor. I will bring my camera in tomorrow and take some pictures of the view. I hope the cleaners wash the windows tonight as they are really dusty.
The office move went alright... we still have a lot of renos going on around us, which is a bit annoying. There are guys here right now laying the granite countertop in the kitchen, and they are using some kind of sealing compound that STINKS. I am off to yoga soon anyway so I should stop complaining :)
We had a lot of fun this weekend - games night at Jenni and Kevin's and then playing with Anna and Sofia the next day. AK plays so well with her little friends. I was impressed that she had a bunch of bites of Karen's curry at Jenni and Kevin's - I thought for sure she'd spit it out but she seemed to like it.
It has been so HOT out lately! We didn't spend much time outside at all. Today it poured all morning and part of the afternoon. I didn't even know what to do for lunch as I didn't want to run out in the rain. I even saw a water spout forming way up high in the clouds but it dissipated before it came anywhere near the ground or water. It is pretty neat to see the rain from the 5th floor. I will bring my camera in tomorrow and take some pictures of the view. I hope the cleaners wash the windows tonight as they are really dusty.
The office move went alright... we still have a lot of renos going on around us, which is a bit annoying. There are guys here right now laying the granite countertop in the kitchen, and they are using some kind of sealing compound that STINKS. I am off to yoga soon anyway so I should stop complaining :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Swim fashions modelled by AK and Matthew
AK and Matthew, especially Matthew, are on the cutting edge of Cayman fashion these days. I think the following pictures speak for themselves :) but I will give you a bit of the backstory!
Matthew came directly from Nicola's to the fountain so Jenni did not have a swim diaper or swim trunks for him. She went through the options with him - he could play in the fountains naked, with his diaper or with his shorts on. None of the options appealled to Matthew... so I asked if he perhaps wanted to wear AK's swim bottoms. She had a swim diaper on so her modesty was protected :) Matthew was quite keen on the idea!

And of course Matthew ended the evening being dried off in the pink butterfly towel!
Matthew came directly from Nicola's to the fountain so Jenni did not have a swim diaper or swim trunks for him. She went through the options with him - he could play in the fountains naked, with his diaper or with his shorts on. None of the options appealled to Matthew... so I asked if he perhaps wanted to wear AK's swim bottoms. She had a swim diaper on so her modesty was protected :) Matthew was quite keen on the idea!
Friday night at the Fountains!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Chatty AK
We walked down to the duck pond after supper with some bread. AK was determined to carry the bread all the way there by herself, which she did! She passed it back and forth from hand to hand a few times but was pretty proud of herself. She did a great job of tearing up the pieces of bread and throwing them out at the ducks, roosters, turtles, birds and iguanas. She had a ball naming all the animals, making their sounds and making their motions. She kept a running commentary of all she was seeing all the way to the duck pond and back - rock, moon, tree, so on and so forth. She also walked all the way there and back! Usually I have to carry her at least part of the way. She also ran over to a patched part of the road which was darker than the rest of the road, squatted down and jumped off of it onto the lighter part of the road. Too funny. We walked down the sidewalk as far as we could, it ends at a certain point. When we got there, AK said "uh oh" and looked at me as she wasn't sure where to walk next!
She had a decent supper tonight - she loves dipping green beans in sour cream. So that's about all she ate - plus a few bites of chicken - but no potatoes for this girl. We shared a few sweet potato and carrot chips before supper - AK's idea of sharing is taking a bite and then giving the rest to me. Yum.
AK has a new trick in the tub - she lays on her tummy and pushes herself off of the side with her feet. She thinks it's pretty neat!
AK got weighed at the Public Health office yesterday - 24.2 lbs. Still not quite 25 lbs! She did great with the booster shot but I noticed her arm is a bit red today still. It doesn't seem to hurt though. The nurse and I talked about AK's dry skin - I bought a new cream in the States that the pediatrician recommended and have started that. The nurse also recommended cutting out dairy so we will also give that a go. I picked up some soy milk today and AK downed it so that was a success. I also bought some rice milk and almond milk to try. The challenge will be replacing yogurt and cheese, and making sure AK gets enough calcium. I will do some research as I use up the dairy that I do have so that AK won't be short-changed on her requirements.
I had a great trip to NYC, will write about that one day soon. I'm attaching AK's favorite picture of my time there... she looked at this picture and said "ELMO!" and I said "and who else is in the picture?" and she just looked at me with a confused look on her face. I then said "there's Mommy" and she just said "ELMO" again. What a kid. xo
She had a decent supper tonight - she loves dipping green beans in sour cream. So that's about all she ate - plus a few bites of chicken - but no potatoes for this girl. We shared a few sweet potato and carrot chips before supper - AK's idea of sharing is taking a bite and then giving the rest to me. Yum.
AK has a new trick in the tub - she lays on her tummy and pushes herself off of the side with her feet. She thinks it's pretty neat!
AK got weighed at the Public Health office yesterday - 24.2 lbs. Still not quite 25 lbs! She did great with the booster shot but I noticed her arm is a bit red today still. It doesn't seem to hurt though. The nurse and I talked about AK's dry skin - I bought a new cream in the States that the pediatrician recommended and have started that. The nurse also recommended cutting out dairy so we will also give that a go. I picked up some soy milk today and AK downed it so that was a success. I also bought some rice milk and almond milk to try. The challenge will be replacing yogurt and cheese, and making sure AK gets enough calcium. I will do some research as I use up the dairy that I do have so that AK won't be short-changed on her requirements.
I had a great trip to NYC, will write about that one day soon. I'm attaching AK's favorite picture of my time there... she looked at this picture and said "ELMO!" and I said "and who else is in the picture?" and she just looked at me with a confused look on her face. I then said "there's Mommy" and she just said "ELMO" again. What a kid. xo
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Oh, I nearly forgot!
Double post here - AK told me yesterday "mommy diaper off" and sat on her potty! No results but it's a start :) Dare I hope she'll be potty trained by the time we travel in August? xo
Full evening
Last night with AK was very full. There is lots of time to play when AK won't eat supper! Not sure what her problem was last night but, oh well.
We went outside to play with the playhouse for a while - AK thinks it's quite funny when I don't bend over to go in and run into the house instead. It's my way of getting out of going into the house as it's hot in there!!! She did let me open all the windows yesterday.
We read her Dora Rainy Day book... she is loving it a lot right now. She is becoming more and more chatty by the day. Once in a while, she counts appropriately (but for small numbers, maybe two or three), otherwise, she just recites the numbers. She also thought it was pretty funny when I used her toothbrush to brush all the teeth on her bath toys. She even gave it a try herself!
Another fun thing we did last night was do some yoga... I haven't tried any for a while as AK's attention span was just too short. She did great last night though - will have to pull out my book to refresh my memory of things we can do together. One of the exercises involves sitting facing each other, legs out, holding hands and rocking back and forth while we sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Funny enough, AK knows most of the words! She also thought Tree Pose was pretty cool, and Bridge Pose too. And isn't it ironic that Child's Pose is the most difficult one for me to get AK into? Ha ha. She is quite a good copycat though, so I will continue to teach her.
She woke me up bright and early (6am ain't bad compared to before!) and snuggled in bed with me for a few minutes. She likes to play with my rings when we're cuddling. Methinks I need a line in the budget for sparkly things for AK (after shoes and purses). She devoured a bowl of watermelon for breakfast this morning.
I've gotten a few comments in the past few days via email about how people are enjoying the blog :) thank you for saying so and don't be shy to let me know you're reading. I love knowing that people enjoy hearing about AK's adventures.
Now Mommy is off on an adventure today - to NYC for the weekend - hope AK has a great time with her Daddy! xo
We went outside to play with the playhouse for a while - AK thinks it's quite funny when I don't bend over to go in and run into the house instead. It's my way of getting out of going into the house as it's hot in there!!! She did let me open all the windows yesterday.
We read her Dora Rainy Day book... she is loving it a lot right now. She is becoming more and more chatty by the day. Once in a while, she counts appropriately (but for small numbers, maybe two or three), otherwise, she just recites the numbers. She also thought it was pretty funny when I used her toothbrush to brush all the teeth on her bath toys. She even gave it a try herself!
Another fun thing we did last night was do some yoga... I haven't tried any for a while as AK's attention span was just too short. She did great last night though - will have to pull out my book to refresh my memory of things we can do together. One of the exercises involves sitting facing each other, legs out, holding hands and rocking back and forth while we sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Funny enough, AK knows most of the words! She also thought Tree Pose was pretty cool, and Bridge Pose too. And isn't it ironic that Child's Pose is the most difficult one for me to get AK into? Ha ha. She is quite a good copycat though, so I will continue to teach her.
She woke me up bright and early (6am ain't bad compared to before!) and snuggled in bed with me for a few minutes. She likes to play with my rings when we're cuddling. Methinks I need a line in the budget for sparkly things for AK (after shoes and purses). She devoured a bowl of watermelon for breakfast this morning.
I've gotten a few comments in the past few days via email about how people are enjoying the blog :) thank you for saying so and don't be shy to let me know you're reading. I love knowing that people enjoy hearing about AK's adventures.
Now Mommy is off on an adventure today - to NYC for the weekend - hope AK has a great time with her Daddy! xo
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Happy Monday
It was a fun weekend with Miss AK.
We were both pretty pooped on Friday night so we just hung out at home and took it easy. AK played in the playhouse while I enjoyed a nice glass of wine... aaahhh... I made the mistake of going into the playhouse with her though, and she wouldn't let me leave, nor would she let me open any windows for a breeze. It was HOT in there!
Saturday morning, we bummed around at home until it was time to head out to gymnastics. It was an odd gym day... both Matthew and Molly were not there. The smaller class size seemed to agree with AK though. She is a super-star at her front and back somersaults, and enjoyed rolling down a ramp with me! She had a nice, over-two-hour nap, then Karen came by to check out the new apartment and we all went to Petapalooza together. It's an annual event held by the pet shelter here, to raise money and raise awareness for people to adopt dogs. AK was pretty pumped to see some dogs, and it was nice to hang out with Karen and listen to music.
Saturday evening, we went to Mack's birthday party! He is 12 now... time flies... I remember celebrating his 10th birthday shortly after he moved here and I was hugely pregnant with AK. AK was pretty content to swing on the hammock outside with me, and despite her tiredness, very much enjoyed the ice cream cake!!!
Sunday was another relaxing day - Sue and Kylie came by to play. Both Kylie and AK had their respective meltdowns :) fun times, and it was good to visit with Sue and catch up with all the great things Kylie is up to these days. After another great nap, we hit up the fountains at Camana Bay with Jodi and Mason. Karen joined us for a while and brought raisins, which were a great hit :)
AK is talking more and more all the time... she is a little chatterbox. The latest thing is that she shows me her boo-boos, I kiss them, then she says "better" and skips away merrily. Well, she doesn't really skip, but she tries! She is starting to listen better at gymnastics too and is participating more in the activities.
Conversations can be funny... I am trying to teach her that suckies are for big girls. So here goes the conversation:
Me: Are you a big girl, AK?
AK: No.
Me: Do you want to give up your sucky and be a big girl?
AK: No.
Me: You don't want to be a big girl?
AK: No.
We have similar conversations about potty training and wearing panties. Sigh. She enjoys carrying her potty around and sitting on it clothed. I think she'd freak out if I put her on it naked. xo
We were both pretty pooped on Friday night so we just hung out at home and took it easy. AK played in the playhouse while I enjoyed a nice glass of wine... aaahhh... I made the mistake of going into the playhouse with her though, and she wouldn't let me leave, nor would she let me open any windows for a breeze. It was HOT in there!
Saturday morning, we bummed around at home until it was time to head out to gymnastics. It was an odd gym day... both Matthew and Molly were not there. The smaller class size seemed to agree with AK though. She is a super-star at her front and back somersaults, and enjoyed rolling down a ramp with me! She had a nice, over-two-hour nap, then Karen came by to check out the new apartment and we all went to Petapalooza together. It's an annual event held by the pet shelter here, to raise money and raise awareness for people to adopt dogs. AK was pretty pumped to see some dogs, and it was nice to hang out with Karen and listen to music.
Saturday evening, we went to Mack's birthday party! He is 12 now... time flies... I remember celebrating his 10th birthday shortly after he moved here and I was hugely pregnant with AK. AK was pretty content to swing on the hammock outside with me, and despite her tiredness, very much enjoyed the ice cream cake!!!
Sunday was another relaxing day - Sue and Kylie came by to play. Both Kylie and AK had their respective meltdowns :) fun times, and it was good to visit with Sue and catch up with all the great things Kylie is up to these days. After another great nap, we hit up the fountains at Camana Bay with Jodi and Mason. Karen joined us for a while and brought raisins, which were a great hit :)
AK is talking more and more all the time... she is a little chatterbox. The latest thing is that she shows me her boo-boos, I kiss them, then she says "better" and skips away merrily. Well, she doesn't really skip, but she tries! She is starting to listen better at gymnastics too and is participating more in the activities.
Conversations can be funny... I am trying to teach her that suckies are for big girls. So here goes the conversation:
Me: Are you a big girl, AK?
AK: No.
Me: Do you want to give up your sucky and be a big girl?
AK: No.
Me: You don't want to be a big girl?
AK: No.
We have similar conversations about potty training and wearing panties. Sigh. She enjoys carrying her potty around and sitting on it clothed. I think she'd freak out if I put her on it naked. xo
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Birthday party #3 - Ethan turns 1!
Floating in the mushroom
Check out AK using the water wings!
This party was memorable as AK ate a whole piece of pizza! She had been eating terribly all weekend and hadn't really eaten pizza in the past but she devoured that pepperoni pizza!
The theme of the party was Nemo - everything looked great! xo
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Birthday party #2 - Milanna turns 2
Having a cupcake
The bouncy slide!
The craft and snack tent
Painting a duck at the craft table
Going down the bouncy slide - glad Daddy was there as I wasn't keen to go down the slide.
The slide was a huge hit with the kids, but probably more so with the dads... there was candy everywhere you looked, and the buffet was perfect for a kid's birthday party - mini hamburgers, chicken fingers, fries. Milanna's cake was a three-tier cake with animal figurines all over it. Lots of fun! xo
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Birthday party #1 - Kylie turns 2!
Action shot!!!
Taking a break
There was a little bouncy castle at Kylie's birthday. AK had a great time bouncing all over in it.
We had a breakthrough at the party... AK started to fill her diaper and actually told me she was doing it! I think we may be ready to attempt potty training in the next month or so!
AK was so tired from all the jumping (and gymnastics before) she fell right to sleep in the car.
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